Routes from the Village Hotel prior to our move in Dec 2014
Please also see:
Wed 10/12/14 - 2m Santa run - optional hill reps up Chapel St for those who'd like a bit more!
Some of the group are meeting for a non-Santa run beforehand at 17:15 to set off at 17:30. They are doing the reverse of the time trial route (Hyde, Denton, Guide Bridge, Ashton).
Dress up in your best/worst xmas outfit and run to Duki Town Hall and back with the whole club! Mince pies and club marathon place draw afterwards.
Mon 8/12/14 - 6.4m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde, Dewsnap
This will be our last normal run from the Village. On Wednesday it's the Santa run and from Monday the 15th onwards we will meet at Astley Sports Village, Yew Tree Lane.
White Bridge, King St, left Chapel St, to end, left Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at mini-roundabout St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, to end, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, right at 2nd mini-roundabout Bennett St, to lights, left Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 3/12/14 - Monthly 10k time trial Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
The usual for the first Wed of every month until spring. All are free to run at their own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Straight on apart from left turns at 1.5m, 2.5m, 4m and finally three left turns at three sets of lights on coming back in to Hyde.
Mon 1/12/14 - 6.5m To Stalybridge and back
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Stamford St, opp Stamford Pk left at lights Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisons, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 26/11/14 - 8m (5.5m option) Hyde, Denton, Haughton Green, St Anne's, Duki
Duki Rd, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, left Stockport Rd, at lights bear left Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, at 2nd mini-roundabout left, Mill Ln, to end, left Manchester Rd, Broomstairs again, right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, straight on until end (do not go left down Charles St), right King St,. White Bridge, Village.
5.5m option returns directly to Village via Hyde and Duki Rd after Mill Ln.
Mon 24/11/14 - 6m Duki, Newton, Godley, Hyde
White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, becomes Ashton Rd, left Talbot Rd, to top (former Bay Horse) right at roundabout Victoria St, Duke of Sussex, left at lights Commercial Brow, left High St, becoems Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, right Mottram Rd, Hyde Morrisons, right Clark Wy, at 3rd lights right Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 19/11/14 - 8m (options for 5+) Duki, Yew Tree, Hyde
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over Wharf St continues, straight over Park Rd, right Sandy Ln, at top cross over on to Lodge Ln, to end, left Cheethamm Hil Rd then right Gorse Hall Rd, to end, right Yew Tree Ln, to end left Cheetham Hil Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, become Halton St, to end, right Mottram Rd, left Lumn Rd, 20 metres before Give Way right Ridling Ln then left Nelson St, to end, straight over Market St to Chruch St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 17/11/14 - 5.9m! Hyde, Newton, Duki
Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, bear right Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left High St, becomes Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, right Foundry St, becomes Crescent Rd, left Wharf St, straight over at lights, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 12/11/14 - 8.2m (6.2m option) Denton, Haughton Green, Hyde, Duki
Duki Rd, right Broadway, to end, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, straight on at mini-roundabout, Moorside Ln, to end, left then right over motorway footbridge, right after bridge then left Moorside Ln continues, to end right, cross over Hyde Rd then left, Haughton Hall Rd, to end left then right Whittles Ave, at end straight over and along path by cricket field, cross Tib St and continue on path, emerge and right on Vaudrey Ln, left Two Trees Ln, right at roundabout Lancaster Rd, to end right Mancunian Rd, becomes Haughton Green Rd and then Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, (6.2m option returns directly via Duki Rd) straight on at lights then left Clarendon Rd, Hyde Police Stn, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, Village.
Mon 10/11/14 - 6.2m Hyde, Godley, Newton
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to top, right birch Ln, becomes Aston Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd, left Markham St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Wed 5/11/14 - Monthly 10k time trial Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
The usual for the first Wed of every month until spring. All are free to run at their own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Straight on apart from left turns at 1.5m, 2.5m, 4m and finally three left turns at three sets of lights on coming back in to Hyde.
Mon 3/11/14 - 6m Shepley, Denton, Hyde, Dewsnap
White Bridge, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Ashton Rd, Crown Point, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right at second mini-roundabout Bennett St, left at lights Ashton Rd, left at second lights Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Wed 29/10/14 - 8m (6m option) Hyde, Denton, Duki
Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, over footbridge, straight on becomes Bennett St, to lights, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, down Commercial Brow, right Commercial St, at end of road go straight on to footpath and over the M67 footbridge, at end of footpath go straight over Clark Wy and on to New Beech St, past Bike n Hound, straight on and down the pavement on the left alongside the bus station, emerge on to Market St and turn right, cross over to avoid the Clark Wy lights and stay on left, straight on Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, after St Anne's Rd junction cross over, Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, right Shepley, Globe (6m option returns directly to Village via White Bridge), left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over at lights, Wharf St continues, right Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisons, Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 27/10/14 - 6 bumpy miles - The Four Hills
White Bridge, King St, opposite the Angel pub right Pickford Ln, to top, left Town Ln, to end bear left Crescent Rd, down hill to Old General, left Astley St, to bottom, left King St, past Duki Tn Hall, left Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd, to bottom, right Park Rd, to crossroads, right Sandy Ln, to top, left High St, straight through lights, third right (Stone Jug pub) Quarry Rise, to top, left Fir Tree Cres, becomes Salisbury Dr, to end, right Yew Tree Ln, to end, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight back via Johnsonbrook Rd.
Wed 22/10/14 - 8m (6m option) Hyde, Godley, Duki
Duki Rd, towards Hyde, to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, cross over and left Gt Norbury St, to top, left, Church St, right Higher Henry St, left Dowson Rd, to end, right Market St, 2nd left at clock roundabout Smithy Ln, straight on Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, to end, right Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, straight on Ashton Rd, (6m option continues to Dewsnap Ln then Village) right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight on Tame St, 2nd left Park Rd, bear left at one way, to end, straight over Wharf St, straight on at lights Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 20/10/14 - 6m Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde
Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, straight over at mini-roundabout, Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, right Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, left Lumn Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, up hill to Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage, Higher Henry St, left Church Rd, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 15/10/14 - 7.8m (6m option) Hyde, St Anne's, Guide Bridge, Ashton, Duki, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd (near top of hill), over M67 bridge, straight on, follow road round, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, left Shepley, Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, Guide Bridge Station, right Stockport Rd, straight on, becomes Park Pde, Asda Ashton, right Cavendish St, (6m option returns straight to Village via King St and White Bridge), left Wharf St, straight over Wharf St continues, becomes Park Rd, straight over Sandy Ln, to end, right Tame St, up hill and straight on at lights, becomes Cheetham Hill Rd, right at lights, Yew Tree Ln, right Ashton Rd then left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 13/10/14 - 6m Hyde, Cheetham Hill, Wharf St, Globe
Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, right Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Hyde Police Stn, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, 2nd left Park Rd, bear left at one way, to end, straight over Wharf St, straight on at lights Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 8/10/14 - 8m (6m option) Denton, Hyde and Newton
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, at 2nd mini-roundabout left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi, (6m option return directly via Duki Rd) becomes Market St, up through town centre, left Union St, Hyde Library, right Mottram Rd, Morrisons, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, left Bennett St, becomes Lwr Bennett St, to end, right Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 6/10/14 - 6m Hyde and Stalybridge
Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, to top, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, at 2nd lights right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Gorse Hall Rd, left Fir Tree Ln, left Fir Tree Cr, left Quarry Rise, to bottom, left then right Bayley St, to end, left Clarence St, becomes Sandy Ln, to top, right Oxford Rd, left Birch Ln, Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 1/10/14 - the 10k time trial returns Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
The usual for the first Wed of every month until spring. All are free to run at their own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Straight on apart from left turns at 1.5m, 2.5m, 4m and finally three left turns at three sets of lights on coming back in to Hyde.
Mon 29/9/14 - 6m Hyde, Canal, Apethorn, disused railway, Godley, Newton
Duki Rd towards Hyde, to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, cross over and left Gt Norbury St, to top, right Woodend Ln, over canal (this is bridge #7) then left on to towpath, exit at Apethorn footbridge (metal bridge after bridge #8, a wooden footbridge), up Apethorn Ln, bear left on disused railway, follow to exit for Firethorn at approx 3.9m, exit through squeeze-stile then right to Firethorn Dr, to end, right Almond Wy, left Station Rd, to end, Godley Stn, straight over Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, Co-op, left Markham St, to end left Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Wed 24/9/14 - 8m (6m option) Canal to Audenshaw, back on road via Guide Bridge
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, right on to canal towards Ashton, at Portland Basin left on to Ashton Canal, (6m option exits up steps just before China Bridge #24), at approx 4.4 miles go under bridge #18 then immediately left up steps to Ashton Hill Rd, to end, left Manchester Rd then immediate right Audenshaw Rd, past reservoirs, straight on at roundabout, just before traffic lights follow the pavement on right to bypass junction and turn right to Guide Bridge Theatre, right at lights Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
6m option leaves the Ashton Canal up steps just before bridge #24 (approx 3.4 miles), left on minor road to Audenshaw Rd, cross over going left and follow the pavement on right to bypass junction and turn right to Guide Bridge Theatre, right at lights Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 22/9/14 - 5.8m Canal to Poleacre, back on road via Gt Norbury St
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left on to canal. Follow canal towards Woodley Tunnel, crossing the two roving bridges, exit canal and cross over bridge #10 (the second bridge after the metal footbridge at Apethorn), follow right fork in path up right side of field to top then right and exit on Poleacre Ln, go left over rail bridge and bear left, to end left Hyde Rd, becomes Stockport Rd, becoems Dowson Rd, after Shell garage take 2nd left, Higher Henry St, left Church Rd, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 17/09/14 - 8m (6m option) Newton, Gorse Hall, Stalybridge, Canal
Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, over footbridge, straight on at mini-roundabout, past Lifestyle shop then right to path alongside Flowery Field Station, to end, left Lodge Ln, right Stansfield Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd then cross and enter playing fields, up fields all the way to top, exit bearing left on to Cartwright St, to top, straight over up to church car park, exit car park in rear left and go right up footpath, enter golf course and go right, at right bend leave path left following footpath across to Yew Tree Ln, left then right Tennyson Ave, straight on Macauley Cl, to end, through stile to Gorse Hall park, left, follow trail along edge of field and round to right at corner, sharp right and down past the ruins of the hall then sharp left down the drive, follow to end and exit on High St, straight over through lights to Caroline St, to end, left Market St, to end, left Stamford St, left at lights Clarence St, over canal then right and join canal, canal to ASDA, through car park, exit and cross road to rejoin canal, Portland Basin, over bridge then under and along Peak Forest Canal, exit at Dunkirk Ln (bridge 4) Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 15/09/14 - 6.2m Throstlebank, Cheetham, Lodge, Whitelands, Wharf, Globe
Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, over Old Rd and bear left Lodge Ln,, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, to end, right Oxford Rd, at traffic lights left Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight on Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to end right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 10/09/14 - 10m Over Werneth Low (6.9m option)
Johnsonbrook Rd to top, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left at Lights Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, right Station Rd, immediately bear right up track, over road, under disused rail bridge, where track bears left enter footpath through gate to right, to end of path, bear right then left at end on to Green Ln, to end, right Mottram Old Rd, Alder High School, left up Spring Av (6.9m option goes straight on here), to end, left Higham Ln, left in to Werneth Low Visitor Centre, through car park then up path to cenotaph, right then bear left after bench, through gates and follow path to former Werneth Low Steak House, down the top of Apple St, opposite entrance on left turn right on to footpath over field, at end of field emerge left on track, down the hill, between buildings, track becomes a road, just before farm buildings turn right where the road goes left, continue up farm track, where track bears left continue straight on up path under trees, follow path all the way up until it meets a track, go left, follow track past houses and round to right then turn left, track becomes narrow path up past house then a wide track again, track emerges on Werneth Low Rd at the top of Joel Ln, go left, Hare and hounds, if path on right is not overgroown join it opposite pub otherwise stay on road, follow to right turn down to farm buildings, go between buildings and continue down to wide track, right, track becomes road, left West Park, to end, right Bowlacre, left Stockport Rd (6.9m rejoins), straight over at end Apethorn Ln, to bottom, over canal bridge and right (going under the bridge) towards Hyde, return directly to Village via canal and Dunkirk Ln (bridge #4).
6.9m option. After turning right at the end of Green Ln continue straight on through Gee Cross to Downson Rd and go straight over on to Apethorn Ln, to bottom, over canal bridge and right (going under the bridge) towards Hyde, return directly to Village via canal and Dunkirk Ln (bridge #4).
Mon 8/9/14 - 6.2m Duki, canal, Hyde, St Anne's, Shepley
White Bridge, King St, left at lights after Duki Town Hall Astley St, just after junction with Chales St cross and go down track to lift bridge over canal, left on canal, all the way to Manchetser Rd, Hyde, down and up Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd, just after bend right on to river trail, straight on, exit to Shepley and right, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 3/9/14 - 10m Duki, Hyde, Haughton Dale
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over at lights, Wharf St continues, straight over, Wharf St continues again, bear right Park Rd,over Sandy Ln Park Rd continues, right Tame St, straight on at lights Hollins St, becomes Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, cross over Mottram Rd, Station Rd, right Almond Wy, left Firethorn Dr, to end and on trail bearing left through squeeze stile then right on to disused railway line, to end, down Apethorn Ln, to bottom then follow trail right and down under canal to river, cross Gibraltar Bridge, right, up and down steps, follow river trail back to Mill Ln, straight over, follow trail to right turn to the double gates, exit right on Manchester Rd, left on river trail, right up cobbled path to canal, Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 1/9/14 - 6.5m Back o Ashton
White Bridge, King St, right Pickford Ln to top, right Jeffreys Dv, straight on at lights Oxford Rd, left down Sandy Ln, becomes Clarence St, to end, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd, straight over Mossley Rd and Whiteacre Rd, becomes Ladbroke Rd, to end (near Old Ball Inn) cross over and bear left Cranbourne Rd, to end, straight over Oldham Rd to Knowle Av, to end, left Richmond St, straight over Lord Sheldon Wy Richmond St continues, to end, cross over one way system, left Park Pde, right Cavendish St, becomes King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 27/8/14 - 9m To Stalybridge and beyond
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, right then left on Stocks Ln, left Oxford St, to end right Demesene Dr, after primary school go up path on right to playing field, head towards pylon at left of field then turn right up track, to top, left alongside football pitch, to Brushes Rd, right then left in to Stalybridge Country Park, down to Monster start/finish, exit to main road and straight over to Grove Rd, down to canal, left and left again up winding path in to trees, follow trail to car park at end, turn right down to canal and left along canal, follow canal back to Asda car park, cross Cavendish St, rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over and under the bridge, exit canal at the Globe (Bridge #2) and return to Village via White Bridge.
Wed 20/8/14 - 8m Canal, Apethorn, disused railway, Godley, Dewsnap
White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, join canal towards Hyde, stay on canal over two roving bridges to Apethorn Ln footbridge (between bridge 8 and 9), exit canal over bridge and up Apethorn Ln, after the quaint houses on right fork left on to disused railway path towards Godley, at 4.7 miles you pass under the bridge to Green Ln and then pass (but don't take) the ramp on the right up to the bridge, exit the path at 4.9 miles through a squeeze stile and follow the path right to Firethorn Dr, to end then right Almond Wy, to end left Station Rd, to end, over main road to Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 18/8/14 - 6m Cheetham Hill, Stalybridge, Ashton
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, after Bayley St cross over and join canal towards Stalybridge, leave canal going left over the bridge at Stamford St, left at lights Stamford St continues, left at lights Clarence St, right after rail bridge, Whitelands Rd, straight over Lower Wharf St, to end and up path alongside Asda, right through underpass and left to exit underpass up left towards Duki, Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 13/8/14 is the Saddleworth 6.
This fast two lap, six mile race goes round Greenfield. We're going to car share/convoy from the Village. Time to be confirmed but probably about 18:15 to ensure we're there in good time. For those traveling straight there the race HQ is at the end of the road alongside the Tesco.
