Running routes - archive from Astley Sports Village

This page shows the archive of routes from Astley Sports Village the routes from the Village Hotel years here

Wed 28/8/19 - 10m (8m option) Cheetham, Eastwood, round the hill, Stalybridge, canal, Duki

Up YT, over fields, through woods, Cheetham Park, Eastwood Nature Reserve, exit past tennis club to Mottram Rd, R/L Fern Bk, R Mottram Old Rd, L Shutts Ln, up through stables then up field past subterrainean reservoir, L at end of field, through the heather then wiggly down R towards woods, through woods and up to Brushes Rd, down, over dam then R to Stalybridge Country Park, exit at Hartley St, over to Grove Rd, L at Canal and River Trust buildings. up to Staly Way, to end, down steps to canal, L, canal through Stalybridge hopefully seeing swans (short option exits canal at Caroline St, and follows High St and CHR straight back) exit canal immediately after the short tunnel at Lock 1W, up Crescent Brow, Foundry St, Birch Ln,  L YT, Astley.


Wed 21/8/19 - 10m (6m option) Keef might know where he's going, maybe - Hyde, Green Lane, Werneth Low

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Commercial Brow, Halton St, L High St, R Sheffield Rd, Cross Mottram Rd, Station Rd, R Brookfold Ln, R Almond Way, L Firethorn Dr, Hop on to TPT, Hop off TPT on to Green Ln, R Mottram Old Rd, (6.2m opt - R at Werneth Av) L Baron Rd, L into woods, L Aspland Rd, R Higham Ln, L Werneth Low Visitors Centre entrance, R up cobbly path to gate, R onto trail parallel with Higham Ln, L at top on to trail towards Golf Course, R onto Golf Course, Cross Werneth Low Rd, Uplands Rd, over stile, L onto Golf course, R Beacom Ln, L in to field with cows, At stile L on to Apple st up to Windy Harbour, Along trail to gate, trail to Cenotaph, trail back to visitors centre, R Spring Av, Cross Mottram Rd onto Werneth Av, R Shaw Av, L Grange Rd Sth, L Peel St, R Over disused railway Bridge, L Mansfield Rd, R Lumn Rd, L Mottram Rd, R Clark Way, R Clarendon St, L Park Rd, R Lodge Ln, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley

6.2m option - R Werneth Ave, R Shaw ave, L Grange Rd Sth, L Peel St, R Over disused railway Bridge, R Mansfield Rd, Across mini R/about to Grange Rd Nth, L Mottram Rd, R Halton St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley


Mon 19/8/19 - 6m Block the sages, canal, Cheetham

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, cross then L alongside rugby clubhouse to Blocksages fields, over firelds to Armadale Rd, R then L to fields, over to Inverness Rd, R, R King St, [Effort 1: Boyds to Pickford] L Chapel St, over Astley St and down to lift bridge then R to canal [Effort 2: Bench to open area with concrete patches] under then over stone bridge, exit to R Cavendish St, through Asda car park and rejoin canal, [Effort 3: start of Lock 2W to far end of 3W] exit canal at Armentieres Sq, L Acres Ln, R Park St, up through Cheetham Park [Effort 4: flagpole to bin] up to top of park then exit L to track and R up path alongside woods down YT, Astley.


Wed 14/8/19 - 10m (6.5m option) Stamford, Park Bridge, Ashton

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, R Oxford Rd, L Sandy Ln, becomes Clarence St, R Stamford Av, L Astley St, L Darnton Rd, R Stamford Park, bits of pakrun route then out to Mossley Rd and cross to Rose Hill Rd, L Gorsey Ln, R Greenhurst Ln, R Lees Rd (6m opt left here), L Alt Hill Ln, R Alt Hill Rd, down the hill then L to cycleway, to end, Turner St, straight ahead through Ashton town centre, underpass, R path, down steps to Lwr Wharf St, path alongside Asda, L Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Victoria St, Johnsonbrook, CHR, R YT, Astley.

6m option - L Lees Rd, Hurst Cross, Montague Rd, Stamford Rd, Clarence St, Tame St, CHR, YT.


Mon 12/8/19 - 6m By the river of Tameside

Down YT, L CHR, Johnsonbrook Rd, L Duki Rd, stay on L, [Effort 1: bus shelter to opp Dunkirk Ln] R Dunkirk, L canal, R down to field round fallen tree and in to woods, river trail, over bridge [Effort 2: from bridge to top of hill] fork R, R again, sharp R over field, down path to river and back to bridge, L over bridge then L to fields [Optional effort for those with reasonable manual dexterity ability 2.5: up steps] through field, L canal [Effort 3: Dog Ln Bridge to rail bridge] over lift bridge, over Astley St L Chapel St, over King St [Effort 4: to top of Chapel St] R Foundry St, Birch Ln, L YT, Astley


Wed 7/8/19 - 10m (6m opt) Stalybridge, Cheetham Park, fields, Godley, Hyde, Denton, Shepley

Down YT, R CHR, Tame St, R Stanley St, path to canal, R, exit canal at Armentieres Sq, L Acres Ln, R Park St, up through Cheetham Park then exit L to track and R up path through woods (full tilt if you like that sort of thing), bear L down to Early Bank Rd, cross Maley Ln then fields, woods, fields, over M67, Tetlow Fold, R down to Mottram Rd, R (6m returns directly via Sheffiled Rd and Ashton Rd), L Union St, R Market St, Manchester Rd, Hyde Rd, R Edward St, L L/Cpl Andrew Breeze Wy, R Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, R Shepley, cross to L before dip, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R Birch Ln, L YT, Astley


Mon 5/8/19 - 6m

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Bennett St, left down path at Flowery Field Stn, over to Hyde Park, down through park past cafe to exit at the bottom gate to Park Rd, L Clarendon [Effort 1: up to police stn entrance]  straight on Victoria St [Effort 2: end of terrace on L to radar speed sign] L Cartwright St, R Talbot Rd, L Rexcine Wy, up path on right [Effort 3: from edge of golf course to top] R then field on L, path past disused mine workings and through woods to Early Bnk Rd, straight on Hough Hill Rd, through estate to High St, L, becomes Oxford Rd [Effort 4: Pine Rd to St Johns St] to lights, L Birch Ln, L YT, Astley


Wed 31/7/19 - 10m (6m option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Haughton, TPT, Godley

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, L Boyds Wk, R King St, Cavendish St, L canal, up steps to bridge at Pottinger St then straight on, over bridge to Guide Bridge station, L Guide Ln, Sun Inn (6m returns directly from here via Globe and White Bridge) L Shepley, R St Anne's Rd, L then R Edward St, over Hyde Rd to Bentley Rd, Writtles Av, path to Vaudrey Ln, L past shops then L Two Trees Ln, R mini-roundabout Haughton Gn Rd, L Gibraltar Ln, over Gibraltar Bridge to trail then up to Apethorn, L TPT to Godley, [short diversion to the partially restored turntable/lido if inerested] exit to Firethorn Dv, L Brookfold Ln, Sheffield Rd, High St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT


Mon 29/7/19 - 6m River and canal

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln [Effort 1: opp Ryder Trucks entrance to ind est entrance] Globe, L Shepley, cross to R, through dip then cross to L, up trail, river trail to Manchetser Rd, L, [Effort 2: bottom of hill to far side of first car wash] L Wellington St, path to canal, under M67 [Effort 3: end of wall on L to cobbled path] stay on canal, exit Dog Ln bridge to Globe, R Globe  Ln [Effort 4: opp Ryder Trucks entance to 30mph sign] White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley.