Mon 11/8/14 - 6m road, Shepley, Denton, Haughton Green
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, at mini-roundabout go straight on (not left to Penny Farthing) to Moorside Ln, to end, left Wood St then right on footbridge over M67, right then left Moorside Ln continues top Hyde Rd, right then left on Haughton Hall Rd, to end left St Lawrence Rd then first right Whittles Ave, to end then straight on alongside the cricket green and over Tib St and continue straight on to emerge right on to Vaudrey Ln, to end, left Two Trees Ln, right Lancaster Rd, to end right Mancunian Rd, becomes Haughton Green Rd, becomes Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 6/8/14 - 8.5m Peak Forest Canal, Ashton Canal, river trail, canal
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, cross over and join the canal from the waterworks entrance, Portland Basin, left on to Ashton Canal, at 2.9m just after the high concrete road bridge and before the M60 tunnel exit up left to minor bridge (#24 China Bridge) and left on Hanover St, to end, left Audenshaw Rd, right at lights Audenshaw Rd, right Guide Ln, cross over to left of road, left Tame St (just past Brother), to end, right Shepley St, to end and on to football fields, keeping to right, exit fields via footpath to Shepley, straight across and down Broomstairs Rd to river trail, follow river trail to Manchester Rd then the usual right left, through double gates and left to Mill Ln, left over the bridge and right on to the Mill Ln fields, exit fields on path in back right, cross end of Raglan St and up canal side path to Manchester Rd, cross canal on road bridge, join towpath, cross canal on foot bridge then under road bridge along towpath, exit canal at the bridge after Dunkirk Ln (#3 Ryder Trucks) and follow path up to Globe Ln, right, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 4/8/14 - 6m Canal, Cheetham Park, Yew Tree, Dewsnap
White Bridge, King St, right Boyds Wk, to top, left Birch Ln, right Oxford Rd, left Sandy Ln, to bottom, over river bridge, left just before canal bridge, join canal going right, exit canal up path shortly after third bridge (inc the one immediately after joining canal), left on High St and cross over, right Park St (Reporter offices) enter Cheetham Park, follow the path up through the park, follow the trail through the woods and fields to emerge at the stables at the top of Yew Tree, left, right down Yew Tree Ln, straight on at lights then right and left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 30/7/14 - Millbrook Monster
Seeing as we're putting this race on it would be great if you could either enter it (I know some of you have already) or help out with the organisation.
Mon 28/7/14 - 6m Canal and river trails
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, down cobbled path to river trail, RIGHT, over river bridge, immediate right, follow trail up steps to left then along river and up to meadows, left, down hill and over the bridge again, all the way to Manchester Rd, left, up Broomstairs Hill, cross over and join canal towards Ashton, leave canal via the lift bridge (#1) and up the trail to Astley St, carry straight on to Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 16/7/14 - 7.5m Godley, disused railway, Apethorn, canal
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, right Repton Av (Jade House chippy on corner), right Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, straight over Mottram Rd, up track, straight on crossing over road, just before going under bridge go up slope on left then right on to disused railway line, follow to Apethorn Ln, down Apethorn, over canal bridge then under bridge on to canal, follow canal all the way back to the Globe bridge (#2 secon brideg past Dunkirk Ln) leave canal, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
For a shorter option ~6.3m exit canal at Dunkirk Ln then straight back to Village.
Mon 14/7/14 - 6.2m Yew Tree, Cheetham Park, canal
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Markham St, to end, cross over Ashton Rd and right, left on footpath, cross fields then on to a close and right on Harbour Farm Rd, left St Mary's Rd, to end, straight over Hough Ln, follow road round then turn right up footpath, through stile on to golf course then right up trail before crossing the course to Yew Tree Ln, right, to top, left Range Rd, past stables then right over stile and up field, through stile, down field and in to woods, follow Dominic to Cheetham Park, exit park to Forester Dr, to end, left High St, through lights then cross over and join canal, follow canal to ASDA, exit car park in bottom left and straight back via King St and White Bridge.
Wed 9/7/14 - 9m River Tame trail, Town Lane, Reddish Vale, Tame trail, canal.
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left to canal, right down cobbled path, left on river trail, over Manchester Rd, left down trail, through gates, right, follow path up to St Lawrence to end, left then immediate right on to Town Ln, becomes Ross Lave Ln, follow over M60 bridge and down the rough track, after right bend exit through stile on left and follow path down to river, continue under M60 and across fields to emerge on Stockport Rd, right then left on to river trail, continue to Meadow Ln and go straight across alongside houses, through path and left on to river trail, after 100m go right, through gap in the hedge and bear left on path, cross river at Gibraltar Bridge then follow the trail left, on the bend bear left up path to canal, follow the canal back via the two roving bridges, exiting uo the steps on the left at Bridge #2 for the Globe (second bridge after Dunkirk Ln), Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 7/7/14 - 6m River Tame trail, Haughton Green, Tame trail.
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left to canal, right down cobbled path, left on river trail, over Manchester Rd, left down trail, through gates, right then left up the path through trees to Fairlea, right, to end, left Leesway Dr, to end (near shops), right Vaudrey Ln to end, left Two Trees Ln, right Lancaster Rd, to the green on right just before the end of the road and pop through the hedge, right then fork left and follow the path down to the river, left, follow the river trail back to Mill Ln, (via the short bit of Meadow Ln down to the car park), right on Mill Ln then straight over Manchester Rd to Wellington St, to end, up path to canal, left, under M67 bridge, after bridge left up zig-zag path to Nursery Rd, to end, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 2/7/14 - 9m (7m option) Tame Valley, Arden Bridge, Woodley, Canal
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left to canal, right down cobbled path, left on river trail, over Manchester Rd, left down trail, through gates, left, follow river trail cross Mill Ln, up and down steps, past Gibraltar Bridge, right fork, stay on trail to car park then up Meadow Ln and left to trail again, follow trail all the way to Stockport Rd, left, over bridge, left on cobbled road immediately before Arden Arms, follow cobbled road past some houses until it turns into a track and continue along track, emerge on to Mill Ln going right and following to Hyde Rd, Woodley, turn left on main road towards Hyde, left down path to canal just before the Navigation pub, follow canal directly back to Village via the two roving bridges and Dunkirk Ln.
7m option crosses the bridge over the Tame at 3.5 miles and goes up to the canal via the path alongside the paint factory then returns as above.
Mon 30/6/14 - 6.2m Audenshaw & canals
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at 2nd roundabout Audendshaw Rd, right Ash St, under M60, Lumb Ln, to Ashton Canal, right on to canal, Portland Basin, right Peak Forest Canal, exit Dunkirk Ln (bridge No 4), Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 25/6/14 - 9m (6.5m option) hilly with some off road fun up and over Werneth Low
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Markham St, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Paul's Hill Rd, left St Michael's Rd, left at end and straight on to Green Lane (track), to end, left Mottram Old Rd, just before Green Bridge right down track, follow track to Botham's Hall then right on to footpath, follow footpath through woods and emerge on to Apple St, right then left up a track and enter field, follow feint path up field then path to the top of Apple St, follow the path to the war memorial then down to Werneth Low visitor centre, exit to road, right then left Aspland Rd, right to footpath and down hill, exit to Baron Rd, to end and left Stockport Rd, opp Grapes right Knott Ln, to end right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church Rd, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
Option for 6.5m from the end of Green Lane return via Gee Cross, Dowson Rd, Gt Norbury St and Duki Rd
Mon 23/6/14 - 6.3m Canal to Woodley Tunnel and back
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left on to canal. Follow canal to Woodley Tunnel, crossing the two roving bridges, then return the same way.
Wed 18/6/14 - Round The Resers 5m trail race
A nice 5 mile trail race from Tintwistle. I'm running over to the race from Newton then running it and running back. It would be good if other group members wanting to race arranged to car share from the Village as parking can be tight in Tintwistle.
Mon 16/6/14 - 6.5m Hyde, Green Lane, Gee Cross
Duki Rd, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left just before M67 slip-road and follow footpath to Commercial St, shortly after underpass on right fork right on to footpath, to end, right Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Paul's Hill Rd, left St Michael's Rd, left at end and straight on to Green Lane (track), to end, right Mottram Old Rd, becomes Stockport Rd through Gee Cross, to end, right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church Rd, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Mary St (just over the M67 bridge), left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 11/6/14 - 8m Back o Ashton
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, straight over Sandy Ln, becomes Clarence St, to end, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd, straight on Curszon Rd continues, becomes Ladbroke Rd, to end, cross Broadoak Rd near the Old Ball Inn, bear left Cranbourne Rd, straight over Oldham Rd to Knowle Ave, to end, left Richmond St, to lights right Lord Sheldon Wy, after Garden Centre cross over and join Moss Wy, straight over Manchester Rd and continue on Moss Wy, bear left Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Globe, White Bridge, Village
For 6 miles return directly to Village from Oldham Rd crossing via Ashton and King St.
Mon 9/6/14 - 6.2m River to Hyde, canal to Duki (lift bridge)
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, left to river trail, all the way to Manchester Rd, left, up hill, cross over and join canal over then under bridge and back towards Duki, exit over lift bridge, up to Astley St, straight on, Globe, White Bridge, Village
Wed 4/6/14 - 8m Hyde, Denton, Debdale Park, Kings Rd, Audenshaw, Shepley
Duki Rd, Hyde, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, straight on, Manchester Rd Sth, over the footbridge at Denton Island, continue straight on until Debdale Park, at the park entrance turn sharp right and follow Debdale Ln (outside the park) to Kings Rd, follow the track between the golf courses to emerge near the former Blue Pig, Audenshaw, right Audenshaw Rd, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village
5.3m option through Denton and right on to Corporation Rd to end, right Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge.
Mon 2/6/14 - 6.4m to Newton and beyond!
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight on Spring Gdns and Park Dr, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, straight on at mini-roundabout, becomes Matley Ln, just before Rising Moon left down the track, follow the track and bear left at fork up to Yew Tree, right, through stables and continue along track and emerge left on Hough Hill Rd, bear left Astley St, follow the road round to Forrester Dr, to end, left High St, left Hollins St, becoems Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Village
Wed 21/5/14 - 8m (6m option) river trail, Haughton Green, Haughton Dale, canal.
White Bridge, Globe, left Shepley, left Broomstairs Rd and join river trail, follow to Manchester Rd, cross and rejoin trail, right after second set of gates, up to St Lawrence Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, right Lancaster Rd, just before Mancunian Rd there is a green on the right, through the hedge at the back of the green and follow the path (bearing left at the fork) down through Hardy Wood to the river and left, follow the river trail (past Robin Hood's Stone in the river - said to have been lobbed by him from Werneth Low) to Meadow Ln, turn right down the hill and rejoin the trail ghoing left, stay on the trail and follow it down the steps then through the meadow to Gibraltar Bridge, cross the bridge then turn left and follow the left fork up to the canal, follow canal all the way back to Dunkirk Ln and take that up to Duki Rd, Village.
6m option - from Two Trees Ln go straight on the left on Mill Ln and back to the Village via Manchester Rd, Clark Wy and Duki Rd.
Mon 19/5/14 - 5.5m Dennis the Mencace route and some extra trail.
Dennis the Menace is a great little five mile trail race usually held on a Wed eve early in June. We're doing one lap (of two) then heading off for a bit more canal/river trail near Hyde.
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, cross canal then go right on to the towpath, leave the towpath up the footpath to the left, cross the field, down steps, left, through field, over style and right on to the bridge, over bridge then right through style, follow path round and up steps, along the river and out in to field, join main trail going left then follow it down to the bridge and along the river, through the gap in the fence, do an anit-clockwise loop of the football pitch then up to the canal, turn right towards Hyde, at the roving bridge leave the canal, cross the road bridge then left on to the canalside path again, to the end then right on to Raglan St then exit left through fence and follow path to football field, exit lower left on to Mill Ln, cross over and join rifver trail, just after 4 miles turn right up path through double gates, emerge on to Manchester Rd, turn right cross over and rejoin river trail, follow trail to Dunkirk Ln and take that up to Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 14/5/14 - 8m (5m option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Haughton Green
White Bridge, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, straight on past GB Theatre, left Audenshaw Rd, left at roundabout Stamford Rd, right Corporation Rd (5m option continue straight on), becomes Taylor Ln then Seymour St, to end left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, to end left Town Ln, to end right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, at 2nd mini-roundabout left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd. left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
5m option - continue straight on instead of right to Corporation Rd, Sun Inn, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 12/5/14 - 6m Ashton Adventure
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, left after tyre place, down ally, over canal basin and left then round to right (towards Asda) then over small bridge, straight on up Portland St, right Hill St, left Cavendish St, down underpass and right in middle of roundabout then left after underpass alongside Asda, emerge on Lwr Wharf St, straight over to Whitelands Rd, turn left off road, round right side of field, over rail bridge and up Mabs Cl, right Currier Ln, straight on Dysart St and emerge on to Stamford Sq, right Clarence St, left Bayley St, to end right High St, becomes Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, left Birch Ln, Duki pool, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village and a bit extra if your Garmin's not quite there!
Wed 7/5/14 - 6m a tale of two parks, and a canal
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, right Canal, after 1.5 miles cross over lift bridge and up track to Astley St, right then left Chapel St, right King St, left into Duki Park, up through park and exit at top, right on to Grenville St, left Pickford Ln, right Town Ln becomes Armadale Rd, straight over Boyds Wk, left Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln becomes Ashton Rd, right Lodge Ln, left into Hyde Park, left after Bayley Hall, pass tennis courts and drop into woods, right along valley and emerge at lower gate straight on to Park Rd, right Clarendon Rd, right Clark Wy, right Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Bank Hol Mon 5/5/14 - 8m mostly off road
Duki Rd, left Bennett St, Flowery Field Stn turn right along path, at end left Lodge Ln, right Stansfield Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd head up playing fields, exit right after second tarmac path and down Welch Rd to end and join footpath, under M67, Godley Water Treatment Works, over M67, through fields and woods, end up at Yew Tree Ln, right Tennyson Ave, to end Gorse Hall, left on High St, cross and join canal towards Ashton, Asda car park, rejoin canal to Portland Basin, Peak Forest Canal, exit at Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 30/4/14 - 6m Canal, River trail, Canal
White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, just over the bridge left to join canal back towards Hyde, after Dunkirk Ln go right down cobbled path to river trail, bearing left on trail, exit right on to Manchester Rd, cross over and left down trail, through two double gates then left, follow trail to Mill Ln, cross and continue on trail, up and down steps to Gibraltar Bridge, cross bridge then turn right and follow the wide path the climbs gently through the woods to the canal, turn left on canal and follow it all the way back (crossing the two roving bridges), exit at Dunkirk Ln, left Duki Rd, Village.
Sat 3/5/14 10k run round the Dovestone Diamond route
Joint recce with SRC of Dovestone Diamond 10k race route on Sat 3rd meeting 9AM at village or 9:30 over there. The first 1.5 miles have a lot of uphill but after that it's not too bad. There may be a few muddy patches but road shoes are fine. Let me know if you fancy it and if you want to meet at Village or there (Tanner Business Park, Greenfield OL3 7NH)
Mon 28/4/14 - 6m Dewsnap, Cheetham Hill, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Peak Forest Canal
White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, to top, right then left Yew Tree Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, cross over, just after Bayley St drop down to the canal and turn left on the towpath. Follow the canal until the exit at Asda, through the Asda car park and cross Cavendish St to rejoin the canal. Cross the stone bridge at Portland Basin and loop back under the bridge on to the Peak Forest Canal towards Hyde, exit at Dunkirk Ln, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 16/4/14 - 6m Canal to Haughton Dale, river trail and canal back
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left on to canal, stay on canal crossing two roving bridges, drop down to river, cross Gibraltar Bridge then left on river trail forking right shortly after, up steps then bear left followed by right to Ivy Cottages, straight over Meadow Ln and back on to river trail, left over bridge then left again, right Lambeth Gv, left on path by fence, follow path round fence then bear left up to canal, follow canal back to Dunkirk Ln exit, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 14/4/14 - 5.9m Hyde, Trail, St Anne's trail, Newton, Dewsnap
Duki Rd to Hyde, right Clarke Wy, right Manchester Rd, cross river, left down track, through two double gates, right, up to St Lawrence Rd, right Bentley Rd, to end, over Hyde Rd to Edward St, to end, right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, left to river trail, right and down over the river, left up Dunkirk Ln, straight over Duki Rd up Lwr Bennett St, becomes Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 9/4/14 - 6.2m (3m option) Ashton, Snipe, Lumb Ln, Audenshaw, Shepley
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, left King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one-way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on over motorway, past Snipe retail park, left Lumb Ln, under motorway, to end, left Audnshaw Rd, right Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
For 3 miles (mp) return directly to the Village via King St from the lights at Wharf St.