Wed 24/7/19 - Millbrook Monster

Race, help out or hide.


Mon 22/7/19 - 6m Triple canal experience

Down YT, R CHR, over to Tame St, R path between buildings, L canal [Effort 1: bottom of slope after Lock 2W to Tame St bridge] canal to Asda, bear L to car park then exit and cross Cavensidh St at the zebra, R, L Hill St, becomes Victoria St then Stockport Rd, L Pottinger St, over bridge, down steps and join canal towards Ashton [Effort 2: after wooden bridge to bend] Portland Basin, R under bridge to Peak Forest Canal, [Effort 3: lift bridge to rail bridge], under next bridge then exit steps R to Globe, Globe Ln [Effort 4: industrial estate entrance to 30mph sign] White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley.


Wed 17/7/19 - 6m Black Knight Charge

Great local race put on by East Chesh round Daisy Nook and Park bridge with food back at the clubhouse included! £11.50 - online entry here

Black Knight map

Mon 15/7/19 - 6m Tame valley and canal - pretty flat for Jess

Down YT, L CHR, over Ashton Rd, Johnsonbrook, L Duki Rd, [Effort 1: Bus shelter to Lwr Bennett St] cross and down Dunkirk to river trail, R, over bridge then R, up steps and L at top, down dip [Effort 2: from start of climb up to the bench at the top] over field and R path, then L fork, twisty-turny to end up on the road at Shepley, cross and R, [Effort 3: bus shelter to waterworks entrance] L to trail, R canal, [Effort 4: Dennis the Meanace post to Dunkirk bridge] canal to M67 bridge, up ramp to right, Nursery Rd, L/R Duki Rd, path then Old Rd, Park Dv, through the park up to Lodge Ln, R, L Ashton Rd, YT, Astley.


Wed 10/7/19 - 10m (6m opt) Canal & TPT

Down YT, R CHR, R High St, L Peel St, cut though to canal, L towards Ashton, through Asda car park, rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over and under bridge to Peak Forest Canal, stay on canal over two roving bridges then exit at 6m over Apethorn metal footbridge, up Apethorn Ln to Trans Pennine Trail (Millennium Walkway), TPT to Godley, exit to Firethorn Dv, out to Station Rd, Sheffield Rd, High St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT

6m option leaves canal before M67 bridge then straight back via Nursery Rd, L/R Duki Rd, path then Old Rd, Bennett St etc.


Mon 8/7/19 - 6m Twisty-turny mostly off the roads

Up YT [Effort 1: mini-roundabout to top] field, former mine working, next field then woods, down, cross Early Bank Rd and down some more, path into the valley (mud expected) over the stream, up the steps, exit to Mottram Rd, L, L towards Cheetham Park but enter the nature reserve, zig-zag about then up to the park, up the hill to the top then up through the woods, exit through gate and R to track, fork L to path, past house and L to farm track [Effort 2: up to bend] through farmyard to footpath, past stables to top of YT, down, R at mini-roundabout Tennyson Av, [Effort 3: Wordsworth to top of Macauley] straght on thropugh Gorse Hall, past the two sets of ruins and down the drive, L Acres Ln, becomes High St then Oxford Rd [Effort 4: Curry Lounge to St John's St] Duki Morrisons, L Birch Ln, YT, Astley.


Wed 3/7/19 - 10m (6m opt) Low

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Commercial Brow, L Mottram Rd, R St Pauls Hill Rd, bear L, over bridge, up Green Ln, L Mottram Rd, through dip then past stables and R to farm track, R Apple St, at top straight ahead to trail, just before war memorial sharp L, through gate then R at next gate, emerge on Werneth Low Rd, stay up high on trail to R of road opp Hare and Hounds, after junction R down to and through hamlet, R then L to field, down fields to farm, path alongside wall then straight over to path continuation through woods, emerge on Stockport Rd, L, R Poleacre Ln, over rail bridge, R to field then bear left to canal bridge, canal towards Hyde, exit Dunkirk Ln, Lwr Bennett St, Bennett St, L Ashton Rd, YT, Astley.

6m option - R at end of Green Ln, R Werneth Av, R Stockport Rd, clock Roundabout, Market St, R Union St, Clark Wy, Clarendon, Park Rd, through Hyde Park to Lodge Ln, Ashton Rd.


Mon 1/7/19 - 6m Stamford parkfun & Quarry Rise

Down YT, R CHR, L Lodge Ln, over Oxford Rd and down Sandy Ln [Effort 1: Park rd to Tame St] to end, L Stamford St, cross then enter Stamford Park, up through park past conservatory and cafe to Darnton Rd, straight over into other side of the park [Effort 2: from the parkrun start line to the crest of the first hill] follow the parkrun route, [Effort 3: from the left bend after the lake to Darnton Rd] L Darnton, to end, R then L Rassbottom Brow, Market St, R Caroline St, R High St, L Quarry Rise [Effort 4: to top] L Salisbury Dv, R YT, Astley.


Wed 26/6/19 - 10m (6m opt) Tour de Mottram

Probably muddy in places!

Up YT, R Queensway, fields to Newton, L Bradley Gn Rd, L Talbot Rd, R Cartwright St, after scout hut through trees to field, down first bank then exit in L corner, L Victoria St, R Welch Rd, path, steps, underpass, cricket pitch, L trail past water treatment works, R at end Tetlow Fold Farm (jolly old) L Mottram Rd, R Pudding Ln, shenanigans, R Hattersley Rd W, past station, R grass at the far end of Sandy Bk Av, L path, R Stockport Rd, Green Bridge, L farm track, L to path, through woods, L up path, over railway, R then L, more shenanigans, L Broadbottom Rd, through Mottram, Stalybridge Rd, Roe Cross Rd, Mr Frog, over the hill, L to Cheetham Park, down through park, L Acres Ln, CHR, YT, Astley.

6m option - at Mottram Rd go down to Hyde, round Clark Wy, Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap


Mon 24/6/19 - 6m Hyde Park, Hyde, Gee Cross, TPT, Godley

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Lodge Ln, L Hyde Park, weave scenically through the park and emerge on Park Rd, R Clark Wy, to end, R Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, L Gt Norbury St, [Effort 1: Up Gt Norbury to the top] top, L Church St, R Higher Henry St, R Downson Rd, R Grosvenor Rd, L opposite the end of the flats, over bridge and down to right then join the TPT goimng under the bridge we just came over, [Effort 2: first bridge to second, Dowson Rd] [Effort 3: third bridge to 6th, Green Ln] exit L to Firethorn Dv, R Almond Wy, L track, over Mottram Rd Sheffiled Rd, High St, R Commercial Brow [Effort 4: from the bottom of dip to the paper shop], Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Astley.