Mon 7/4/14 - 6.2m (4m option) Throstlebank, Cheetham, Dewsnap, Wharf, Globe
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, at top bear left Lodge Ln, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, left Oxford Rd, left Birch Ln, Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, right King St, left Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
For 4 miles (mp) return directly to the Village from the end of Dewsnap.
Wed 2/4/14 - 6.2m Hyde, Canal, River, Newton, Dewsnap
Duki Rd towards Hyde, right Nursery Rd, canal towards Hyde, under M67, right down track to Wellington St, to end, left Manchester Rd, cross over, join canal and go under bridge heading back towards Duki, exit canal at Globe, left Shepley, left Broomstairs Rd (post box), join river trail, exit up Dunkirk Ln, to top, straight over Lwr Bennett St, becomes Bennett St, to lights left Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
For just under 5 miles return directly to the Village along Duki Rd from Dunkirk Ln.
Mon 31/3/14 - 6m Hyde, Denton, Shepley, Duki
Duki Rd to Hyde, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right at Crown Pt, Sun Inn, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, right King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 26/3/14 - 6m Shepley, Guide Bridge, Ashton, Wharf, Duki, Dewsnap
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, past mini-roundabout, over railway bridge, right at roundabout Audenshaw Rd, bear right at lights Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, becomes Stockport Rd, straight on at lights Stockport Rd, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Wharf St, right Crescent Rd, becomes Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, becomes Birch Ln, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 24/3/14 - 6m Dewsnap, Whitelands, Globe
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, Irn-Bru shop, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight on Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 19/3/14 - 8m(mp) the run that wasn't Godley, Hyde, Gee Cross, St Anne's
The planned run from the stormy night in Feb when we didn't run: Johnsonbrook Rd, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, Tesco, right Stockport Rd, opp Grapes Hotel right Knott Ln, to end right Dowson Rd, Shell Garage, 2nd left Higher Henry St, 2nd left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end left Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd (RIP Danny's Mutt), right Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
For a 6m option return straight to Village from the bottom of Gt Norbury St.
Mon 17/3/14 - 6m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde
Johnsonbrook Rd, to top, left Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, Foundry St, left Chapel St, straight over Chapel St continues, left Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, left Cemetery Rd (ghost dog), becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at mini-roundabout on to St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, left Bennett St, to bottom, right Duki Rd, Village
Wed 12/3/14 - 6m Hyde, Newton, Duki
Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, straight on Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, former Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, Duki Baths, Duki Morrisons, becomes Foundry St, left at Old General Astley St, left King St, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 10/3/14 - 6.1m Hyde, Gee X, Hyde, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, right Dowson Rd, left Knott Ln, to top, left Stockport Rd, Gee X Tesco, left Stockport Rd, Clarkes Arms, right Lumn Rd, right Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, becomes Ashton Rd then Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 5/3/14 - 10k time trial Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde + optional 1.8m loop (Johnsonbrook, Dewsnap, W Bridge)
The usual for the first Wed of every month. All are free to run at their own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Optional 1.8m loop to make it 8 for the marathon runners: at the end go right up Johnsonbrook Rd to top, left Birch L, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 3/3/14 - 6m Hyde, Duki, Wharf, Globe
Duki Rd, to end, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, over motorway, left Mottram Rd, Hyde Morrisons, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, becomes Ashton Rd, straight on, becomes Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, becomes Foundry St then Crescent Rd, left Wharf St, straight over at lights Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 26/2/14 - 9m (6m option) Ashton, Audenshaw, Denton, Hyde
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, left Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, Crescent Rd, left Wharf St, right Cavendish St, Asda, left Park Pde, becomes Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, straight on Audenshaw Rd, bear left Audenshaw Rd, left at roundabout Stamford Rd, right Corporation Rd, to end, left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, at 2nd mini-roundabout left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
6m option - return straight from Stamford Rd via Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge.
Mon 24/2/14 - 6m Newton, Cheetham Hill, Whitelands, Globe
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight over Lodge Ln, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St left Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight on Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 19/2/14 - 10m Daisy Nook Loop
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, left Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, straight on Crescent Rd, down hill then left Wharf St, right at lights, Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Parade, cross over at one-way system, up Richmond St, right Knowle Ave (East Chesh on left), to end, left Taunton Rd, to end, left Newmarket Rd, becomes Lumb Ln then Moorside St then Market St, Droylesden, straight through lights, left Ashton Hill Ln, Lazy Toad, to end, left Manchester Rd then immediate right Audenshaw Rd (Lockwoood & Greenwood), former Blue Pig, Audenshaw Ressers, at roundabout right Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
6m option after crossing at one-way system continue past Ashton Police Stn, over motorway, left Moss Wy, follow road round to left, Guide Bridge Theatre, right at lights Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 17/2/14 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Duki
Duki Rd, left Clark Wy, straight on at Clarendon Rd lights, left down footpath before motorway bridge, emerge on Commercial St, right Commercial Brow, Halton St, left at lights Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, Duki Baths, Duki Morrisons, at the top of the hill left Chapel St, left King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 12/2/14 - 8m the run that never was Godley, Hyde, Gee Cross, St Anne's
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, Tesco, right Stockport Rd, opp Grapes Hotel right Knott Ln, to end right Dowson Rd, Shell Garage, 2nd left Higher Henry St, 2nd left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end left Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd (RIP Danny's Mutt), right Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 10/2/14 - 6m Double Morrisons with a hill or two
White Bridge, King St, right Chapel St, right Foundry St, Morrsons, left Oxford Rd, becomes High St, left Bayley St, left Clarence St, becomes Sandy Ln, at top right then left Lodge Ln, to end left then right Gorse Hall Rd, to end, right Yew Tree Ln, to lights, left Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 5/2/14 - 10k time trial Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde + optional 3m loop (King St, Wharf St, Globe, W Bridge)
The usual for the first Wed of every month. All are free to run at their own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Marathon plan optional extra 3m - keep going straight past Village, White Bridge, Duki Tn Hall, down the hill, left at National Tyres lights, Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 3/2/14 - 6m Hyde, Denton, Shepley, Duki
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, right Well Meadow, straight on Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, right King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 29/1/14 - 8m (6.4m option) Ashton, Lockwood & G'wood, St Anne's, Hyde
White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on Manchester Rd, past Snipe, Lockwood & Greenwood, sharp left, past Audenshaw Resers, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, straight on Shepley, right Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, at mini roundabout left, Penny Farthing, straight on St Anne's Rd, to end, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 27/1/14 - 6m Broadway, Globe, Charles St, Duki Morrisons, Duke of Sussex,Park Rd, Duki Rd
Duki Rd, right Broadway, to end, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over Wharf St, right Crescent Rd, straight on past Duki Morrisons, Duki baths, and Irn Bru shop to Duke of Sussex, right Clarendon Rd, right Park Rd, left Park Dv, left at mini roundabout Newton St, right Duki Rd, Village
Wed 22/1/14 - 8m (mp) Newton, Dewsnap, Astley, Old General, Dewsnap
Duki Rd to end, left Newton St, right Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, to top, former Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, Astley Arms, stay on Astley St, cross King St, Old General, right Crscent Rd, Duki Morrisons, straight on Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 20/1/14 - 6m Dewsnap, Cheetham, Bayley, Whitelands, Asda, Globe
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to top, right Birch Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, left Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd, straight over at lights Lwr Wharf St, to end up path on right alongside Asda, right then left through underpass exiting up ramp to left on to Cavendish St, rigth at lights Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 15/1/14 - 7.2m (mp) BigWigs, Town Ln, Haughton, Johnsonbrook
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left Corporation Rd, Premier Lounge (formerly BigWigs), becomes Taylor Ln, to lights, left Hyde Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, Jolly Hatters, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left at lights Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, to top, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right at second mini-roundabout Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, to lights, left Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
For 6.5m return directly to Village along Duki Rd.
Mon 13/1/14 - 6.2m Hyde, Haughton Gn, St Annes
Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, over railway bridge, right mini-roundabout Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Mill Ln, to top, right mini-roundabout Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, bear right at lights Stockport Rd, Crown Pt, right, Angel, left St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, mini-roundabout right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, Danny's Dog, right Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 8/1/14 - 10k time trial Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
The usual for the first Wed of every month. All are free to run at your own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 6/1/14 - 6m Globe, Charles St, Park Rd, Bayley, Oxford, Duki Morrisons, Astley, Globe
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, straight on Wharf St, straight on Wharf St continues, becomes Park Rd, left Clarence St, right Bayley St, to end, right High St, becomes Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, right Foundary St, Old General, left Astley St, straight over Astley St continues, Globe, White Bridge, Village
Mon 23/12/13 - 6.2m Hyde, Denton, Guide Bridge, Ashton
The 10k time-trial loop in reverse. Duki Rd, Hyde, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, Sun Inn, Guide Bridge, Ashton, King St, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 30/12/13 - 6m Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde
Johnsonbrook Rd to top, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, to end, right Mottram Rd, left at 2nd lights Union St, to end, left Market St, James North Roundabout (clock) bear right Stockport Rd, all the way to Gee Cross, Tesco express, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, after Shell garage take second left, Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd left Clark Wy, left Newton St, Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 18/12/13 - 6.5m Cheetham, Acres, Stamford, Whitelands, Charles, Globe
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf St becomes Chalres St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 16/12/13 - 6.5m Sun Inn, Corporation, Ruby, Town, Mill
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Staford Rd, left Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, to end, left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left at lights Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, at 2nd min-roundabout left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 11/12/13 - 6m Boyds Walk, Duke of Sussex, Bay Horse, Bennett St, Duki Rd
White Bridge, King St, right Boyds Walk to top, right Birch Ln, becomes Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, left Victoria St, Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, straight on at lights Bennett St, left at mini-roundabout, Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 9/12/13 - 6.2m Cheetham Hill, Lodge Ln, Ashton Nick, Guide Bridge
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, left Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, right Foundry St, left Chapel St, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Parade, cross over one way system, Ashton Nick, straight on, over motorway, left Moss Way, over motorway, bear left Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 4/12/13 - 2m Santa run to Duki Town Hall, photoshoot then back
It's Striders Santa run day. Dress to impress, or at least put a santa hat on. Bring a couple of pounds for the WIllow Wood collection and Barnardo's tombola. Mince pies and club London Marathon places draw afterwards (to enter the draw please bring your rejection letter from the VLM ballott).
Mon 2/12/13 - 6.2m Hyde, Dowson Poleacre, Hyde
Duki Rd, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, at lights over and up Robert St, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Henry St, right Dowson Rd, past Joshua Bradley, right Poleacre, follow road round to left and come out on Dowson Rd again going left, back towards Hyde.
From there some of the group will join up with Glen Hillier's SRC group for her 1000th mile this year and run back to Sweatchop. The rest can return to the Village the same way we came.
Wed 27 /11/13 - 6.2m Dewsnap, Gorse Hall, Bayley, Asda, Globe
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd, right Gorse Hall Rd, left Fir Tree Ln, left Fir Tree Cr, left down Quarry Rise, left High St, crossover and right Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Lower Wharf St, to end, join footpath alongside Asda, right in to underpass, left, through next underpass, left up ramp, continue on Cavendish St, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 25/11/13 - 6.2m Gt Norbury, Grange Rd N, Godley Stn, Boyds Wk
Duki Rd, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, over to Robert St, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, left Dowson Rd, to end, right Market St, 2nd left at clock roundabout Smithy Ln, straight on Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, to end, right Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffiled Rd, becomes High St, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, straight on Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, Duki Pool, left Boyds Wk, to end, left King St, White Bridge, Village
Wed 20/11/13 - 6m Great Norbury, Apethorn, Mill Ln, Bennett St
This has a very short bit of off road (I will bring torches) between Apethorn Ln and Gibraltar Ln.
Duki Rd, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, over to Robert St, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, right Dowson Rd, Smith Knight Fay, right Apethorn Ln, to end, follow trail under canal, through woods and over the bridge, Gibraltar Ln, to top, right Haughton Gn Rd, becomes Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, straight on, becomes Old Rd, left second mini-roundabout Lwr Bennett St, over bridge, to end, right Duki Rd, Village
Mon 18/11/13 - 6m Shepley, Corporation, Town Ln, Crown Pt, Broomstairs
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left Corporation Rd, to end, left Manchster Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, Jolly Hatters, to end left Stockport Rd, Crown Pt, right Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 13/11/13 - 6m Newton, Yew Tree, Sandy, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right at second mini-roundabout, Bennett St, left at lights, Ashton Rd, right at lights Cheetham Hill Rd, right at lights Yew Tree Ln, up the hill for Danny, left Salisbury Dr, becomes Fir Tree Cr, right down Quarry Rise, to end, left High St, cross over then right Bayley St, to end, left Clarence St, becomes Sandy Ln, to top, right Oxford Rd, left Birch Ln, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 11/11/13 - almost 6m Duki, Shepley, Guide Bridge, Shepley
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, left Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, right at roundabout Audenshaw Rd, right at lights, Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, right at lights, Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 6/11/13 - Monthly 10k time trial
Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
The usual for the first Wed of every month. All are free to run at your own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 4/11/13 - 6.1m Newton, Hyde, Denton, Haughton Green
Johnsonbrook Rd, to top, right Ashton Rd, through lights, right Lodge Ln, to end, bear left Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, left at Crown Pt on to Stockport Rd, at lights bear left Two Tress Ln, Cock Hotel, straight on to end (2nd mini-roundabout), left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 30/10/13 - 6m Ashton, East Chesh, Wharf St, Globe
White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, through underpass and up Oldham Rd, past Ikea, at lights left Newmarket Rd, first left Taunton Rd, third right Knowle Av, to end (East Chesh), right Richmond St, over bypass, to end, over pedestrian crossings and back towards Asda roundabout, right Cavendish St, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 28/10/13 - 6.2m Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde, Newton, Dewsnap
Duki Rd to Hyde, right Clark Wy, straight over at lights Robert St, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Henry St, right Dowson Rd, at lights left Knott Ln, to top, left Stockport Rd, Tesco, left Stockport Rd, down to Clarks Arms, right Lumn Rd, straight on Lumn Rd continues, at lights right Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, straight on Ashton Rd, straight on, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Wed 23/10/13 - 6m Cheetham Hill, Curzon, Ikea, Duki
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight on Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, to end, left Stamford Sq, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd (opp college car park entrance), straight over Mossley Rd, Curzon Rd contines, through lights becomes Ladbroke Rd, to end, cross Broadoak Rd, bear left Cranbourne Rd, to end, left Oldham Rd, past Ikea, to Asda roundabout, enter underpass down ramp on left of Oldham Rd (opp Lidl), straight through centre of roundabout and exit up left ramp to Suzuki Garage, Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Village
Mon 21/10/13 - 6.3m Newton, Cheetham Hill, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, to top, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, to top, Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left High St, becomes Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, left at lights Birch Ln, Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 16/10/13 - 6 bumpy miles - The Four Hills
White Bridge, King St, opposite the Angel pub right Pickford Ln, to top, left Town Ln, to end bear left Crescent Rd, down hill to Old General, left Astley St, to bottom, left King St, past Duki Tn Hall, left Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd, to bottom, right Park Rd, to crossroads, right Sandy Ln, to top, left High St, straight through lights, third right (Stone Jug pub) Quarry Rise, to top, left Fir Tree Cres, becomes Salisbury Dr, to end, right Yew Tree Ln, to end, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight back via Johnsonbrook Rd.