Wed 19/6/19 - 10m (7m option) Duki, Denton, Haughton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down YT, R CHR, straight on Tame St, L Park Rd, bear L Wharf St, over Crescent Rd, over King St, becomes Charles St, R Astley St, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, (7m option - L at Sun Inn Crown Pt, Hyde, straight back) straight on Stamford Rd, mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, over M67, L Manchester Rd, R Ruby St, L Town Ln, R Stockport Rd, bear L Two trees Ln, L Mill Ln, R Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Mon 17/6/19 - 6m Easy, no efforts for the Tourists if they tag along

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Bennett St, L Old Rd, wave to Sean, the fastest Strider in the Tour, becomes Newton St, R Clark Wy, R Manchester Rd, through Broomstairs [Effort 1: Lowes Arms to St Anne's Rd]  R Edward St, L L/Cpl Andy Breeze Wy, [Effort 2: from the roundabout to the end] R Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, R Shepley, cross to left, through dip, [Effort 3: Bus stop to top o Dog Ln canal bridge] Globe, R Globe Ln, R Broadway, L Cap'n Clarke Rd, over Duki Rd to Johnsonbrook, [Effort 4: Rail bridge to Markham Rd] straight on CHR, R YT, Astley


Wed 12/6/19 - 6.5m (10m opt) Something for the Tourists

Muddy in places so best shoes best avoided!

Up YT to top, fields, woods, down the valley (mud expected) over the stream, up the steps, exit to Mottram Rd and up, L Tonge Gn, R, path to Gallowsclough Rd, L up and continue to farm track, sharp R, up to pylon, L to join Hell On the Road route, down narrow path, through gate, down grassy field, over stile, R along track, L down narrow path through the bushes to main track, over track to path through fields, though hamlet and down drive to Stocks Ln, R down to Mottram Rd, L Acres Ln, High St, L CHR, L YT, Asltey.

10m option - instead of L CHR - R Tame St, L Park Rd, Wharf St, Charles St, Astley St, Globe, Glove Ln, White Bridge, R Victoria St, Duki Rd, L Lwr Bennett St, Bennett St, Aston Rd, CHR, YT.


Mon 10/6/19 - 6m Shepley, Guide Bridge, Canal, Duki

Down YT, straight over CHR, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln [Effort 1: from the 20 mph sign to opp Ryder Trucks vehicle entrance] Globe, L Shepley, cross to R, just past The Old Stables path R to fields [Effort 2: from start of field to hut] exit top of field then immediate left Paradise St, exit to Guide Ln then R, L Water St, more field and a rail bridge to Groby Rd, R Audenshaw Rd, L Hanover St N, join canal at China Bridge, [Effort 3: after cobbly wooden bridge to bend] Portland Basin, over bridge then R and L Portland Basin Marina, over bridge, exit L to Wharf St, R King St, L Boyds Wk [Effort 4: start of Boyds to far side of Tarbert Rd - 2nd or 3rd R depending upon your perspective - phone box opp] R Birch Ln, L YT, Asltey.


Wed 5/6/19 - 10m (6m opt) Ashton, Moss, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, R CHR, straight over Tame St, R Clarence St. L Stamford St, R Beaufort Rd, Penny Meadow, Albion Wy, Ikea (6m return via Asda, King St, Dewsnap), Lord Sheldon, o'er the Moss, L before the Lord Sheldon, Moss Wy, Guide Bridge, Crown Pt, Broomstairs, Market St, L Union St, R Mottram Rd, L Halton St, Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Asltey.


Mon 3/6/19 - 6m Canal, parks, fields, woods, more fields

Down YT, R CHR, straight over Tame St, R (opp Astley Arms after flats) Robinson St, through bushes to canal, R towards Stalybridge [Effort 1: from first bridge to second] exit canal at next bridge R Caroline St, over Acres Ln, L/R Gorse Hall, up main drive [Effort 2: from where the drive straightens out to the junction at the top of the hill] L then fork L, down to gap in wall and exit to path between houses, to end L Spring Bk, R Forester Dv enter Cheetham Park R at flagpole [Effort 3: from flagpole up to bin by junction] bear L, up to back of park and enter woods, woodland path to field then over golf course to stile [Effort 4: stile to hedge] continue through fields, over Matley Ln, fields, woods, more fields, past farmhouse, at gate R to fields, past houses and through dip to Everest Rd, L, straight on Harris Dv, R Perry Av, round to Victoria St, L, over Cartwright St to fields, down to Hallbottom St, R, over Talbot Rd, Acresfield, Moorcroft Sq, path behind pitches, exit to Corronation Av, L down YT, Asltey.


Wed 29/5/19 - 10m (6m opt) - Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Two Trees, Hyde

Down YT, R CHR, straight over Tame St, R then L Whitelands, over to Lwr Wharf St, up path alongside Asda, at end L to zebra crossing, over then back towards lights and L Park Pde, to Guide Bridge, L Guide Ln, straight on through Crown Pt, bear L Two Trees, L Mill Ln, R Manchester Rd, up Market St through Hyde to clock roundabout, L Smithy Ln, over to Mansfield Rd, Grange Rd N, L Mottram Rd, R Halton St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT, Asltey.

For 6 return directly from Sun Inn via Globe and Dewsnap


Wed 22/5/19 - 10m (6m opt) Duki, canal, river trail, canal, Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch ln, iTrain, L Boyds Wk, R King St, L Chapel St, R over Astley St, down to lift bridge, L canal, under rail bridge, just before next bridge R to trail, through Shepley, L Broomstairs Rd, river trail to Manchester Rd (6m option returns directly from here), R then L to rejoin trail, through two gates, then L, over Mill Ln, river trail to Gibraltar Bridge and straight on, bear R, bear R again past Ivy Cottages, back to river trail, over bridge and L, up lane to paint factory and down path to L alongside fence, up to canal and L, stay on canal to Hyde and exit at Aldi, Clark Wy, Newton St, Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT, Asltey.


Mon 20/5/19 - 6m fields and woods in the funshine

Up YT, R Queeensway, fields to Newton, L Bradley Gn Rd, L Talbot Rd, L Rexcine Wy, footpath alongside fence [Effort 1: up the path and over the golf course to the top of YT] straight ahead to stables, through stables then R to path up edge of field, over stile, down through field past spring and on to woods, through the woods as fast as you like to Early Bank Rd (track), bear L then R through gap in wall, down to Cheetham Park, R through park to path in woods, up to field then over golf course, coss stile [Effort 2: stile to hedge] exit field and straight over Matley Ln, fields, woods, fields, R to farm, over M67, R bridleway alongside water treatment works, fork L [Effort 3: from fork to trail end] through estate on footpath, R Sheffield Rd, High St, R Halton St, Commercial Brow [Effort 4: bottom of dip to newsagents] straight back via Ashton Rd, CHR, YT, Astley.


Wed 15/5/19 - 10m (no short option) 'bridge, trails, lanes, Hyde

Over YT, through the estate, R CHR, Tame St, R Street With No Name, hop on canal towards Stalybridge, fly past Tesco, under Stamford St, after next bridge up steps to Staly Way, exit stage R pursued by a bear to Staley Hall Cr, zig-zag up to Huddersfield Rd L, R Brushes Rd, R up the grassy bank, past former rifle range, up, up and some more up, down Gallowsclough Rd (google The Legend of Gallow’s Clough), over Mottram Rd to the top of Matley Ln, bear L Harrop Edge Rd (views of Manchester), straight on down to Hattersley roundabout, cross with extra care to Stockport Rd, yet another Tesco, Green Bridge, R Green Ln, St Paul's Hill Rd, L Mottram Rd, R Halton St, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT, Astley.


Mon 13/5/19 - 6m Newton, Hyde Park, Canal, Chapel

Up YT, R Corronation Av, over fields to Newton, L Bradley Gn Rd, L Talbot Rd, R Cartwright St, R to fields, all the way down the fields mostly to the R side, after slope to bottom field [Effort 1: full length of first football pitch] exit R to Ashton Rd, L Stansfield Rd, L Lodge Ln, over bridge, L Hyde Park, L nursery, after nursery car park [Effort 2: down the path to parkrun start] L parkrun route, R down steps to bridge and over, parkrun in reverse to woods exit and up to cafe, exit and over to Park Dv, L Newton St, R then L down path to Duki Rd, L, R Nursery Rd, join canal towards Ashton [Effort 3: to top of cobbled path] stay on canal, exit canal at lift bridge, up to road, straight over Astley St then L Chapel St over King St, Chapel St continues [Effort 4: to the top] right Foundry St, becomes Birch Ln, iTrain, left YT, Astley.


Wed 8/5/19 - 10m (7.5m option) Cheetham, Hill, Canal

So many were disappointed to miss last week's fun route that it's on again, with a slight change to the finish.

Up YT, over fields, through woods, Cheetham Park, exit past tennis courts to Mottram Rd, R/L Fern Bk, R Mottram old Rd, L Shutts Ln, up through stables then up field past subterrainean reservoir, L at end of field, through the heather then wiggly down to the grassy bank leading the Brushes Rd, over and throug Stalybridge Country Park to exit at Hartley St, over to Grove Rd, L at Canal and River Trust buildings to Staly Way, to end, down steps to canal, L, canal through Stalybridge (short option exits cana at Caroline St, and follows High St and CHR straight back) to Asda, through car park in far left to exit L to Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Victoria Rd, L Johnsonbrook, CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 1/5/19 - 10m (7.5m option) Cheetham, Hill, Canal

Up YT, over fields, through woods, Cheetham Park, exit past tennis courts to Mottram Rd, R/L Fern Bk, R Mottram old Rd, L Shutts Ln, up through stables then up field past subterrainean reservoir, L at end of field, through the heather then wiggly down to the grassy bank leading the Brushes Rd, over and throug Stalybridge Country Park to exit at Hartley St, over to Grove Rd, L at Canal and River Trust buildings to Staly Way, to end, down steps to canal, L, canal through Stalybridge (short option exits cana at Caroline St, and follows High St and CHR straight back) to Asda, through car park in far left to exit L to Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Wed 24/4/19 - 10m (6m option) Duki, canal, Denton, Ashton

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, iTrain, Duki Morrisons, Foundry St, down Crescent Brow, just before the Tame bridge (Dukinfield Bridge - widened 1903) bear L to Coopers Ride (river trail) emerge on Cooper St, R cross to L then over Alma Bridge (blue plaque - remebering the men of Tameside who served in the Crimean War), L canal, Portland Basin,over bridge, under bridge, over Tame aqueduct (Grade II listed - the three arches of this squat structure completed in 1801 are semi-elliptical in form, because of the limited headroom, and they rest on rectangular piers with rounded ends. Four pilasters, one above each pier and one on each abutment strengthen the side walls), all the way to Aldi Hyde, (6m straight back via Clark Wy, Newton St, Bennett St, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT) down Broomstairs, lowes Arms, R Edward St, L L/Cpl Andrew Breeze Wy, R Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, becomes Guide Ln, Guide Bridge Stn, R Stockport Rd, straight on Trafalgar Sq, Victoria St, Hill St, R Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Wed 17/4/19 - 10m Debdale

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, Stamford Rd, L at roundabout Audenshaw Rd, over the M60, L Kings Rd, all the way to Debdale Park, L Hyde Rd, cross to R, over footbridge at Denton Island, KFC, straight through Denton, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap. YT, Astley.


Mon 15/4/19 - 6m Trails & canal

Down YT, L CHR, over Ashton Rd to Johnsonbrook, L Duki Rd, R Dunkirk, R canal, L Dennis the Menace post, field, down steps, field, stiles, R over bridge, R along river, L up steps L along river [Effort 1: bottom of hill to top] over field then R trail, twisty-turny through shrubbery, over Shepley and through trees to fields, up to top, past Brother, L then R Guide Ln, R station car park, path in back right corner, over bridge, alongside canal, join towpath, over footbridge [Effort 2: footbridge to bend] over stone bridge, exit to Cavendish St, L to zebra crossing, over then L, down path to R alongside Asda, Lwr Wharf St [Effort 3: to rail bridge] Donkey Stone Wharf, R Crescent Rd [Effort 4: Wharf St to former Old General] straight back.


Wed 10/4/19 - 10m (6m option) Over the Low and far away

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, L Mottram Rd, R Grange Rd N, to top, L alongside house, over TPT on bridge, L path, join TPT oh so briefly, R footpath alongside field to Green Ln, up Green Ln, (6m option R to Gee-Cross then Hyde, Halton St and back) over Mottram Rd up path alonside driveway, steeply up to cenotaph, L and trail to Windy Harbour, down Cock Brow then R on footpath across field, L Beacom Ln, down through hamlet and continue to farm buildings, R up farm track then straigh on to footpath under trees, up, up and away, L at the road, up to and straight over Werneth Low Rd, path to cenotaph again then L and down to visitor centre, R Higham Ln, L Aspland Rd, fork R, down through trees to Baron Rd, over Stockport Rd and down Stockport Rd, L opposite the green, through the woods L/R TPT to exit to Dowson, over to Gower Rd, path to right up to Woodend Ln, down and under bridge to join canal, exit up Dunkirk Ln, L Duki Rd, R Johnsonbrook Rd, over Ashton Rd, CHR, R YT, Astley.


Mon 8/4/19 - 6m Huddersfiled Narrow Canal, Ashton loop, Duki finish

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, iTrain [Effort 1: build speed from bus stop opp iTrain to layby] R Meadow Ln, L Lodge Ln, immediate R Vicarage Dv, L St John St, R Oxford Rd, cross to L [Effort 2: downhill technique, from speed camera to first junction] L Tame St,over the Tame, R between buildings to Huddersfield Narrow Canal, L towards Ashton, up to Asda car park, bear left then exit over low fence near lights, over Cavendish St to rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over the stone bridge, straight ahead Ashton Canal, [Effort 3: from far side of bridge near octagonal chimney to the next bridge - over the truncated side arm to the former Prince's dock] towpath closure, over Jeremy Brook bridge to Pottinger St, R Stockport Rd, straight on Victoria St, becomes Hill St, R Cavendish St, King St [Effort 4: Wharf St to Astley St] White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L  YT, Astley.


Wed 3/4/19 - 10m (6.5m option) Canal, TPT/Millenium Walkway, Green Ln, fields, woods & Gorse Hall

Especially for those suffering from the seasonal epidemic of Manchester Maranoia I've made the short option pan flat and as smooth as a billiard ball.

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Bennett St, Adge's bridge, Lwr Bennett St, over Duki Rd, Dunkirk Ln, L canal, over Apethorn footbridge, up Apethorn, L TPT/MW, at ~4.5m u-turn to go up the ramp to Green Ln (short option goes R over bridge, down to Mottram Rd and straight back via Halton St, Comm Br, Ashton Rd) L Green Ln, L at junction, L down footpath to Brookfold, under TPT bridge, R footpath over field, under rail bridge, L Kerry Wy, R Mottram Rd, L Twetlow Fold, bear R, over M67, tracks, fields, woods, over Matley Ln, R in to field, over golf course, into woods and down to Cheetham Park, down through park, L Acres Ln, L Gorse Hall Dv, up to the top, Macauley Cl, Tennyson Av, R YT, Astley.