Mon 14/10/13 - 6.2m Sun Inn, Snipe, Lockwood & Greenwood, Sun Inn
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, left Audenshaw Rd, bear right at lights and over M60, left at lights to go past Snipe, continue to Lockwood & Greenwood car sales then left, Audenshaw Rd and back via Stamford Rd to Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 9/10/13 - 6.2m Stalybridge, Whitelands, Globe
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, past Tecso, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, left opposite Stamford Park Clarance St, right Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, to lights then straight over Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 7/10/13 - 6.5m Dewsnap, Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, becomes Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, right Mottam Rd, left Lumn Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, to Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, past Shell garage, 2nd left Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchetser Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 2/10/13 - Monthly 10k time trial
Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
The usual for the first Wed of every month. All are free to run at your own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 30/9/13 - 6m Throstle Bank, Hyde, St Anne's, Cemetery Rd
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, to end, over and bear left Lodge Ln, to top, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, right Mottram Rd, left Union St, right Market St, through Hyde, becomes Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right over M67, St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right at mini roundabout, Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley Rd, Globe, White Bridge, Village
Wed 25/9/13 - 6.1m Dewsnap, Cheetham Hill, Whitelands, Globe, Dairy
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to top, right Birch Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, left Bayley St, straight over Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight on becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, Village
For 5.3m return from Wharf St via King St & White Bridge.
If you don't like going back via the dairy return via White Bridge then run past the Village (5.8m) to do the extra to make 6m!
Mon 23/9/13 - 5.7m one of the last off road runs
Duki Rd, Dunkirk Ln, canal to Hyde, after bridge exit on to pavement, cross back over canal then left down canal path, cross Raglan St and follow path through trees to playing fields, exit on to Mill Ln, cross bridge, left on to river trail, follow trail to Gibralter Bridge, cross then trail round to left, bear left up to canal, follow canal back past Hyde and on to Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village
Wed 18/9/13 - 6m Johnsonbrook, Duki, Whitelands, Sandy, Cheetham Hill, Dewsnap
Johnsonbrook Rd, left Birch Ln, Duki Baths, Duki Morrisons, Crescent Rd, to bottom of hill, at lights right Whitelands Rd, right Clarence St, becomes Sandy Ln, to top, left Oxford Rd, becomes High St, at lights right Hollins St, becomes Cheetahm Hill Rd, to end, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 16/9/13 - 6m Hyde, Apethorn, Hyde
Duki Rd to Hyde, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Mottram Rd, past Morrisons, through lights, right Grange Rd North, to top, drop on to disused railway line going right, to end, exit on to Apethorn Ln, left, to top, left Dowson Rd, past Shell garage, 2nd left Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 11/9/13 - 6.1m Shepley, Denton, Two Trees, Hyde
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, to end, left A57 Manchester Rd, Crown Pt, right Stockport Rd, to lights, bear left Two Trees Ln, The Cock Hotel, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 9/9/13 - 6.4m Ashton, Snipe, Lockwood & Greenwood back via Sun Inn
White Bridge, King St, Asda roundabout, left, cross over at one way system and head past police stn towards Snipe retail park (B&Q etc.), cross M60 bridge, continue past Snipe to one way system, straight on over canal bridge to lights, Lockwood and Greenwood car sales, turn sharply left on to Audenshaw Rd, over M60 bridge, past former Blue Pig pub, past reservoirs, at roundabout go right on to Stamford Rd, straight on to Sun Inn, returning to Village via Shepley, Globe Ln and White Bridge.
Wed 4/9/13 - Monthly 10k time trial
Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
The usual for the first Wed of every month. All are free to run at your own pace but nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 2/9/13 6m - Hyde, Godley, Newton, Dukinfield
Duki Rd, to Hyde, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Mottram Rd, Morrisons, Godley Station, left Sheffield Rd, becoems High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, becomes Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, Duki baths, Duki Morrisons, Old General, left Astley St, left King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 28/8/13 6m - Throstle Bank, Cheetham Hill, Whitelands, Globe
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, over road and bear left Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, through lights, right at next lights Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, left Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight on Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 21/8/13 - 8.4m to Stalybridge and beyond
Johnsonbrook Rd, to top, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, past Tesco, to end, left then right Huddersfield Rd, left through car park and right on to trail (Tame Valley Way), follow trail to buildings near canal, drop on to canal towpath back towards Stalybridge, stay on canal until Asda, leave canal, exit through car park then cross road, right then left to rejoin canal to Portland Basin, cross stone bridge then go under bridge on to Peak Forest Canal, exit canal at Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Option for 6.4m - join canal at start of Huddersfield Rd and follow the canal back via Stalybridge, Asda, Portland Basin, Globe Ln,White Bridge.
Mon 19/8/13 - 8m inc Apple Street up Werneth Low
In the Hyde area we'll be meeting up with a group from Sweatshop Running Community and will run with them up Apple St. and back down to the shop before returning to the Village.
We need to set off promptly so that they don't have to wait for us!
Duki Rd, to end, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, over motorway, left Mottram Rd, past Morrisons, straight through two sets of lights, 2nd right St Paul's Hill Rd, for left St Michael's Rd, left at end becomes Green Ln, to end, left Mottram Old Rd, 2nd right Apple St, take it easy steepest part is near the top, up on to Werneth Low, follow road round to left and continue all the way to the top. Pass golf clubhouse then right on to path opposite Uplands Rd, war memorial, bear left, follow wide track to visitor centre, exit right onto Higham Ln, to bottom, straight over and down cobbles to Stockport Rd, right, left at roundabout then straight down through Hyde on Market St, follow round to Clark Wy, right, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
If you don't want the hill and want a shorter option for (6.5m) turn right at the end of Green Ln, follow road all the way to the end at the Smith Knight Fay garage, right, Dowson Rd, Hyde town centre, Clark Wy, Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 14/8/13 - Saddleworth Six mile road race
Meet at Village to leave at 18:15 or at the venue then run this flat(ish) fast course. Great race £7 on the day or £9 for non UKA club members. Make sure you put your UKA number on form to get the discount! Full info Saddleworth Six
Mon 12/8/13 - 6m river to Haughton Dale and canal back
White Bridge, left, Globe, left, over bridge and left on to canal towards Hyde, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln and drop down to river trail, left, right Manchester Rd, left to trail, two double gates, left, cross Mill Ln and continue on trail, up steps, down steps, cross Gibralter Bridge, bear left, stay on main trail until just before tunnel under canal then go right up path to canal, left on canal, over two roving bridges and back to Dunkirk Ln, exit canal, Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 7/8/13 - Monthly 10k time trial
Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
At your own pace, nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 5/8/13 - 6.3m Hyde, Denton, Audenshaw, Guide Bridge
Duki Rd, Hyde, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, straight on, right Seymour St, becomes Taylor Ln then Corporation Rd, mini-roundabout, left Stamford St, roundabout, right Audenshaw Rd, right Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 31/7/13 - Millbrook Monster 10k
I'm involved with the organising and would like a good turnout of Striders.
Mon 29/07/13 - 6.2m Stalybridge and back
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, Tecso, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, left opp Stamford Park Clarance St, right Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, to lights then straight over Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Wed 24/07/13 - Black Knight Charge 6m trail race 19:30 start
East Cheshire Harriers' excellent trail race round Daisy Nook and Park Bridge. Entry fee £7. Register at ECH clubhouse (Richmond St, Ashton OL7 9HG) then 15 min walk over to Daisy Nook for the start. Includes hotpot supper afterwards! Full info
Mon 22/07/13 - 6m road to Godley then back x country
Duki Rd, left Clark Wy, over motorway, left Mottram Rd, pass Morissons, straight on to Godley Stn, straight on, left up to Tetlow Fold, bear right and over motorway, go past farm/stables, follow path turning left, through three gates/stiles, drop down steps in to woods, cross stream via bridge emerge from woods, cross field, through dip and up the other side, cross Matley Ln, follow the track on the other side and bear right at junction, continue along trail, enter woods on left and follow the path up before sharp turn back to the left, exit woods, follow path to stile on right, cross stile then up field and down the next field, left on to trail, pass stables, come out at the top of Yew Tree Ln, right down Yew Tree and left to Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over at lights, Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Wed 17/07/13 - Millbrook Monster 10k route
Meeting to set off at 18:30 from the entrance to Stalybridge Country Park adjacent to the former Royal Oak pub, Huddersfield Rd, Millbrook, Stalybridge SK15 3EP. Parking opposite on Grove Rd. Can car share from the Village or Hyde and collect en route.
Monday 15th July 2013 - 6.4m river to Haughton Dale & canal back
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left Peak Forest Canal, right cobbled path, left river trail, to Manchester Rd, right, left down trail, 2 double gates, left, straight over Mill Ln, river trail, up steps, down steps, straight on past Gibralter Bridge, bear right, up small hill and left on to main trail, bear right on to Meadow Ln, to end, slight left across on to trail, left over bridge, left, to road, right up road, left on to path just past factory, follow path up to canal, left, follow canal back to Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village.
Wednesday 10th July 2013 - Royton Trail race 5m
My legs are still a bit tired but I'm going over to Royton to cheer on some of the group members who are doing the race.
Wednesday 3rd July - 10k time trial - Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
At your own pace, nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
If you want something shorter returning directly from the Sun Inn via the Globe and White Bridge is 4.5 miles.
Monday 1st July 2013 - 6m Snipe and back on canal
Right down Cap'n Clarke Rd, right Outram Rd, right Broadway, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, left Audenshaw Rd, follow road round to right and over motorway, left down footpath, along Snipe Wy, exit on to footpath, becomes Slate Ln, left Lumb Ln, cross canal bridge then left on to Ashton canal, follow canal to Portland Basin and turn right on to Peak Forest Canal, exit canal at Globe (go under bridge after the rail bridge then exit up steps on right, right on to road and over canal) Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Wednesday 26th June 2013 by special request 10m over Werneth Low
I had two requests recently, one for a ten miler and one for a nice run over the Low. Having no imagination I have combined them!
Duki Rd to Hyde, left Clark Wy, over M67, left Mottram Rd, past Morrisons, straight on through 2 sets of lights, right St Paul's Hill Rd, left fork St Michael's Rd, left, over bridge on to Green Ln, to end, left Mottram Old Rd, through dip, right to farm track, to end, right Apple St, up steep bit, bear left, to top, straight on, bear left at junction, Hare & Hounds, straight on through junction, right down farm road, through farm, emerge on track (Lord Derby Rd), right, first left West Pk, to end, right Bowlacre, to end, left Stockport Rd, Smith Knight Fay, straight over Apethorn Ln, to end, over canal bridge, right on towpath, stay on canal (crossing the 2 roving bridges) past Hyde to the exit at the Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village and a bit extra if your Garmin doesn't quite say 10!
Option for 8.6m leave canal and Dunkirk Ln and go straight to Village.
Option for 6.5m and no big hill turn right at the end of Green Ln, follow road to Smith Knight Fay garage, right, Dowson Rd, Hyde town centre, Clark Wy, Duki Rd, Village.
Monday day 24th June 2013 6.3m Canal to Woodley & back
Woodley Tunnel, there and back along the canal
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left on to canal. Follow canal to Woodley Tunnel, crossing the two roving bridges, then return the same way.
Wed 19th June 2013 - Round the Ressers 5 mile trail race
Run the race or run over and support (7.5m the scenic way). Have arranged a lift back for racers/supporters who run over.
Mon 17th June 2013 - 5.6m Canal/river trail
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left down trail to canal lift bridge, left on canal, to Hyde, over roving bridge and exit onto road, left, over canal, immediate left to canalside path, to end, right then left throuugh fence onto grass and through woods, emerge on playing field and exit to Mill Ln at lower end of field, cross over and join river trail back towards Village, through 2 double gates, cross Manchester Rd and rejoin river trail, leave trail at Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 12th June 2013 - 8m Hyde, Denton, Debdale Park, Kings Rd, Audenshaw, Shepley
Duki Rd, Hyde, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, straight on, Manchester Rd Sth, over the footbridge at Denton Island, continue straight on until Debdale Park, at the park entrance turn sharp right and follow Debdale Ln to Kings Rd, follow the track between the golf courses to emerge near the former Blue Pig, Audenshaw, right Audenshaw Rd, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village
Shorter options available are right at Crown Pt, Sun Inn and straight back via Globe Ln (4.5m) or right at the far end of the main street in Denton and up Corporation Rd before returning via the Sun Inn and Globe Ln (5.3m)
Mon 10th June 2013 - 6m (~2m road then 4m canals)
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, right, first left Yew Tree Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, pass Bayley St about 100m then drop down to canal and turn back the way you came, follow canal to Asda, exit car park and cross road then rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over the bridge then turn back round under it and join the Peak Forest Canal, exit at Dunkirk Ln and return to Village via Duki Rd.
Wed 5th June 2013 - Dennis the Menace trail race (5m)
Lovely route round our local trails of the Tame Valley. Registration at the Old Pack Horse pub (opposite the Sun Inn). £6. Start is at 19:30.
I'll be doing a ~2m warmup run from the Village at 18:30 round the trails then up to registraion. Meet at the Village or the pub ~19:00.
Monday 3rd June - 6.5m canal and river trail
Dunkirk Ln, canal to Haughton Dale, Gibralter Bridge, river trail back to Shepley, canal to Dunkirk Ln
Duki Rd, Dunkirk Ln, canal towards Hyde, two roving bridges, after the second drop into the woods and along the river to Gibralter Bridge, cross and turn right, up and down steps, follow trail to Mill Ln and cross, follow trail and take the right turn to go trhough the two double gates, cross Manchester Rd then right and left on to river trail again, follow trail to bridge, up the hill then right and follow trail to Shepley, turn right, up the hill towards the Globe but turn right on to the canal before the top of the hill, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln and straight back to Village.
For a 4.5m option go up the cobbled path from the river trail to Dunkirk Ln and back
Wednesday 29th May Dove Stone Diamond 10k race.
Some of the group are running in the race. I can't make Wed so if you are not running the race either pick a route from the archive or run with some of the others from the club.
Wednesday 22nd May 2013 - Dove Stone Diamond reccy
Away match to Dovestones map
Monday 20th May 2013 - 6m
To Ashton and beyond
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight on Tame St, to end, right Clarenc St, to end, left Stamford Sq, right Beafort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd (opp college car park entrance), straight over Mossley Rd, Curzon Rd contines, through lights becomes Ladbroke Rd, to end, cross Broadoak Rd, bear left Cranbourne Rd, to end, left Oldham Rd, past Ikea, to Asda roundabout, straight through underpass, Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Village
Wednesday 15th May 2013 - 6.1m
Duki Town Hall, Globe, Corporation Rd, Denton, Hyde
White Bridge, King St, left Chapel St, left Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, to end, left Manchester Rd, Crown Pt, Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Monday 13th May 2013 - 6.2m
Duki Morrisons double dipper - Dewsnap, Whitelands Rd, Oxford Rd, Chapel St, Globe
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to top, left Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, straight on Crescent Rd, right at lights Whitelands Rd, straight on Bayley St, right High St, becomes Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, right Birch Ln, left Chapel St, straight over Chapel St, left Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 8th May 2013 - 6.1m (optional 4.3m)
River trail, Haughton Green & Dale, canal to Dunkirk Ln
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln to river trail, bear left, follow to Manchester Rd, cross over, right then left down to trail, through two double gates then right at path junction, up to St Lawrence Rd, straight on, 4th left Whittles Av, to end, straight over along path, exit right to Vaudrey Ln, to end left Two Trees Ln, at mini-roundabout right Lancaster Rd, follow to end then exit right on to green and follow paths through Hardy Wood down to river trail, left on trail, follow trail to Meadows Ln and go straight over to end of lane and bear left on to trail again, fork slightly right after the bench and follow trail to Gibralter Bridge, cross bridge then left, follow trail round to right before bearing left up steps to canal, bear left on towpath follow canal past Hyde (over the two roving bridges), under M67 bridge, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village
4.3m option - after 2nd double gates turn left instead of right and follow river trail over Mill Ln to Gibralter Bridge, cross bridge and return to Village as above.