Mon 1/4/19 - 6m Speedy, pre-AGM run, leaving on time

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, iTrain, Duki Morrisons, down the hill, L Wharf St, over King St, becomes Charles St [Effort 1: as ususal] R Astley St, R down to lift bridge and L on the canal, [Effort 2: rail bridge to Dog Lane bridge at the globe] [Effort 3: Dennis the Menace post to Dunkirk Ln] exit up ramp just before M67, L Duki Rd, cross and R up path, R Well Meadow, L Newton St, R at mini-roundabout Park Dv, R Park Rd, L Clarendon [Effort 4: from far side of police stn entrance to the top of the road] L Ashton Rd and straight back.


Wed 27/3/19 - 10m (7m option) Duki, Denton, Haughton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down YT, R CHR, straight on Tame St, L Park Rd, bear L Wharf St, over Crescent Rd, over King St, becomes Charles St, R Astley St, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, (7m option - L at Sun Inn Crown Pt, Hyde, straight backk) straight on Stamford Rd, mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, over M67, L Manchester Rd, R Ruby St, L Town Ln, R Stockport Rd, bear L Two trees Ln, L Mill Ln, R Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Mon 25/3/19 - 6m Duki, Globe, Charles, Whitelands

Down YT, R CHR, L Lodge Ln, L Meadow Ln, L Birch Ln [Effort 1: bus stop to bus turnaround opp iTrain] Irn Bru shop, R Johnsonbrook Rd, R Victoria St [Effort 2: to the pub] White Bridge, L Globe Ln, [Effort 3: from the 20mph sign to opp Ryder Trucks entrance] Globe, R Astley St, L Charles St, becomes Wharf St, over King St, L Furnace St, L Crescent Rd, R Whitelands [Effort 4: the length of Whitelands all the way to lights] over to Bayley St, R High St, L CHR, L YT, Astley


Wed 20/3/19 - 10m (~6 opt) Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Duki

Down YT, R CHR, L Lodge Ln, over and down Sandy Ln, becomes Clarence ST, R Stamford St, L Ridge Hill Ln, becomes Darnton Rd, to lights, L Mossley Rd, R Curzon Rd, straight on Ladbroke Rd, emerge near Old Ball and over to Cranbourne Rd, over Oldham Rd (6m opt goes left and resurns via Ikea, Asda, White Bridge, Dewsnap) Knowle Av, L Richmond St, R Lord Sheldon Wy, all the way to the Snipe, cross Manchester Rd at crossing then R towards one way system, L Lumb Ln, under M60, L Audenshaw Rd, R roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, R Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, L Lwr Bennett St, Adge's famous bridge, Bennett St, Ashton Rd, R CHR,  L YT, Astley.


Mon 18/3/19 - 6m Shepley, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, L CHR, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, R Victoria St, [Effort 1: Johnsonbrook to Victoria Arms], White Bridge, L Globe Ln, Globe, L Shepley, cross to R [Effort 2: opp Broomstairs Rd to opp Cemetery Rd] Sun Inn, L Denton Rd, over M67, L L/Cpl Andrew Breeeze Wy [Effort 3: from L turn to mini-roundabout] R Edward St, L Hyde Rd, down Broomstairs [Effort 4: from Ind Est entrance at bottom of dip to the far side of the Arc car wash] Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, R 2nd min-roundabout Bennett St, Ashton Rd, R CHR,  L YT, Astley.


Wed 13/3/19 10m (~6m option) Stalybridge, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down YT, R CHR, R High St, becomes Acres Ln, Tesco Stalybridge, L Stamford St, R Huddersfield Rd, Copley, down the dip to the lights, L Grove Rd, over canal and river, L Printworks Rd, up to Wakefield Rd and bear L, cross to R, Travellers Call, straight on Stamford St, L Clarence St (6m opt L Tame St and straight back) R Whitelands, over to Lwr Wharf St, up path alongside Asda, at end L to zebra crossing, over then back a little and L Hill St, becomes Victoria St then Stockport Rd, L Guide Ln, L Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, L Shepley, stay on left, down t' dip, Globe, R Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Mon 11/3/19 6m Hyde, Denton, Shepley

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Bennett St, Lwr Bennett St, Adge's wobbly B Bridge, L Duki Rd [Effort 1: from the bus shelter opp small industrial park to the bend before rail bridge] to end, R Newton St, R Clark Wy, R Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, down t' dip, Lowes Arms, M67 lights [Effort 2: far side of lights to St Anne's Rd] straight on, R Edward St, L L/Cpl Andrew Breeze Wy [Effort 3: up the junction] R Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, R Shepley, cross and stay on left, down t' dip, [Effort 4: from the bus shelter after the river to the crest of the canal bridge] Globe, R Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Wed 6/3/19 10m Hyde, Romiley, Hyde

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, R Mottram Rd, L Union ST, L Market St, R Dowson Rd, becomes Stockport Rd, to Woodley, L George Ln, L School Brow, through Romiley, L Sandy Ln, becomes Pennine Rd, R Stockport Rd, Dowson Rd (Gee Cross lot peel off) L Market St, R Union St, R Clarendon Rd, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Astley.


Mon 4/3/19 6m Whitelands, Wharf, Charles, Globe, Broadway, Dewsnap

Down YT, right CHR, to end, right High St, cross over, left Bayley St, cross roads, straight on Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Whitelands Rd, becomes Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, cross to right, [Effort 3: Globe Ln to Broadway] right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] R/L YT, Astley.


Wed 27/2/19 - 10m (6m option) Duki, Guide Bridge, Denton, H Green, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, L Chapel St, over King St, L Astley St, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, R Guide Ln, L Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, L at lights, Indian Plaza, L at roundabout Stamford Rd, R mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, over M67, L Manchester Rd, R Ruby St, L Town Ln, R Stockport Rd, bear L Two trees Ln, L Mill Ln, R Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.

6m option returns via Shepley, Globe, Dewsnap from the mini-roundabout at the start of Corporation Road


Mon 25/2/19 - 6m Godley, Hyde, Newton

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow [Effort 1: from the bottom of the dip to the far side of the motorway bridge] L High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, to end, R Mottram Rd, L Grange Rd N [Effort 2: from the bottom of Grange rd N to the mini-roundabout] becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, R Lumn Rd, straight on to continue on Lumn Rd, L at lights Mottram Rd, R Clark Wy, R Clarendon Rd, cross to L, [Effort 3: from far side of Police Stn entrance up to lights] Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, L at war memorial Cartwright St [Effort 4: from start of Cartwright St all the way to the end] L Talbot Rd, R Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 20/2/19 - 10m (8m option) Up to Mottram, down to Hyde & some Duki

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, R Oxford Rd, becomes High St, Tesco 'bridge, Acres Ln, R Mottram Rd, up n over, R mini-roundabout Stalybridge Rd, R Hyde Rd, Tesco Hattersley, cross Stockport Rd with due regard to nutters exiting the roundabout, Hyde Rd, Morrisons Hyde, L Union St, R Market St, B&M Bargains, R Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT Astley.

8 mile returns via Halton St, Commercial Brow and Ashton Rd


Mon 18/2/19 - 6m Newtonisms, Flowery Field, Duki

Down YT, R CHR, L Lodge Ln, L Meadow Ln, L Birch Ln, [Effort 1: bus stop to bus turaround opp Kia] IrnBru shop, R Johnsonbrook, L Markham St, R down path, path/grove/path/street/path/street L Carter St, R Bennett St, L Old Rd, R Duki Rd [Effort 2: bend after rail bridge to bus stop] [Effort 3: Victoria Arms to White Bridge] King St, R Wharf St, R Crescent Rd [Effort 4: up to Peel St - first road] straight back via Duki Morrisons, iTrain, YT, Astley.


Wed 13/2/19 - 10m Richmond, Ashton loopy, Lord Sheldon, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, Ponte Bianco, R Calle Rey, Asda Ashton, L Hill St, R Margaret St, cross over one way, L then R Richmond St, over Lord Sheldon, R Knowle Av, R Oldham Rd, Ikea, R, round the roundabouts, the ever popular Lord Sheldon, The Car People, L over Manchester Rd to Moss Wy, Ashton Fire Station, bear L, Guide Bridge Theatre, R Guide Ln, new Sports Direct, L L/Cpl Andy Breeze Wy, R Edward St, L Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Clark Wy, Newton St, Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT, Astley.


Mon 11/2/19 - 6m Tour de Duki

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Bennett St, L mini-roundabout Old Rd, R mini-roundabout Spring Gdns, Throstlebank St, R Duki Rd, [Effort 1: Lwr Bennett St to Broadway] L Broadway, L Globe Ln [Effort 2: from joining Globe Ln to Ryder Trucks] Globe, R Astley St [Effort 3: Globe to crest of the railway bridge] R Chapel St, R King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: Thorncliffe Av to Armadale Rd] L Armadale Rd, becomes Town Ln, to end, R Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, iTrain, L YT, Astley.


Wed 6/2/19 - 10m There, and back (Duki, Stalybridge, Duki)

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, White Bridge, R King St, Duki Tn Hall, R Wharf St, L Crescent Rd, R Currier Ln, emerge on Stamford St, bear L at lights Wakefield Rd, R Printworks Ln, R Grove Rd, R Huddersfield Rd, Copley, L Mottram Rd, R Acres Ln, R Tame St, L Park Rd, bear L then over Crescent Rd to Wharf St, L King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Mon 4/2/19 - 6m Newton, Duki, Whitelands

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Bennett St, L mini roundabout Old Rd, R mini rounabout Spring Gdns, becomes Throstlebank St, R Duki Rd [Effort 1: from Throstle to Lwr Bennett St], stay on Duki Rd, [Effort 2: bend after Johnsonbrook to Victoria Arms] White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, R Wharf St, L Crescent Rd, R Whitelands [Effort 3: the bend to the end] stright over Bayley St, R High St, L CHR, [Effort 4: from the lights to convenience shop] L YT, Astley.


Wed 30/1/19 - 10m Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

We've had some weather but I have planned the route to stay low in the hope that we can avoid the worst. Should it turn out rubbish we may cut it short or even abandon.

If you would like to bring a head/hand torch we may divert off the road for a less slidey option...

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, iTrain, R Oxford Rd, becomes High St, L Bayley St, SA Whitelands, L Crescent Rd, R Wharf St, R King St, SA Cavendish, L Hill St, R Margaret St, over the one way and towards the Snipe, L Moss Wy (watch for frost on the M60 bridge), R Audenshaw Rd, Plaza, L at roundabout Stamford Rd, R Denton Rd, new Sports Direct, L L/Cpl Andy Breeze Wy, R Edward St, L Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Clark Wy, Newton St, Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.

Potential 10m off road option map


Mon 28/1/19 - 6m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde

Down YT, R CHR, L Lodge Ln, L Meadow Ln, L Birch Ln, R Boyds Wk, [Effort 1: Armadale Rd to Tarbert Rd (the next road on left)], L King St, White Bridge, R Globe Ln, Globe, L Shepley, cross to R, [Effort 2: Bottom of hill up to opp cemetery Rd], cross over and down Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, L St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over M67, L Hyde Rd, becomes Manchester Rd, [Effort 3: Ind Est entrance at bottom of hill to far side of first car wash - arc], L Clark Wy, L Newton St, straight on, [Effort 4: Bottom of hill up to road after church], becomes Old Rd, R at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 23/1/19 - 10m Gee Cross, Woodley, Bredbury, Haughton Green

Down YT, L CHR, becomes Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, R Mottram Rd, L at lights Lumn Rd, Clarkes Arms, L Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, R Stockport Rd, Audi, L Stockport Rd, straight ahead until Bredbury Morrisons, R Ashton Rd, McD's, industrial estate, cross to left, down to Arden Arms, cross to right, through the Tame Valley, Fletchers Arms, R at lights Two Trees Ln, L Mill Ln, R Manchester Rd,  L Clark Wy, L Newton St, straight on, becomes Old Rd, R at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Asltey.


Mon 21/1/19 - 6m Two of the finest Park Roads Tameside has to offer

Down YT, R CHR, over High St, Tame St, L Park Rd [Effort 1: to Sandy Ln] over Sandy Ln Park Rd continues, Wharf St, Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top] R Astley St,. Globe, Globe Ln [Effort 3: from opp Ryder Trucks entrance to 30mph sign] Ponte Bianco, R Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, L Throstlebank St, over Old Rd to Park Dv, R Park Rd, L Clarendon Rd [Effort 4: from the far side of the police station entrance up to the lights] L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Asltey.


Wed 16/1/19 - 10m Audenshaw, Ashton, Stalybridge

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, L ai roundabout, reservoirs, former Blue Pig, to end, sharp R Manchester Rd, bear L Lord Sheldon Wy, over the Moss, Ikea, new road through Ashton, L Penny Meadow, to lights, R Montague Rd, L Beaufort, L Stamford St, straight on through Stalybridge, R Acres Ln, High St, L CHR, L YT, Astley.


Mon 14/1/19 - 6m Whitelands, Asda, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down YT, R CHR, straight on Tame St, R Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, [Effort 1: to the bend] to end, straight over Lwr Wharf St, to end, up path alongside Asda, L Cavendish St, over zebra crossing, R Cavendish St, L Park Pde, bear L Stockport Rd, [Effort 2: from Oxford Park (Portugal Rd) to opposite Shell garage] L Guide Ln, L Sun Inn, Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the dip, cross to right, R Globe Ln, [Effort 3: from the far side of first entrance to Ryder Trucks], White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] R/L, YT, Astley.


Wed 9/1/19 - 10m Tour de Tesco - Hyde, Gee Cross, Mottram, Stalybridge

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, R Mottram Rd, L at lights Lumn Rd, Clarkes Arms, L Stockport Rd, Tesco Gee Cross, L Mottram Old Rd, ups and downs, Green Bridge, Tesco Hattersley, R at roundabout Hyde Rd, Mottram, L Stalybridge Rd, L Roe Cross Rd, Froggy McFrogface, becomes Mottram Rd, L Acres Ln, Tesco Stalybridge, becomes High St, L CHR, L YT, Astley.

No short option but 8.5m possible by coming straight back from Hattersley roundabout.