Wednesday 1st May 2013 6.2m
Newton, off road, Cheetham Park, Cheetham Hill Rd
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight over Park Dr, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, Bay Horse, straight on Matley Ln, left just before Rising Moon, follow track forking right, follow track round to hole in wall and enter Cheetham Park, go down through park and exit at Acres Ln,left, at third traffic lights left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Monday 29th April 2013 6.2m (5.8m option)
To Audenshaw ressers then back along the canal via Ashton
Right Cap'n Clarke Rd, right Outram Rd, right Broadway, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, straight over at lights, Stamford Rd, straight on at mini-roundabout, left at roundabout, Audenshaw Rd, opp Audenshaw ressers first right Ash Rd, under motorway, over railway, past football pitch, down and right onto Ashton canal, to Ashton, Portland Basin, right under bridge on to Peak Forest Canal, exit at Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village.
5.8m option - exit canal at Globe Ln and return to Village via Broadway and Outram Rd
Wednesday 24th April 2013 6.3m
Woodley Tunnel, there and back along the canal
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left on to canal. Follow canal to Woodley Tunnel, crossing the two roving bridges, then return the same way.
Alternate finish adding 0.4m is going on to the road at the tunnel and heading back to Village via Hyde (Higher Henry St, Gt Norbury St, Clark Wy, Duki Rd).
Monday 22nd April 2013 - 4m
Throstle Bank, Lodge Ln, Cheetham Hill, Lodge Ln, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, to end, straight over Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, to end, left Oxford Rd, left Birch Ln, Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Wed 17th April 2013 - Stride Through the Woods
I have lots of volunteers, and a couple I press-ganged, so if you are available run the race and give it your best shot!
Mon 15th April 2013 - 6.1m (optional 4.4m)
Yew Tree, Gorse Hall, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Peak Forest Canal
Johnsonbrook Rd, Straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, left Tennyson Av (opp gold club), bear left Macauly Cl, enter Gorse Hall park, follow paths and exit at bottom. Left on High St, cross over and bear left on to canal, follow canal to Asda car park, take care through car park and crossing Cavendish St, rejoin canal, cross over bridge at Portland Basin junction and turn back under bridge to join Peak Forest Canal, exit canal at Ryder Trucks (4th bridge, 2 rail, one road), right at end of path, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
4.4m option - after gorse hall return directly to Village via High St, Cheetham Hill Rd and Johnsonbrook Rd
Wed 10th April 2013 - 6.1m (optional 4.3m)
River trail, Haughton Green & Dale, canal to Dunkirk Ln
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, right down cobbled path to river trail, bear left, follow to Manchester Rd, cross over, right then left down to trail, through two double gates then right at path junction, up to St Lawrence Rd, straight on, 4th left Whittles Av, to end, left Leesway Dr, 2nd right, Aspen Gn, to end, right Leesway Dr, at shops bear right Vaudrey Ln, to end left Two Trees Ln, at mini-roundabout right Lancaster Rd, follow to end then exit right on to green and follow paths through Hardy Wood down to river trail, left on trail, follow trail to Meadows Ln and go straight over to end of lane and bear left on to trail again, fork slightly right after the bench and follow trail to Gibralter Bridge, cross bridge then left, follow trail round to right before bearing left up steps to canal, bear left on towpath follow canal past Hyde (over the two roving bridges), under M67 bridge, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village
4.3m option - after 2nd double gates turn left instead of right and follow river trail over Mill Ln to Gibralter Bridge, cross bridge and return to Village as above.
Mon 8th April 2013 - 5.3m
Dunkirk Ln, canal to Shepley, river trail to Manchester Rd then Mill Ln, canal to Dunkirk Ln
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, right canal, exit left just before 2nd bridge, Shepley, left Broomtsiars Rd (post box) join river trail, left fork, follow trail to bridge, left, trail to Manchester Rd, cross over and right, left down to river trail, follow trail to Mill Ln, left, over bridge, right onto playing fields, follow path through woods from corner of fields, cross end of Raglan St, left along canal, right at Mancheseter Rd crossing canal then join towpath and under road bridge, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village
Wed 3rd April 2013 - 6.2m
Dunkirk Ln, 1 lap of the Stride race route, canal to Hyde, Broomstairs, river trail, Shepley, Broadway finish
We are conducting a timing system test for the race with the help of SRC Hyde.
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, to race start, wait for "Go", one full lap of the race route and back to finish, collect your place token and hand it in as directed at the finish. Once all are in we'll head up Dunkirk Ln to the canal and follow the canal to Hyde, exit on to Manchester Rd, head downhill to Broomstairs, follow river trail through to Shepley Ind Est, right, Globe, right Globe Ln, right Broadway, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 27th March 2013 - 8m (option for 7m)
Dewsnap, Bennett St, Hyde, Mill Ln, Two Trees, Crown Pt, Sun Inn, Charles St, King St
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, right Birch Ln, becomes Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, left mini-roundabout Old St, becomes Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Mill Ln, right min-roundabout Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, bear right Stockport Rd, straight through Crown Pt, Sun Inn, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, right at lights King St, Duki Town Hall, White Bridge, Village.
7m option - return directly to Villgae from Globe via White Bridge
Mon 25th March 2013 - 5.2m
White Bridge, Big Wigs, Denton Hyde
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, mini-roundabout, left Corporation Rd, pass former Big Wigs, becomes Taylor Ln, to end, left Manchester Rd, Crown Pt, Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Please stay for the AGM afterwards if you can.
Wed 20th March 2013 - 6m
To Godley and back again
Down Cpn Clarke Rd, right Outram Rd, to end, right Broadway, to end, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, right Birch Ln, becomes Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffiield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commerical Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, Birch Ln, Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 18th March 2013 - 5m (optional loopy version)
Today's route is brought to you by the Holt-McDermotts
Johnsonbrook, down Sandy Ln, Whitelands, Globe, dairy
Johnsonbrook, Left Birch Lane to Duki Morrisons, Right & quick left down Sandy Lane, straight on becomes Clarence St, Left Whitelands Rd to end, Left & up Crescent Rd, Right Wharf St, Straight over lights becomes Charles St, Right Astley St, Left Globe Ln, Right Broadway past the old dairy, Left Duki Rd, Left Village.
As a groundhog day alternative we could do five laps of up to the White Bridge, left Globe Ln, left Broadway, left Capn Clarke Rd, Village, left to White Bridge etc.
Wed 13th March - 8m optional 5.8m
Hyde, Gee Cross, St Anne's, Shepley, Broadway finish
Johnsonbrook Rd to top, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, to end, right Mottram Rd, left at lights (Morissons exit) Lumm Rd, all the way to the top (passing straight though junction with Walker Ln) Clarkes Arms, left Stockport Rd, all the way to Gee Cross, Tesco express, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, after Shell garage take second left, Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, left Manchester Rd towards Denton, Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd, cross motorway, follow road round to Penny Farthing, right at mini-roundabout, Sandbrook Wy becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, Village.
5.8m option
At the end of Great Norbury St turn right and return straight to Village via Clark Wy and Duki Rd.
Mon 11th March - 5.2m
Globe, Wharf St, Whitelands, Cheetham Hill, Dewsnap
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, Astley Arms, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over at lights, Wharf St continues, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Bayley St, to end, right High St, left at lights Cheetham Hill Rd, to lights, right Yew Tree Ln, to end right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Optional 6.2m ending
Do not turn right to Yew Tree Ln at the lights on Cheetham Hill Rd, continue to the end of the road and turn right on to Birch Ln, continue past Dewsnap Ln, Duki baths, left Boyds Wk, to end left King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 6th March - monthly 10k Time Trial (9m optional finish)
Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde loop map
9m option - carry straight on past Village, White Bridge, King St, left on Wharf St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Astley Arms, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 4th March - 6.4m (5.3m option)
Throstle Bank, Hyde Park, Duke of Sussex, Bay Horse, Cheshire Cheese, Duki Arms, Cheetham Hill, Duki Morrisons, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, to top, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, to top, Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left High St, becomes Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, left at lights Birch Ln, Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
5.3m option - at Duki Arms do not go right to Cheetham Hill go straight on, through lights, Duki Baths, left Boyds Wk, to end, left King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 27th Feb
10m Daisy Nook loop
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, left Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, straight on Crescent Rd, down hill then left Wharf St, right at lights, Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Parade, cross over at one-way system, up Richmond St, right Knowle Ave (East Chesh on left), to end, left Taunton Rd, to end, left Newmarket Rd, becomes Lumb Ln then Moorside St then Market St, Droylesden, straight through lights, left Ashton Hill Ln, Lazy Toad, to end, left Manchester Rd then immediate right Audenshaw Rd (Lockwoood & Greenwood), former Blue Pig, Audenshaw Ressers, at roundabout right Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
6m option after crossing at one-way system continue past Ashton Police Stn, over motorway, left Moss Wy, follow road round to left, Guide Bridge Theatre, right at lights Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
7.4m option as 6m but do not turn left on Moss Wy, continue past Snipe (B&Q etc.) to Lockwood & Greenwood, left Audenshaw Rd, former Blue Pig, Audenshaw Ressers, at roundabout right Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 25th Feb
5.2m Johnsonbrook, Broomstairs, St Anne's, Cemetery, Shepley, Broadway
Johnsonbrook Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd, right at lights Bennett St, left at mini-roundabout Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, right Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, Village.
6.6m optional finish do not turn into Broadway instead White Bridge, left, right Boyds Walk, to end, right Birch Ln, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Village
Wed 20th Feb
Figure of 8 miles - Cheetham Hill, Whitelands, Wharf, Globe, White Bridge, Duki Rd, Lodge Ln, Ashton Rd, Dewsnap
Options for 4.9m, 6.9m, 7.2m
Johnsonbrook Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, left Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over lights Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, past Village, Duki Rd to end, left Newton St, bear right after mini-roundabout Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
4.9m stop at Village
6.9m follow route to Nwton St and continue to secone min-roundabout, left Bennett St, over footbridge, to end, right Duki Rd, Village.
7.2m from Ashton Rd go down Johnsonbrook Rd to Village
Mon 18th Feb
5.3m Shepley, Crown Pt, Two Trees, Mill Ln, Duki Rd
Options for 6, 6.9, 7.2, 7.5m
White Bridge, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, straight on Stockport Rd, left TwoTrees Ln, 2nd min-roundabout left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Options all go straight up Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, left at lights, Ashton Rd. 6 returns via Johnsonbrook Rd, 6.9 via Dewsnap directly, 7.2 via Dewsnap then down to ind est and left on Broadway then left Capn Clarke Rd, 7.5 follows Broadway to Duki Rd then Village.
Wed 13th Feb
7.5 (or 6.7 or 8.3 or 9.1) dark, muddy miles by torchlight
Time for the next filthy installment. Down the river and canal to Haughton Dale it is an extended version of the last but this time it has been wet and isn't frosty so be prepared for mud.
Once again use trail shoes if you have them and bring a head or hand torch if you have one (I have a few spare head torches).
Off road in the dark tips:
- Run light on your feet
- Lift them a little higher than usual for each step
- Keep your stride short
- Give yourself a bit of extra space from the runner in front
- Call out hazards to those behind and listen to those in front
- Enjoy, smiling isn't optional!
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, over canal bridge then left along canal, after 100m right down cobbled path, left along river trail, cross Manchester Rd, right then left down trail, through 2 double gates, left, cross Mill Ln, continue along river trail, up and down steps, left over Gibralter Bridge, right, up through woods to canal, straight on, at 3rd bridge turn right off canal and follow footpath to Lambeth Grove, to bottom, left on trail, right over river bridge, right along river trail, to Meadow Ln, right down lane, left at car park, fork left in woods, straight on along river trail, fork right then left and return to Gibralter Bridge, cross river then left, fork left up small steps and follow up to canal, left on canal, cross two roving bridges, under the motorway, under Dunkirk Ln bridge, exit at next bridge, cross canal, emerge at Ryder trucks, right Globe Ln, right Broadway, left Outram Rd, left Captain Clarke Rd, Village.
Distance options
To avoid folk getting lost the whole group will do the same start and keep together. Optional endings allow for the different distances but nobody will be going back alone.
Dunkirk Ln start
6.7m Leave the canal at Dunkirk Ln and going straight back to the Village.
9m Continue on canal to Shepley, leave just before bridge then left down road, over river then left Broomstairs Rd, follow the river path back to Dunkirk Ln then straight back to Village.
Shepley start
8.3m Join river path at Shepley instead of Dunkirk Ln and then leave the canal at Dunkirk Ln.
9.1m Join river path at Shepley and leave the canal at Ryder Trucks then straight back through ind estate.
Wed 6th Feb
Monthly 10k time-trial
Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde loop map
For an extra 1.75 miles (to make 8 total) at the end go up Johnsonbrook Rd, left Ashton Rd, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 4th Feb
6m Globe, Wharf St, Whitelands Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, Broadway
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, Wharf St, straight over at lights, left at end, right at lights Whitelands Rd, straight over at end Bayley St, to end, right High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Globe Ln, left Broadway, left Captain Clarke Rd, Village.
For 5m return directly to Village down Jonshonbrook Rd.
Wed 30th Jan
8.1m Boyds Walk, Cheetham Hill, Whitelands Rd, Asda underpass, Ashton Nick, Ashton Fire Stn, Guide Bridge, Shepley
White Bridge, King St, right Boyds Walk, to top, right Birch Ln, Duki Arms/Irn Bru shop, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, 2nd left Bayley St, tip, straight on Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Lower Wharf St, to end, footpath alongside Asda, right into underpass, left in the middle through second underpass, right up ramp and straight on, cross over at one-way system, pass Ashton Police Stn (opp side of rd), straight on crossing at one way system and motorway junction, left at lights just before Snipe retail park, Moss Way, over motorway, Ashton Fire Stn, bear left Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
For 6 miles return directly to Village from Asda.
Mon 29th Jan
6.2m Hyde, Godley Station, Commercial Brow, Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap
Duki Rd to end, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left down footpath before motorway sliproad, emerges on Commercial St, to end, right Halton St, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Station, right Mottram Rd, at lights right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, right at 2nd lights Cheetham Hill Rd, left at bookies, Lodge Ln, left Meadow Ln, left Birch Ln, Duki baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 23rd Jan
7.1m Hyde, Broomstairs, St Annes, Shepley, Wharf St, Park Rd, Cheetham Hill, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Annes Rd, Penny Farthing pub, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over at lights and straight over again at Crescent Rd, Park Rd, straight over at Sandy Ln, to end, right Tame St, straight over at lights, Cheetham Hill Rd, right at lights Yew Tree Ln, right at end, Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
For a shorter run you can either go right up King St and straight back for 5.6m or go right up Crescent Rd from Wharf St and return via Dewsnap Ln which is 6.4m.
Mon 21st Jan
Conditions underfoot will dictate if we run on road, off road with the torches again or not at all.
Road route would be 5 miles. Dewsnap, Commercial Brow, High St, Godley Stn and back via Hyde and Duki Rd.
Off road would be along the canal and river trails like last week.
Wed 16th Jan running by torchlight
5.6m about 4m of which will be off-road, dark and in many places muddy!
The route is White Bridge, Globe, join canal heading towards Hyde, after Dunkirk Ln bridge go down the cobbled path to the river and left, cross over Manchester Rd at Broomstairs then back on to the river trail, through two double gates, cross Mill Ln, up and down the steps and cross the river at Gibralter Bridge, go left and take the smaller path steeply up to the canal. Follow the canal back to Dunkirk Ln and exit there up to Duki Rd and Village.
If you find the dark really isn't for you then you can escape from the canal after less than a mile at Dunkirk Ln.