Mon 7/1/19 - 6m Hyde, Duki, Cressy

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, R Commercial St, [Effort 1: to the end of the flats on the R] straight on up path to Clark Wy, R Newton St, L Duki Rd, R Throstlebank St [Effort 2: to the junction] straight on, L Old Rd, L mini-roundabout Bennett St, Adge's Bridge, R Duki Rd [Effort 3: far side of Johnsonbrook Triangle to Victoria Arms] White Bridge, King St, R Wharf St, R Crescent Rd [Effort 4: up to Peel St] Duki Morrisons, iTrain, L YT, Astley.


Wed 2/1/19 - 10m (8m option) Godley, Hattersley, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, L High St, Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, L Mottram Rd, up to the roundabout, R Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Village, (8m option returns directly via Werneth Av, Stockport Rd, Lumn Rd, Commercial Brow), R Dowson Rd, L Market St, R Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Wed 19/12/18 - 10m (7.5m option) Boyds, Shepley, Corporation, KFC, Dane Bank, Windmill, Denton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, iTrain, L Boyds Wk, R King St, L Chapel St, L Astley St,  Globe, R Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, L Corporation Rd, becoames Taylor Ln then Seymour St, over M67, (7.5m option returns via Denton, Hyde, Bennett St) R Manchester Rd, L towards Stable Gate and behind KFC to cross the M60 footbridge, L at light Hulme Rd, L Windsor Rd, L Windmill Ln, R Manchester Rd, through Denton, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, R/L YT, Astley.


Mon 17/12/18 - 6m Globe, Shepley, Guide Bridge, Ashton

Down YT, L CHR, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, R Victoria St, [Effort 1: Johnsonbrook to Victoria Arms], White Bridge, L Globe Ln, Globe, L Shepley, cross to R [Effort 2: opp Broomstairs Rd to opp Cemetery Rd] Sun Inn, R Guide Ln, Guide Bridge Stn, L Audenshaw Rd, Moss Wy, R Manchester Rd, [Effort 3: to traffic lights] straight on, past Ashton Police Stn then R and over the crossings, L Park Pde, R Margaret St, L Victoria St, becomes Hill St, R Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, L Wharf St, R Crescent Rd [Effort 4: up to Peel St] straight on Duki Morrisons, iTrain, L YT, Astley.


Wed 12/12/18 - 10m (7m option) Godley, Gee Cross Village, Hyde, Denton, Shepley

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Commercial Brow, L High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, R Mottram Rd, L Grange Rd N, to top, bear R Mansfield Rd, L Lumn Rd, L Stockport Rd, Tesco Gee Cross Village, R Stokcport Rd, R Dowson Rd, 2nd L after Shell Garage, Higher Henry St, L Church St, R Gt Norbury, Aldi Hyde, (7m reurns directly via Clark Wy, Newton St, Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd) L Manchester Rd, becomes Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, R Edward St, L L/Cpl Andcrew Breeze Wy, R Denton Rd, Sun Inn, R Shepley, cross to l side of road, Globe, L Astley St, R Chapel St, R king St, L Boyds Wk, R Birch Ln, L YT, Astley.


Mon 10/12/18 - 3m Santa Run and club marathon places draw

Please bring some pennies, min £1 donation then cakes etc. to buy and tombola. All proceeds to our chosen charity, Sandwich Angels, who help to feed the homeless in Greater Manchester.


Wed 5/12/18 - 10m (6m opt) Ashton, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, right CHR, to end, R High St, L Bayley St, R Clarence St, L Stamford St, R Beaufort Rd, R Montague Rd, L Curzon Rd, becomes Ladbroke Rd, emerge by the Old Ball Inn, over to Cranbourne Rd, over Oldham Rd (6m opt returns via Oldham Rd to Ashton, Asda, King St, Dewsnap) to Knowle Av, L Richmond St, over Lord Sheldon Wy, to end, cross at one way system then R to Guide Bridge, L Guide Ln, past Sun Inn, L at next lights (staggered junction next to The White House Inn) Turner St, becomes St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, L Hyde Rd, down Broomstairs Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley.


Mon 3/12/18 - 6m Shepley, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, L CHR, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, R Victoria St, [Effort 1: Johnsonbrook to Victoria Arms], White Bridge, L Globe Ln, Globe, L Shepley, cross to R [Effort 2: opp Broomstairs Rd to opp Cemetery Rd] Sun Inn, L Denton Rd, over M67, L L/Cpl Andrew Breeeze Wy [Effort 3: from L turn to mini-roundabout] R Edward St, L Hyde Rd, down Broomstairs [Effort 4: from Ind Est entrance at bottom of dip to the far side of the Arc car wash] Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, R 2nd min-roundabout Bennett St, Ashton Rd, R CHR,  L YT, Astley.


Wed 28/11/18 - 10m (6m option) Hyde, St Anne's, Guide Bridge, Ashton, Stalybridge

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, R Mottram Rd, KFC, Hyde Town Centre, Hyde Market, Corporation St, R Gt Norbury, Aldi, L Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, R St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing,. R Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, L Shepley, (6m option returns directly via Globe Ln and Dewsnap) follow side road and R on path before Sun Inn to Guide Ln, Guide Bridge, R Stockport Rd, straight on Victoria St, becoems Hill St, R Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, L Wharf St, L Crescent Rd, R Whitelands, L Clarence St, R Stamford St, R Acres Ln, Tesco 'bridge, High St, L CHR,  L YT, Astley.


Mon 26/11/18 - 6m Duki Morrisons, Charles, Globe, Village, Boyds, Sandy, Tame

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, Astley Arms, down Crescent Brow, L Wharf St, over King St, Charles St, [Effort 1: from the bend to the top] R Astley St, Astley Arms, Globe, L Globe Ln, [Effort 2: far side of the industrial estate entrance to the 30mph sign] cross and R Broadway, L Outram Rd, L Cap'n Clarke Rd, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, R Boyds Wk [Effort 3: to far side of Tarbert Rd - 2nd or 3rd R depending upon your perspective - phone box opp] L Armadale Rd, R Barlow Rd., L Broadbent Av, R  Jeffrey's Dr, over lights, L Sandy Ln, over river, R Tame St, [Effort 4: staying on R - from start to the river bridge] CHR, L YT, Astley.


Wed 21/11/18 - 10m (6m option) Astley Arms (x2), Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, Astley Arms, down Crescent Brow, L Wharf St, over King St, Charles St, R Astley St, Astley Arms, Globe, Shepley, L Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, L St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, L Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, (6m straight back via Clark Wy, Newton St, Bennett St, Ashton Rd) R Gt Norbury, to top, L Church St, R Henry St, R Dowson Rd, Hyde Audi, L Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, L Stockport Rd, down Market St through Hyde, R Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Mon 19/11/18 - 6m Newton, Duki, Whitelands

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Bennett St, L mini roundabout Old Rd, R mini rounabout Spring Gdns, becomes Throstlebank St, R Duki Rd [Effort 1: from Throstle to Lwr Bennett St], stay on Duki Rd, [Effort 2: bend after Johnsonbrook to Victoria Arms] White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, R Wharf St, L Crescent Rd, R Whitelands [Effort 3: the bend to the end] stright over Bayley St, R High St, L CHR, [Effort 4: from the lights to Raja Bros shop] L YT, Astley.


Wed 14/11/18 - 10m (7.5m option) Duki, Guide Bridge, Denton and Beyond, Haughton, Hyde

No news is good news, and it's clearly Flat...