Mon 14th Jan
6m Dewsnap, Asda Ashton, Guide Bridge, Sun Inn
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, left Birch Ln, Duki baths, Duki Morrisons, Crescent Rd, left at Old General, Astley St, to end, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Parade, straight on Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, at lights straight on Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, left at lights Audenshaw Rd, left at roundabout Stamford Rd, straight on to Sun Inn, straight over Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village
Wed 9th Jan
6m Gee Cross & Hyde
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, left at lights, Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, left Lumn Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, just before post box and green on left turn left up Lilly St, becomes Werneth Ave, don't forget to smile, to end, right Mottram Old Rd, becomes Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, to end, left Market St, down through Hyde, right Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Mon 7th Jan
6.1m Cemetery Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde, Gt Norbury, Johnsonbrook
White bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left, Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, barking dog, becomes Sandbrook Wy, to mini-roundabout, left St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, to end, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi, right Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Henry St, to end, left Dowson Rd, to end, right Market St, to James North roundabout, 2nd exit Smithy Ln alongside Ring o Bells, to end short right then left Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, to end, left Mottram Rd, right at lights Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, left Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Wed 2nd Jan
Monthly 10k time-trial
Wed 19th Dec
6.4m Ashton, Snipe, Lockwood & Greenwood then straight back via Sun Inn
White Bridge, King St, Asda roundabout, left, cross over at one way system and head past police stn towards Snipe retail park (B&Q etc.), cross M60 bridge, continue past Snipe to one way system, straight on over canal bridge to lights, Lockwood and Greenwood car sales, turn sharply left on to Audenshaw Rd, over M60 bridge, past former Blue Pig pub, past reservoirs, at roundabout go right on to Stamford Rd, straight on to Sun Inn, straight back to Village via Shepley, Globe Ln and White Bridge.
Mon 17th Dec
6.1 miles
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Ashton Rd, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, left Bayley St, to end, straight on Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end left Duki Rd
Wed 12th Dec
6 hilly miles - The Four Hills
White Bridge, King St, right Pickford Ln, to top, left Town Ln, to end bear left Crescent Rd, down hill to Old General, left Astley St, to bottom, left King St, past Duki Tn Hall, left Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd, to bottom, right Park Rd, to crossroads, right Sandy Ln, to top, left High St, straight through lights, third right (Stone Jug pub) Quarry Rise, to top, left Fir Tree Cres, becomes Salisbury Dr, to end, right Yew Tree Ln, to end, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight back via Johnsonbrook Rd.
Monday 10th Dec
Santa run ~ 2 miles. Usual time, dress up, bring a bit of cash for charity and enjoy mince pies and London Marathon places draw afterwards.
Wed 5th Dec
First Wed of the month 10k Time Trial - Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
At your own pace, nobody will be left behind!
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
If you want something shorter returning directly from the Sun Inn via the Globe and White Bridge is 4.5 miles.
Mon 3rd Dec
6.1m Loopy fun!
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, right King St, Duki Town Hall, White Bridge, pass the Village, Duki Rd, to end left Newton St, straight on at mini-roundabout Old Street, right at mini-roundabout Bennett St, to lights, left Ashton Rd, becomes Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village
Wed 28th Nov
6.2m Sun Inn, Corporation Rd, St Anne's, Hyde, Newton, Johnsonbrook
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, left Egerton St, to end (main road) right then immediate left Turner St, becomes St Anne's Rd, continue straight on past Penny Farthing pub, to end, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, 2nd left Clarendon Rd, up past college, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, straight on, left Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Mon 26th Nov
6.2m Hyde Park, Duke of Sussex, Cheetham Hill Rd, Up Crescent Rd, Down Dewsnap
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight on Spring Gdns, straight over main road, Park Dr, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, to top, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, right at second lights Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, left at bottom of hill Park Rd, straight over cross roads, continue to end, left Crescent Rd, up the hill, continue on past Duki Morrisons and Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 21st Nov
6.2m Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde
This will be the route used every first Wed of the month for folks to test themselves.
White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Returning directly from the Sun Inn via the Globe and White Bridge is 4.5 miles.
Mon19th Nov
6.1m Godley and back
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight on over mini-roundabout then bear right Park Dr, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, right Repton Av, to end, right down Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, straight on becomes Birch Ln, past Duki Baths, Duki Morrisons, left Chapel St, to end, left King St, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 14th Nov
6.2m Guide Bridge, Asda Ashton underpass, Whitelands, Cheetham Hill Rd
White Bridge, left, Globe, left, Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, past station, right Stockport Rd, all the way to Asda roundabout, down ramp to underpass, centre of roundabout right then immediate left after passing under road, path alongside Asda, emerge on Lower Wharf St, to end, straight over at lights, Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Bayley St, to end, right High St, to lights, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Mon 12th Nov
4.5m Duki Morrisons, Asda Ashton & the Globe
Wed 7th Nov
Johnsonbrook Rd, left Birch Ln, continue past Duki Morrisons, Old General, down Crescent Brow, over the river and canal bridges then left at the lights Lower Wharf St, to end then follow path past Asda, at underpass beware of pedestrians and turn right to centre of roundabout, turn left and emergre from underpass going left up ramp, pass Asda, right after exhaust garage, Wharf St, becomes Chales St, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
6.5m Hyde, Gee Cross, Newton, Dewsnap
Duki Rd to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchster Rd, Aldi, left Great Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry st, right Dowson Rd, left (opp Smith Knight Fay) Stockport Rd, Gee Cross, left Stockport Rd, Tesco, towards Hyde, Clarkes Arms, right Lumn Rd, to end (opp Hyde Morrisons exit) right Mottram Rd, lights, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, straight on Ashton Rd, straight through two sets of lights, becomes Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Option to return via Johnsonbrook Rd is 5.7m.
Mon 5th Nov
6m Firework dodging round Newton, Denton, Two Trees & Mill Ln
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Ashton Rd, through lights, right Lodge Ln, to end, left Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, left Stockport Rd, bear left at lights, Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, left at second mini-roundabout Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 31st Oct - Halloween, the return of the Guinness Monster?
6.4m Newton, Cheetham Hill, Duki Morrisons, Dewsnap
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, becomes Spring Gdns, straight over mini-roundabout Park Dr, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, up past College, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, to top Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, down to lights, right Ashton Rd, right at lights Cheetham Hill Rd, to lights at end, left Oxford Rd, to top, Duki Morrisons, left Birch Ln, past Duki Baths, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, left Victoria Rd, Village
6.2m Duki Rd, Cheetham Hill, Park Rd, Globe
Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, becoems Old Rd, right at second mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to lights, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, left Park Rd, straight over cross-roads, bear left Wharf St, straight over Crescent Rd, Wharf St to lights, straight over Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 24th Oct
6m DDG (Dewsnap, Denton, Globe)
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, becomes Ashton Rd, Co-op, right Lodge Ln, to end, left Newton St, to end, right Clark Wy, to end, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Hyde Rd, Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, becomes Denton Rd, Sun Inn, right Shepley Rd, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village and a little extra if your watch doesn't say 6m!
Mon 22nd Oct
6.6m Ashton Adventure
White Bridge, King St, right Pickford Ln, to top, right Town Ln, left Jeffreys Dr, straight through lights Oxford Rd, left Sandy Ln, becomes Clarence St, to end, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd (San Rocco), right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd (opp college), straight over main road Curzon continues, straight on through lights Ladbroke Rd, to end, straight over Broadoak Rd then bear left Cranbourne Rd, to end, straight over Oldham Rd, straight on Knowle Ave, straight on to 3rd roundabout, left Richmond St, to end, cross over one-way system then left Park Parade, right Adsa Ashton, King St, White Bridge, Village
Wed 17th Oct
6.2m A (Staley)bridge too far?
Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, Tecso, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, through 5 sets of lights, pass San Rocco restaurant on right then next left Granville St, immediately turn right Currier Ln, to end, left Scotland St, becomes Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, to lights then straight over Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village
Mon 15th Oct
6.5m Cemetery Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde, Godley
White Bridge, Globe Ln, Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at mini-roundabout St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over motorway, left Hyde Rd, becomes Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde Aldi, straight on Market St, Hyde Town Hall, left Union St, Hyde library, right Mottram Rd, Morrisons Hyde, straight on to Godley Station, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becoems Ashton Rd, left Johnsonbrook Rd, Village
Wed 10th Oct
6.3m Cheetham Hill and Duki
White Bridge, King St, right Boyds Wk, to end, right Birch Ln, through lights then left Yew Tree Ln, to lights left Cheetham Hill Rd, after bookies on left turn right Gorse Hall Rd, 3rd left Fir Tree Ln, 2nd left Fir Tree Cres, 2nd left Quarry Rise, to end, left High St becomes Oxford Rd, to end, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, becomes Crescent Rd, to bottom of steep part of hill, left Wharf St, to lights, straight over Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, Village
Mon 8th Oct
6.5m Gee Cross
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, straight on Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, right Mottram Rd, left at lights Lumn Rd, to end, Clarkes Arms left Stockport Rd, to end (Gee Cross Tesco) right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, after Shell grarage 2nd left Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
Wed 3rd Oct
Johnsonbrook Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd to end, right High St, left Bayley St, straight over on to Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Lower Wharf St, on to footpath, at ASDA car park junction right to underpass, left in centre of roundabout, underpass, right up ramp, straight on Park Parade then Stockport Rd towards Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village
Mon 1st Oct
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, to end, left A57 Manchester Rd, 3rd right Acre St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, to lights, bear left Two Trees Ln, The Cock Hotel, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 26th Sep
6.2m road
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, left Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, straight on, Old General, as hill eases near bottom turn right on to Wharf St, becomes Park Rd, continue straight over X roads, to end, right Tame St, up hill and straight through lights to Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, straight through lights, Duke of Sussex, right Clarendon Rd, right Park Rd, left Park Dr, straight over, Spring Gdns, straight on Throstle Bank St, right Duki Rd, Village
Monday 17 Sep
This is my last run before going away to Crete for a week so on Wednesday and Monday you'll have a little respite but I'll be back on Wed 26th. I'll leave you with a delightful little bumpy 5.7 miles. If folk fancy a bit more adventure I can add a bonus bit off-road in the middle making it 6.4m.
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Markham St, right Ashton Rd, through lights, right Lodge Ln, over railway bridge, left into Hyde Park, through park and emerge on Park Rd, to end, left Clarendon Rd, up to lights, straight over to Victoria St, all the way up to the Rising Moon pub then left down the track just before car park, at track junction go left and up steeply to Yew Tree Ln, continue down Yew Tree to the lights, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to lights, right Ahton Rd. Return to Village via Dewsnap Ln and White Bridge.
Wednesday 12th Sep
Either some off roading via the river to Woodley and back on the canal 7.3m or a slightly hillier road version going to Haughton Green then Woodley and back via Hyde 6.9m
River/Canal 7.3m
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, right cobbled path to river, left, to Manchester Rd, right/left track, through 2 double gates, left, follow river trail to Mill Ln, cross over and continue on river trail to Haughton Dale, continue until trail car park at Meadow Ln, up road for 100m then left on river trail again, left across footbridge, left again, right at road, up the hill, left down path next to fence, follow through woods to near canal then fork right to road, follow to Hyde Rd at end then down ramp to canal, follow canal back via Hyde to bridge after motorway bridge, up Dunkirk Ln and back to Village.
Road option 6.9m
Duki Rd to Hyde, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Mill Ln, up hill, straight on at mini-roundabout, Haughton Grn Rd, left Meadow Ln, down hill, right river trail, left across footbridge, left again, right at road, up the hill, left down path next to fence, follow through woods to near canal then fork right to road, follow to bridge over canal, left after bridge then right Bankfield Rd, to end, right then left Hyde Rd, towards Hyde, becomes Dowson Rd, after Shell garage 2nd left Higher Henry St, left Church Rd, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Monday 10th Sep
6.4 miles - an old favorite in reverse. Lockwood and Greenwood, Ashton, Duki
White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, straight on, over first roundabout, left at second roundabout, Audenshaw Ressers, Blue Pig, Lockwood and Greenwood, sharp right, past Snipe Retail Park (B&Q etc) straight on, past Ashton police stn, cross over to right of road. Asda Ashton, Duki Town Hall, White bridge, Village.
Wednesday 5th Sep
6.5 miles canal and river trail
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left down trail to canal, over bridge and left on towpath. Just before boatyard leave canal up path to right, follow path trhough stiles, steps and fields to river trail near bridge, follow trail to Manchester Rd, right then left down track to river trail, follow trail to Mill Ln, left on road over bridge then right on to playing fields, exit field through trees to end of Raglan St, left on canal path, at Hyde Rd turn right, cross canal and then though stile on to canal bridge and round to follow canal back towards Village. Do not exit at Dunkirk Ln, follow to next bridge then exit leading out to Ryder Trucks on Globe Ln, right, right Broadway, left Outram Rd, left end, Village.
Monday 3rd Sep
Either 6.2 miles with a bit of Werneth Low or something easier 6.1 flatish road miles
Werneth Low option
Johnsonbrook Rd, right all the way to Halton St via Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow. Left Mottram Rd, right Green Ln, to end, left/right steeply up path on to Werneth Low, right to war memorial and down to visitor centre, exit on Higham Ln, right/left Aspland Rd, straight on through fields and right at far end down to Gee Cross. Return directly to Village via Stockport Rd, Market St, Clark Wy and Duki Rd.
Easy option
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Ashton Rd, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, left Bayley St, to end, straigh on Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end left Duki Rd
Wednesday 29th Aug
6.1 miles Shepley, Hyde and back
White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, up the hill then left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left mini roundabout St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, continue to end of road crossing motorway, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi (optional 4 mile returns directly to Village), right Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, to end then left Dowson Rd and cross over, right Market St, James North Clock, bear left Smithy Ln, at end quick right / left Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd North, to end, left Mottram Rd, right lights Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, left Johnsonbrook Rd, Village
Wednesday 22nd Aug
6.7 miles Canal to Woodley then roads back.
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, follow canal crossing sides twice until the tunnel entrace at Woodley. Leave the canal and turn left on Hyde Rd towards Hyde. Becomes Stockport Rd then Dowson Rd, after Shell garage take 2nd left Higher Henry St, left at end Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Monday 20th Aug
6.4 miles with a 5.1 mile option
White Bridge, King St, Asda roundabout, left, cross over at one way system and head past police stn towards Snipe retail park (B&Q etc.), cross M60 bridge, continue past Snipe to one way system, straight on over canal bridge to lights (Lockwood and Greenwood car sales), turn sharply left on to Audenshaw Rd, over M60 bridge, past former Blue Pig pub, past reservoirs, at roundabout go right on to Stamford Rd, straight on to Sun Inn, straight back to Village via Shepley, Globe Ln and White Bridge.
5.1 option turns left after first M60 bridge and returns to Village via Guide Bridge, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe Ln and White Bridge.
Wednesday 15th Aug
6.1 miles with a short section of off-road and some, mostly gentle, climbing.
Duki Rd, Throstle Bank St, straight over on to Park Dr, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, all the way up to Matley Ln, left on to trail just before Rising Moon, follow trail and bear right then follow to end, left up Range Rd, through farm yard and up trail, stables, emerge at top of Yew Tree Ln, turn right, return to Village via Yew Tree Ln, Dewsnap Ln and White Bridge.
Monday 13th August
6 miles, river to Haughton Dale and canal back - hopefully not too muddy!
White Bridge, left, Globe, left, through valley and turn left at the start of the steep part, follow river trail to Manchester Rd Hyde, right, cross over, left down track to river trail, follow trail and cross over Mill Ln, up the large steps and down the other side then left across Gibralter Bridge over the river, left, follow the trail round then fork left up a few steps then steeply up to the Peak Forest Canal.
Follow canal back past Hyde (crossing over at two bridges) and on to Dunkirk Ln, leave canal and head straight back to Village.
Wednesday 8th August
Saddleworth Six mile road race, not too hilly despite being in Saddleworth! See Danny's report from last year on the Race Reports page for more info. £7 on the night, entry form available here. Race starts at 19:30 registration open from 17:30 at race HQ Saddleworth Youth Centre, Wellington Road, Greenfield, Oldham OL3 7AL. Arriving early is advisable. Info for runners here.
Monday 6th August
5.9 miles
Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, over canal down to river, right, over river bridge and up hill, fork left to exit at St Anne's Rd, right, Penny Farthing pub, straight on at roundabout St Anne's Rd, becomes Turner St, to end, right/left over main road to Egerton St, to end, right Corporation Rd, to end, left Stamford Rd, to roundabout at end right Audenshaw Rd, to end, right Audenshaw Rd continues, Guide Bridge Theatre, bear left at lights Stockport Rd, right at roundabout, Asda Ashton, King St, Duki Town Hall, White Bridge, Village.
Wednesday 1st August
7.3 miles with a nice hill (5.9 mile option without hill)
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Markham St, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Pauls Hill Rd, left St Michaels Rd, over the bridge on to Green Ln (trail), to end, left Mottram Old Rd, right farm track, right Apple St, up to top of hill (steep), off road to war memorial and down to visitor centre, right Higham Ln, to Stockport Rd, cross straight over and down path, right Stockport Rd, left James North roundabout, continue down Market St, right Clark Wy, Duki Rd, Village.
5.9 mile option turns right at top of Green Ln, right at Tecso Gee Cross and returns to Village as above.
Monday 30th July 2012
6.1 miles with 5.4 mile option
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, straight on at mini-roundabout Moorside Ln, to end, left Wood St, right to footbridge over motorway, quick right-left Moorside Ln, to end (Hyde Rd) right then cross over and immediately left Haughton Hall Rd, to end, left-right Whittle Ave, to end left Leesway Dr, 2nd right Aspen Gn, right Leesway Dr, left Moorfield Ave (shops), to end, left Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Clark Wy, left Clarendon St, left Park Rd, right in to Hyde Park, up through park and exit right on Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, Village
5.4 mile option returns to Village directly via Duki Rd from Clark Wy.
Wednesday 25th July 2012
Black Knight Charge 19:30 at East Cheshire Harriers. Most of the group are going to run this.
For those not going to the race here are a couple of options:
6 mile - Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde. The classic loop following the main roads. White Bridge, Asda Ashton, Guide Bridge, Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left towards Hyde, Clark Wy, Duki Rd, Village.
Alternatively come straight back to the Village from the Sun Inn via Shepley and Globe Ln for 4.5 miles.
5 mile - White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd to end, straight over Tame St, left Park Rd to end, straight over Wharf St, straight on Chales St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Monday 23rd July 2012
5.9m (4.5m option)
Johnsonbrook Rd, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commerical Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, first right Grange Rd North, all the way to the top of the road then drop down to disused railway line and turn right, to end, left Apethorn Ln, to top, left Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell Garage Hight Henry St, Gt Norbury St to end, right Manchert Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village
4.5 mile option leaves disused railway at Dowson Rd and follows rest of route back to Village
Wednesday 18th July 2012
6.2 miles
White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, Guide Bridge, right Stockport Rd, past Oxford Park Sports Centre, straight on where road bears left joinng Trafalgar Sq, Victoria St, Hill St, left Cavendish Rd, down the underpass to middle of Asda roundabout, right towards Asda then left on path before Asda car park, to end, emerges Lower Wharf St, to end, straight over Whitelands Rd, right Clarence St, becomes Sandy Ln, up hill to top (back of Duki Morissons), right then left at lights Birch Ln, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Monday 16th July 2012
5 mile with a 6 mile option
Duki Rd towards Hyde, Throstle Bank to mini roundabout, left on Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, Tame St, Park Rd, Wharf St, left King St, White Bridge, Village.
Six mile option stays on Wharf St then Charles St, Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, Broadway to end, Duki Rd,Village.
Wednesday 11th July 2012
Adge is thinking of running round the Millbrook Monster route on Weds - see his post on facebook. Let him know there if you want to join him.
7.2 miles options 6 miles, 4 miles
Duki Rd towards Hyde, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Annes Rd, past Penny Farthing pub, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, left, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left Corporation Rd, left Egerton St, to end, left Denton Rd, Sun Inn, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, to lights, right King St, White Bridge, Village.
6 mile option from Globe return directly to Village via White Bridge
4 mile option from end of Cemetery Rd return directly to Village via Globe and White Bridge
Monday 9th July 2012
5.4 miles options for 4.6m or 5.9m
Duki Rd towards Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Mottram Rd, past Morrisons, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to end, right lights Ashton Rd, return to Village via Dewsnap Ln and White Bridge
4.6m option
Return to Village via Johnsonbrook Rd
5.9m option
Go straight on past Dewsnap Ln and left down Boyds Wk to King St. Turn left then straight back to Village via White Bridge.
Wednesday 4th July 2012
Today some of the group are doing the Offerton 10k. Tomorrow the Sale Sizzlers 5k series starts.
5 miles
Duki Rd towards Hyde, right Broadway to end, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, continues Wharf St, straight over King St and Crescent Rd to end Wharf St, bear right Park Rd, straight over Sandy Ln, to end Park Rd, right Tame St, up hill to lights and straight over to Cheetam Hill Rd, continue to Yew Tree Ln lights and turn right, return to Village via Dewsnap Ln and White Bridge
Monday 2nd July 2012
I might be having a rest day so DannyMc has kindly stepped in.
5 miles
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, Wharf St, left Cavendish St, past Asda Ashton, left Park Parade, Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wednesday 27th June 2012
Some of the club are doing Round the Ressers and I am hoping to go and support them.
For those not going to the race here are a few options:
6 mile - Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde. The classic loop following the main roads. White Bridge, Asda Ashton, Guide Bridge, Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, left towards Hyde, Clark Wy, Duki Rd, Village. Alternatively come straight back to the Village from the Sun Inn via Shepley and Globe Ln for 4.5 miles.
5 mile - White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd to end, straight over Tame St, left Park Rd to end, straight over Wharf St, straight on Chales St, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Monday 25th June 2012
6.1 road miles - Shepley, Denton, Haughton Green, Hyde.
Capn Clarke Rd, right Outram Rd, right Broadway, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, straight over at Sun Inn, left Corporation Rd to end, left Manchester Rd towards Crown Pt, 3rd right Acre St to end, left Town Ln to end, right Stockport Rd, left Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, Duki Rd, Village.
Wednesday 20th June 2012
6 miles on road and the disused Apethorn/Godley railway line.
Duki Rd to Hyde, right Clark Wy, at lights straight over on to Robert St, to end, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, to end, right Dowson Rd, just before zebra crossing turn right Grosvenor Rd, left Foxholes Rd, left Foxholes Rd continues, to corner and down path to disused railway, left, follow railway path to exit left to Firethorn Dr at Godley, right Firethorn to end, right Almond Wy, left Station Rd, to end, straight over (temp lights / roadworks) Sheffiled Rd, HighSt, to end, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, Village
Monday 18th June 2012
OK, this time we really will do an easy to follow road route - 6 miles.
Duki Rd, Throstle Bank St, mini-roundabout left Old St, mini-roundabout right Bennett St, to traffic lights, left Ashton Rd, to traffic lights, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, 2nd left Bayley St, to end, straight over Whitelands Rd, to end, left Cresent Rd, Lamb Inn, right Wharf St, straight through lights continue on Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe Hotel, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wednesday 13th June 2012
5.5m with some off-road
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight over to Lodge Ln, right Stansfield Rd, to end, right, cross over onto playing fields, up fields exiting on Victoria St, right Welch Rd to end, off road down narrow track (care needed) under M67, up to cricket pitch, left bridleway, past Godley water treatment works, left over M67 bridge, straight on past stables, left along field path through squeeze-styles (often horses), down steps into wooded glade, cross stream, exit woods into field, follow path over field between two lone trees, down dip, over stream bridge and up the other side, over style, cross road (Matley Lane - near Rising Moon) straight over down track, left at fork and up the hill to end, straight on down Yew Tree Ln, to end, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end straight over and down Johnsonbrook Rd to Village.
Monday 11th June 2012
Cheetham Park, Stalybridge. 5.5 miles with a nice bit of hill in it!
White Bridge, Dewsnap lane to top, right, cross Birch Ln and up Yew Tree Ln to Cheetham Hill Rd, left, to end, right High St, to Tesco then into the park. Up though the park then a wooded path or two before emerging on the hillside above and heading over to the stables. Left to the top of Yew Tree Ln and down to Cheetham Hill Rd, left then straight back to Village via Johnsonbrook Rd.
Wednesday 6th June 2012
Dennis the Menace 5 mile trail race round our local river paths - 19:30 entry form. Raising money for St. Mary’s Neo Natal Unit and Willow Wood Hospice.
We have the option of just a run or a run and a race. Dennis the Menace registration closes at 19:15 so, if we get a wriggle on, we can run 3 miles and be at the Pack Horse for registration by 19:00.
Those who don't want to run the race can carry on to do either 6.2 miles or 4.5.
Route. White bridge, Asda Ashton, left, Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Lane, Sun Inn. Those racing cross over and register at the Pack Horse. The others can either return directly to the Village via Shepley and the Globe for 4.5 miles total or head to Crown Point then return via Hyde and Duki Rd for 6.2.
Monday 28th May 2012
Two options - shorter and hillier or longer and flatter. Whichever we don't run on Monday we'll do on Wednesday!
Hilly 5.5 - murder mystery trail
Johnsonbrook Rd,to top, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, most of the way up the hill, left Tennyson Av, bear left Macauley Cl to end, Gorse Hall grounds (visitor guide), down the hill to emerge on High St, left, to lights, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Village.
Flatter 7 - a Tussle with the Tame
Duki Rd to Hyde, Clark Wy, Manchester Rd to canal bridge, just after bridge left down canalside trail (not the towpath which is on the other side) to end, right Raglan St briefly then left on trail to Mill Ln playing fields, on to Mill Ln and over river bridge, left Tame Trail to Gibralter Bridge, cross river, turn right and up through woods, straight on to canal towards Woodley, at third bridge turn right off towpath on to trail, follow trail to road then turn right down hill, at bottom turn left and follow trail to footbridge over river, cross river, turn right, follow Tame Trail to end at Meadow Ln, right, to end, follow Tame Trail left, stay close to river and follow trail to Gibralter Bridge, cross bridge, turn left and follow trail round to right, take small steps up on left then trail steeply up to canal, turn left along canal, follow all the way past Hyde to Dunkirk Ln and then up to Duki Rd and Village.
Wednesday 23rd May 2012
6m, 4.5m
Duki Rd to Hyde, Clark Way, Manchester Rd to Crown Pt, Denton, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn - routes diverge
4.5m turn right and return to Village via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge.
6m continue straight on to Guide Bridge, right Stockport Rd, to Asda Ashton roundabout then straight back to Village along King St via White Bridge.
Monday 21st May 2012
Another off-road adventure but not as hilly this time.
Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight over to Park Drive, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, right Danby Rd to end, right Welch Rd to end, off road down narrow track (care needed) under M67, up to cricket pitch, left bridleway, past Godley water treatment works, left over M67 bridge, straight on past stables, left along field path through squeeze-styles (often horses), down steps into wooded glade, cross stream, exit woods into field, follow path over field between two lone trees, down dip, over stream bridge and up the other side, over style, cross road (Matley Lane - near Rising Moon) straight over down track, left at fork and up the hill to end, straight on down Yew Tree Ln, to end, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end straight over and down Johnsonbrook Rd to Village.
Wednesday 16th May 2012 - The Jewels of Joel
As a preparation for next week's Dovestone Diamond somebody, who shall remain nameless but recently did their first triathlon and drives a white vanny, requested that we have a jog up Werneth Low via Joel Lane.
So there is the option of a hilly one. For those who don't fancy that there is also a less sweaty option. The hilly option also has a bit of trail on it but it's not too wet or tricky.
Options 6.9m hilly, 5.4m less hilly
Both routes are the same until the foot of Joel Lane at 2.5m. Duki Rd, Clark Wy, Market St up through Hyde Town Centre, continue straight on up Stockport Rd to Gee Cross. Right on to Stockport Rd. Routes diverge.
5.4m continue on Stockport Rd to Dowson Rd and turn right towards Hyde, 2nd left after petrol station (building site) Higher Henry St, left Church Rd, right Gt Norbury St, to end (Aldi) right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
6.9m left Joel Lane, stride purposfully to the top, remember to breathe, bear left Werneth Low Rd (not Higham Ln), off road through Werneth Low Country Park to the war memorial at Hackingknife, descend the trail to Stockport Rd, cross over on to Green Lane and follow that to Mottram Rd, return to Village via Hyde, Clark Wy and Duki Rd.
Monday 14th May 2012
Options 5m, 6m
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, straight on Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, over the motorway bridge, left High St, Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, . Routes diverge.
5m option turns right Mottram Rd returns straight back to Village via Morrisons, Clark Wy and Duki Rd.
6m option cross Mottram Rd, up Statiom Rd, right Almond Wy, left Firethorn Drive to end, join disused railway line, follow to exit for Dowson Rd, right, left Higher Henry St, left Church Rd, right Gt Norbury St, to end (Aldi) right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
Wednesday 9th May 2012
Options 5.5m, 6.2m
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, left Audenshaw Rd, bear right at lights and over M60, left at lights to go past Snipe, after Snipe continue to next lights and turn left Lumb Ln, to end and through underpass beneath M60, straight on Ash St, left Audenshaw Rd, roundabout, right Stamford Rd to Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
6.2m option
After Snipe continue to Lockwood & Greenwood car sales then left, Audenshaw Rd and back via Stamford Rd to Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wednesday 2nd May 2012
6 miles
Duki Rd towards Hyde then right Broadway to end, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, Astley Arms, left Charles St becomes Wharf St, straight accross King St, left Crescent Rd, over bridges and right at lights, Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Bayley St, to end, right High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap Ln straight back to Village.
Wednesday 25th April 2012
Options 3m (MP), 5m
Going soft I've planned a pretty flat 3 miler for the hardy souls doing Manchester at the weekend.
Down Capn Clarke Rd, right Outram Rd to end, right then left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, Astley Arms, right Chapel St, right King St, White Bridge, right Globe Ln, left Broadway to end, left Duki Rd, Village
5m option - at end of Broadway turn right, left Lwr Bennett St, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, return via Dewsnap Ln and White Bridge
Monday 23rd April 2012 - Tapertastic
4m (MP), 4.8m, 5.2m
Once more unto the Bay Horse, dear friends, once more...
Duki Rd, Throstle Bank St, straight over at the end then bear right, Park Drive, Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, up past college, Duke of Sussex, straight over Victoria St, Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
4.8m option return via Dewsnap Ln and white Bridge.
5.2m option go straight past Dewsnap Ln and return via Boyds Walk and White Bridge
Monday 16th April 2012
5m (MP)
Courtesy of April's Guest Leader, Mr Danny (FannyMc) McDermott
White Bridge, Globe Lane, Shepley, Sun Inn, Audenshaw High School, left
onto Corporation road, Taylor Lane over the motorway, Left onto
Manchester Road, through Crown Point & straight onto Hyde Road, down
& up Broomstairs, left onto Clark Way, left onto Dukinfield Road & back to
the Village.
Wednesday 11th April 2012
Options 6m (MP)
Duki Rd, left Lower Bennett St, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, Right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end left Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, left Birch Ln, right Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, right King St, past Duki Tn Hall, left Wharf St, Charles St to end, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wednesday 4th April 2012
Options 8m (MP), 7m, 5m
White Bridge, King St, Duki Tn Hall, Asda Ashton, left to Guide Bridge, straight on at lights past Guide Bridge Theatre, left at lights past Indian Plazza to large roundabout, left Stamford Rd, at mini-roundabout right Corporation Rd, to end, left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln to end, right, Stockport Rd, to lights, bear left Two Trees Ln, past Cock Hotel, to end of Two Trees (2nd mini roundabout), left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, Clark Wy, Duki Rd, Village.
7m option
As 8 mile but at Manchester Rd, Denton do not go down Ruby St, go straight back to Village via Crown Pt, Broomstairs, Clark Wy, Duki Rd.
5m option
Follow 8 mile to large roundabout and Stamford St. Return staright to Village via Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge.
Monday 2nd April 2012
5 mile (MP) 6 mile
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St to bottom of hill (tyre place / carwash), left in between units and over a canal wharf footbridge onto the canal, left at end of bridge then right to Portland Basin, right towards Asda.
Emerge on to pavement and turn left up the hill, at roundabout go down the underpass and turn right to the middle of the roundabout then right again towards Asda car park. Immediately after emerging from tunnel turn left on to the path that goes alongside Asda and lead on to Lower Wharf St, to end and straight across lights on to Whitelands Rd, through industrial estate to end then straight across, Bayley St, to end, right Hight St, left at lights Cheetham Hill Rd, to end straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
6 mile option
At end of Cheetham Hill Rd go left, cross over, at lights right, Bennett St, to Duki Rd, right, left Broadway, Captain Clarke Rd, Village
Wednesday 28th March 2012
6 miles (MP)
Time for some off-road fun.
Down Captain Clarke Rd, right Outram Rd, right Broadway, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, over the river bridge and part way up the hill to the small road on left past the industrial units, turn left down this small road. To end then on to the river trail.
Follow river trail to near St Anne's exit and turn left down to large bridge, over bridge and stay on river trail all the way to the motorway bridge and continue on to Manchester Rd, Hyde, turn right, cross over, turn left Watson St, follow to end back onto river trail, through two sets of gates then left on trail.
Continue until trail comes to Mill Ln, go straight over. Continue on trail to Haughton Dale, up and down some steps and emerge at the Gibralter Bridge, turn left and go over bridge, turn left and follow path round to right then fork left and follow uphill to Peak Forest Canal.
Bear left on canal and follow canal back to Dunkirk Ln via two bridges changing side of the canal. Dunkirk Ln, Duki Rd, Village.
Monday 26 March 2012
We will take advantage of the lighter evening and have a run round the Stride Through the Woods race route. Road shoes will be fine now the mud is drying out.
Duki Rd, Dunkirk Ln to the farm, one lap of the route and then return to the Village via a couple of paths that lead us to Shepley. Once back on the road it is Globe, White Bridge, past the Village to Broadway and then back to the Village up Captain Clarke Rd.
The group will need to all stay together until we get back on the road for the last 1.5 miles.
Wednesday 21st March 2012
Options 8m (MP), 5.8m
Johnsonbrook Rd to top, right Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St to lights at end, right Mottram Rd, at next lights (Morissons exit) left Lumm Rd, all the way to the top (passing straight though junction with Walker Ln) Clarkes Arms, left Stockport Rd, all the way to Gee Cross, Tesco express, right Stockport Rd, to end right Dowson Rd, after Shell garage take second left, Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, left Manchester Rd towards Denton, Broomstairs, right StAnne's Rd, cross motorway, follow road round to Penny Farthing pub on right, just after turn right at mini-roundabout, Sandbrook Wy becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, Village.
5.8m option
At the end of Great Norbury St turn right and return straight to Village via Clark Wy and Duki Rd.
Monday 19 March 2012
Chip timing system test with What's My Time
Today we are helping test timing systems with the folks from What's My Time who will be chip timing our Stride Through the Woods race next month. Please turn up a little early if possible to collect your chip if you have already signed up or to sign up if you want to.
Route 5m (MP)
Start across the timing mat then down Capn Clark Rd, left on to Broadway to end, left Duki Rd, past Village, White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Point, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, Clarke Way, Duki Rd, Capn Clark Rd, finish over the timing mat, give your chip back if you had one!
Wednesday 14th March 2012
Options 9m (MP)
White Bridge, Asda Ashton, left Park Parade, at one way system cross over and up Richmond St, straight on over Lord Sheldon Wy and railway bridge, at mini-roundabout right on to Knowle Av, left Taunton Rd to end, left Newmarket Rd, follow all the way to Market St, Droylesden, straight through lights, left Ashton Hill Ln, Lazy Toad, to end, left at lights then cross over and right on Audenshaw Rd, Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford St, Sun Inn, Shepley, White Bridge, Village.
Monday 12th March 2012
I'm with the beginners group so I thought I'd leave you an easy route. You get to run down some of the hills you have ran up a few times lately...
Options 5m (MP) 6m
White Bridge, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, Wharf St, left Cavendish St, past Asda, left Park Parade, Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village
6 m option
At White Bridge go left then up Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln and return to Village via Johnsonbrook Rd
Wednesday 7th March 2012
Options 10m (MP), 8m
Route - the Déjà vu 10
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, right, Guide Ln to end, right Stockport Rd, Asda roundabout, right Cavendish St, past Asda, right Wharf St, Charles St, Astley St, Globe, Shepley, haven't we been here before, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde, Market St, left at Nat West, through pedestrian area of Hyde past White Lion & Cotton Bale, on to Clarendon Pl and past The Queens, straight through lights on to Mottram Rd and past Morrisons, Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, Birch Ln, Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
8 m option
After Broomstairs head straight back to the Village via Clark Wy and Duki Rd.
Monday 5th March 2012
Options 5m (MP), 6m
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, Ashton Rd, left Talbot Rd to Bay Horse, right Victoria St, Duke of Sussex, Clarendon Rd past College, right Park Rd, left Park Dr, left at end Newton St, Duki Rd, Village.
6m option
At end of Park Dr do not turn left, turn right up Old St, mini-roundabout, right Bennett St to end, left Ashton Rd, Birch Ln, Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 29th Feb 2012
Options 8m (MP), 7m, 6.2m
8 mile route
Duki Rd, Lower Bennett St, over rail bridge, right at mini-roundabout on to Old Rd, left Park Dr, right Park Rd to end, left Clarendon Rd, up past college to Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, straight through lights, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St - becomes Acres Ln, to end, left at lights Mottram Rd - becomes Stamford St, bear left at lights, left at next lights Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd to end, left at lights Crescent Rd, cross over, right Wharf St, at King St lights go straight across on Wharf St, Charles St, right at end, Astley St to Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
7 and 6.2 mile routes
Both leave the 8 mile route at High St (after Cheetham Hill Rd) and go left on Bayley St, at end straight on to Whitelands Rd to end, left at lights Crescent Rd, cross over, right Wharf St, at King St lights the 6.2 goes left and straight back to Village.
The 7 goes straight across on Wharf St, Charles St, right at end, Astley St to Globe, left Globe Ln, do not go to White Bridge - turn right Broadway to end, left Duki Rd, Village
Mon 27th Feb
Nice and easy start to the week.
Options 5.5 (MP), 6.2m
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, left Audenshaw Rd, bear right at lights and over M60, left at lights to go past Snipe, after Snipe continue to next lights and turn left Lumb Ln, to end and through underpass beneath M60, straight on Ash St, left Audenshaw Rd, roundabout, right Stamford Rd to Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
6.2m option
After Snipe continue to Lockwood & Greenwood car sales then left, Audenshaw Rd and back via Stamford Rd to Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Wed 22nd Feb 2012
Options 9m (MP), 8m, 7.3m, 6m
9 mile
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, left Birch Ln, straight on Crescent Rd to bottom of hill, left Wharf St, right King St to Asda roundabout, left Guide Bridge, Guide Bridge Theatre, left Audenshaw Rd, left at large roundabout to Stamford Rd, right at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, follow to end bearing right on to Seymor St, left at lights Manchester Rd (main road thru Denton), cross over then first right Ruby St, to end of road then left Town Ln, to end of road then right Stokport Rd, at lights bear left Two Trees Ln, past the Cock Hotel, to end of road left Mill Ln, to end right Manchester Rd, left Clark Way, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, Village.
8 mile option
At Manchester Rd Denton do not turn down Ruby St, carry on directly back to Village via Crown Pt, Clark Way, Duki Rd.
7.3m option
Turn left at Guide Bridge Station and follow Guide Lane to Crown Pt then turn left and carry on directly back to Village via, Clark Way, Duki Rd.
6m option
Stay with main group until large roundabout after Guide Bridge Theatre. Continue left with the group but do not go right at the mini roundabout into Corporation St. Instead continue straight on and return directly to Village via Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe and White Bridge.
Mon 20th Feb
Flat & Fast or Hilly & Hard, the group decides...
Flat option 5.5 (MP), 6.2m
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, left Audenshaw Rd, bear right at lights and over M60, left at lights past Snipe, after Snipe continue to next lights and turn left Lumb Ln, to end and through underpass beneath M60, Ash St, left Audenshaw Rd, roundabout, right Stamford Rd to Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
6.2m option
After Snipe continue to Lockwood & Greenwood car sales then left, Audenshaw Rd and back via Stamford Rd to Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Village.
Hilly option 5.2m - the Classic 3 hills,
White Bridge, King St, right Chapel St (before Duki Tn Hall), left Crescent Rd, right Park Rd, right Sandy Ln, left Oxford Rd, staright thru lights, right at Stone Jug up Quarry St/Rise, left Fir Tree Cres, bear right Salisbury Dr, right Yew Tree Ln, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight back via Johnsonbrook.
6m option
At end of Cheetham Hill Rd go left, then right at lights, Bennett St, straight on to Lower Bennett St, Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 15th Feb 2012
Route options 8m (MP) 6.4m, 5m
White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, underpass to Oldham Rd, past Hippodrome, Straight on towards Oldham, though main lights (IKEA) then left on to Taunton Rd (opp Suzuki garage), left Knowle Ave to end, left Richmond St, right Lord Sheldon Way, stay on right side of road all the way to end (past Sheldon Arms), right Manchester Rd, cross road, continue to Lockwood & Greenwood garage then left Audenshaw Rd, past Blue Pig and ressers, straight on at roundabout towards Guide Bridge, right Audenshaw Rd, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
6.4m option
Leave 8m route at Sheldon Arms cross road then go left straight over Manchester Rd, past Ashton fire station to Guide Bridge, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
5m option
Leave 8m route at Asda, do not go through underpass, go left towards Guide Bridge, cross over at one way system and go past Ashton police stn, over motorway bridge then left at lights towards Guide Bridge, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Village.
Mon 13 Feb 2012
Distance options 5.2m (MP), 6m, 7.5m
Duki Rd, Throstle Bank St, Park Dr, Park Rd down past park,Clarendon Rd up past
college, right Commercial Brow, left High St,Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, right
Mottram Rd towards Hyde,right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd,
Birch Ln, Dewsnap Ln, Village.
6 mile option
Straight on past the top of Dewsnap to next lights near Morrissons,left Jeffrys Dr
to end, right Armadale Rd then immediately left Pickford Ln, King St,
White Bridge, Village.
7.5 mile option
Straight on past Dewsnap and keep going straight until bottom of Crescent Rd
then left Wharf St, Straight on Charles St, Globe, Broadway to end,
Duki Rd, Village.
Wed 8 Feb 2012
Distance options 8m (MP) 6.5m
White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right to Birch Ln, Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, to bottom of hill on Commercial Brow then right to Commercial St, continue to end and straight on footpath to Clark Way to end, right Manchester Rd to Crown Pt, right, Sun Inn, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, Wharf St, right King St, White Bridge, right down Globe Ln, left Broadway, Capn Clarke Rd, Village.
Key points:
At the bottom of Commercial Brow do not go up the hill, turn right down Commercial St
At White Bridge on the return do not go straight back to Village, go right, down to Broadway then back via Captain Clarke Rd.
6.5m route
Leaves 8m route at Globe then straight back to Village via White Bridge.
Mon 6 Feb 2012
If the slush on the pavements does not melt sufficiently today running may be cancelled this evening. If it is cancelled in advance it will be posted on facebook and the twitter box on the website. However a decision may not be made until checking the pavements this evening.
Distance options 5m (MP) 6m
The middle section of this route is not very easy to explain or follow so we will all stay together until Mill Ln!
5m route
White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Cemetery Rd, Sandbrook Rd, straight on at mini-roundabout to Moorside Ln, left Wood St, right over the motorway footbridge, right then left to Angel pub, cross Hyde Rd, left Haughton Hall Rd, left then right at end to Whittles Av, left on Leesway Dr, right Aspen Gn, right Leesaway Dr, at shops left on Moorfield Av to end, left Mill Ln, Manchester Rd, Clark Way, Duki Rd, Village.
6m route
Stay on Clark Way to Clarendon Rd, up past college, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Wed 1 Feb 2012
Distance options 7m (MP) 5.6m 8.1m
7m Route
Duki Rd, Throstle Bank, Lodge Lane, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, Acres Ln, left Mottram Rd, Stamford St, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, White Bridge, Village.
5.6 mile As above but after turning right on to High St from Cheetham Hill Rd turn left on to Bayley St and at the end go straight over on to Whitelands Rd and follow the rest of the 7 mile route.
8.1 mile As 7 mile but with two additions.
Firstly do not go up Throstle Bank, continue to end of Duki Rd and left up Newton St. Rejoin 7 mile at mini roundabout and turn right on to Lodge Ln.
Secondly at Wharf St / King St do not turn left up King St, continue on Wharf St and Charles St to Globe, left Globe Ln, Left Broadway all the way to Duki Rd then Village.
Mon 30 Jan 2012
Distance options: 5.3m (MP), 6m
White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, Straight over to mini-roundabout, left Corporation St all the way to A57 Manc Rd Denton. Straight to Hyde and Duki Rd to Village.
6 mile option from start of Duki Rd, up Newton St to Bennett St, Ashton Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, Village.
Wed 25 Jan 2012
Distance options: 7.1 mile (MP), 5.7 mile, 4.2 mile
7.1 mile
Duki Rd to Hyde, Robert St, Gt Norbury St, Higher Henry St, Dowson Rd, Stockport Rd to Gee Cross Tesco, down to Clarke's Arms, Lumn Rd, Mansfield Rd, Grange Rd Nth, Mottram Rd to Godley Stn, Sheffield Rd, High St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, Birch Ln, Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Village.
5.7 mile
Follow 7 mile until Mottram Rd where it turns left and returns via Halton St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd and Johnson Brook Rd.
4.2 mile
Follows 7 mile to Dowson Rd where it turns left, up Market St to roundabout / Ring O Bells, Smithy Ln, Mansfield Rd and then follows 5.7 mile back to Village.
Monday 23 Jan 2012
Two distance options: 5 mile (MP mara plan), 6 mile
Duki Rd towards Hyde, Throstle Bank to mini roundabout, left on Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, Tame St, Park Rd, Wharf St to King St.
Five mile returns via King St.
Six mile stays on Wharf St then Charles St, Astley St to Globe, Globe Ln, Broadway through industrial est then Duki Rd to Village. Note - route does not go to White Bridge, turn rightt into indunstrial estate and follow the road all the way to the end then return to Village on Duki Rd. Route via White Bridge is 5.5 miles.
Full description
Take Duki Rd towards Hyde
Left up Throstle Bank St to the mini roundabout
Left up Old St to mini roundabout.
Right up Bennett St to lights
Left on Ashton Rd to Iron Bru shop
Right on Cheetham Hill Rd, to lights at end
Straight accross to Tame St
Left at bottom of hill on to Park Rd. Follow to end
Cross Crescent Rd on to Wharf St. To lights.
Route diverges.
Five mile option - turn left up King St and go straight back to Village.
Six mile option - go straight over on Wharf St
Becomes Charles St. To end
Right towards Globe pub
Left on to Globe lane.
At White Bridge College turn right into Broadway and follow that to end via industrial estate.
Left on to Duki Rd then back to Village.
Wednesday 18 Jan 2012
Three distance options: 5 mile (MP mara plan), 6 mile, 7 mile
White Bridge, Globe, Astley Arms, Wharf St, Park Rd, Tame St, Cheetham Hill Rd, Ashton Rd.
5 mile - Bennett St, Duki Rd
6 mile - Duke of Sussex, Clarendon Rd, Park Rd, Throstle Bank, Duki Rd
7 mile - Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, Mottram Rd, past Morrisons, Union St past library, Market St through Hyde, Clark Way, Duki Rd.
Full Route description
To White Bridge then left - Globe Ln
At Globe right - Astley St
After Astley Arms left - Charles St (turns into Wharf St)
Straight across King St and Cresent Rd on to Park Rd
Park Rd to end (crossing Sandy Ln) and right - Tame St
Straight up crossing High St at lights and on to Cheetham Hill Rd
To end CHR and left on to Ashton Rd
To lights - Talbot Rd / Bennett St
Route diverges (5 right, 6 & 7 straight on)
5 mile right - Bennett St to Duki Rd to Village
6 & 7 straight on to Duke of Sussex
Route diverges (6 right, 7 straight on)
6 mile
Clarendon Rd to Park Rd
Right Park Rd, left Park Drive, Straight ahead Spring Gdns - Throstle Bank St then Duki Rd to Village
7 mile
Straight on to Halton St then right at lights - Mottram Rd
Past Morrisons to end, left - Union St
Past library to end, right - Market St
Through Hyde to Clark Way then Duki Rd & Village