Down YT, over CHR, R/L Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, R Guide Ln, The Boundary, L Audenshaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, L at lights, down wiggly path, Audenshaw Rd, Indian Plaza, L at roundabout Stamford Rd, R Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln then Seymour St, over M67 then R at lights Manc Rd Sth (7.5m option goes L and returns directly via Denton and Hyde), L at lights Oldham St, Sainsbury's Denton, to end, L Windmill Ln, to end, R Manchester Rd, 3rd R Ruby St, to end, L Town Ln, to end R Stockport Rd, bear L at lights Two Trees Ln, L Mill Ln, R Manchester Rd,  L Clark Wy, L Newton St, straight on, becomes Old Rd, R at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Mon 12/11/18 - 6m Hyde and back

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke o Sussex, Commercial Brow, [Effort 1: bottom of the dip to the far side of M67 bridge] R Mottram Rd, KFC, L Union St, L Market St, cross to R, R Dowson Rd [Effort 2: Waverley Rd to lights at Knott Ln] R Knott Ln, to end, L Waverley Rd, R Farm Ln, round bend the R over TPT to Foxholes Rd, R, to end, R Grosvenor Cr, [Effort 3: from shops/flats on left to Freshfield Rd] L Gower Rd, to end of houses then R path to Woodend Ln, stright over Parsonage St, R Chapel St, L Gt Norbury, Aldi, R Manchester Rd, L Clark Wy, L Newton St, straight on, [Effort 4: Bottom of hill up to church], becomes Old Rd, R at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 7/11/18 - 10m (6m opt) Stalybridge, Hurst Cross, The Moss, Guide Bridge

Down YT, right CHR, R High St, Acres Ln, to end, L Stamford St, R Ridge Hill Ln, Darnton Rd, (6m straight back from lights via BT roundabout, Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisions) bear R at lights Queen's Rd, Hurst Cross, becomes Lees Rd, L just before Amaani Broadoak Rd, R at the Broadoak to Wood Ln, becomes Wilshaw Ln, L Oldham Rd, R Knowle Av, L Richmond St, R Lord Sheldon Wy, past the Car People, bear L at lights, over Manc Rd to Moss Wy, Ashton Fire Stn, bear L, Guide Bridge Theatre, R Guide Ln, Sun Inn, L Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right/left, YT, Astley.


Mon 5/11/18 - 6m Whitelands, Asda, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down YT, right CHR, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, [Effort 1: to the bend] to end, straight over Lwr Wharf St, to end, up path alongside Asda, left Cavendish St, over zebra crossing, right Cavendish St, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, [Effort 2: from Oxford Park (Portugal Rd) to opposite Shell garage] left Guide Ln, left Sun Inn, Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the dip, cross to right, right Globe Ln, [Effort 3: from the far side of first entrance to opp Ryder Trucks entrance], White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] right/left, YT, Astley.


Wed 31/10/18 - 10m (8m option) Godley, Hattersley, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, L High St, Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, L Mottram Rd, up to the roundabout, R Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Village, (8m option returns directly via Werneth Av, Stockport Rd, Lumn Rd, Commercial Brow), R Dowson Rd, L Market St, R Clark Wy, L Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R/L YT, Astley.


Mon 29/10/18 - 6m Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Lodge Ln, L Newton St, R Clark Wy, R Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, L Gt Norbury [Effort 1: half a mile, the length of Gt Norbury] L Church St, R Henry St, R Dowson Rd, cross to L [Effort 2: King George Rd to lights at Knott Ln] L Stockport Rd, [Effort 3: from the Cheshire Cheese to the Grapes] Tesco Gee Cross, L Stockport Rd, Clarkes Arms, R Lumn Rd, R Mottram Rd, L Halton St [Effort 4: Commercial St to Hopkins St, just after the Railway] Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 24/10/18 - 10m (6m option) Whitelands, Asda, Guide Bridge, Lock n Green, Blue Pig, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, R CHR, Tame St, R Clarence St, L Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Lwr Wharf St, path alongside Asda, L Cavendish, over zebra, R Cavendish, L Park Pde, biscuit whiff alley, Guide Bridge, (6m goes L)  R Moss Wy past Ashton Fire Station, cross to L after M60, L past Snipe, Lockwood & Greenwood, sharp L Audenshaw Rd, former Blue Pig, R at roundabout, to lights, R Denton Rd, over M67, L L/Cpl Andrew Breeze Wy, R Edward St, L Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde, Clark Wy, Newton St, Old Rd, R Bennett St, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, L YT, Astley.

6m option goes L at Guide Bridge Stn and returns directly via Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap


Mon 22/10/18 - 6m The four hills: Pickford, Chapel, Sandy, Quarry+

Down YT, L CHR, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, R Victoria St, White Bridge, King St, R Pickford Ln, to top, L Town Ln, straight on Crescent Rd, Old General, L Astley St, L King St, Duki Town Hall L Chapel St, to top, L Crescent Rd, R Park Rd, R Sandy Ln, L Oxford Rd, R Quarry St/Rise, L Salisbury Dv, R YT, Astley.

[Efforts 1-4 up each of the hills, start very steady and build effort to the top]


Wed 17/10/18 - 10m (6m opt) Godley, Hyde, Denton, Guide Bridge, Ashton, Duki

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Commercial Brow, L High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, R Mottram Rd, L Grange Rd N, to top, bear R Mansfield Rd, over Lumn Rd to Smithy Ln, clock roundabout, R Market St, down through Hyde (6m returns via Clark Wy, Duki Rd, Dewsnap) Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, straight on through Denton, R Seymour St, becomes Talylor St then Corporation Rd, to end, L Stamford Rd, R at roundabout Audenshaaw Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, Guide Bridge, Stockport Rd, becomes Park Pde, R Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R & L YT, Astley.


Mon 15/10/18 - 6m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde

Down YT, R CHR, L Lodge Ln, L Meadow Ln, L Birch Ln, R Boyds Wk, [Effort 1: Armadale Rd to Tarbert Rd (the next road on left)], L King St, White Bridge, R Globe Ln, Globe, L Shepley, cross to R, [Effort 2: Bottom of hill up to opp cemetery Rd], cross over and down cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, L St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over M67, L Hyde Rd, becomes Manchester Rd, [Effort 3: Ind Est entracne at bottom of hill to far side of first car wash - arc], L Clark Wy, L Newton St, straight on, [Effort 4: Bottom of hill up to road after church], becomes Old Rd, R at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 10/10/18 - 10m (6m opt) Newton, trail, Cheetham Park, Stalybridge, Ashton, Globe, Hyde

Up YT, R Queensway, over the fields to Newton, L Bradley green Rd, L Talbot Rd, Co-op, L Victoria St, L down track before Rising Moon, R into Cheetham Park, down to exit at bottom gate, cross over Acres Ln then L to lights, R then L through Stalybridge pedestrian area, R, L Market St, up to lights, bear L Stamford St, San Rocco, bear L Currier Ln, to end, L Crescent Rd, R Wharf St, over King St, Charles St, R Astley St, Globe, L Globe Ln, White Bridge, R Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, R Newton St, R Clark Wy, L Manchester Rd, becomes Market St, up through Hyde, L Union St, R Mottram Rd, L Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.

6m option comes straight back via Crescent Brow, Duki Morrisons and Birch Ln

6m map


Mon 8/10/18 - 6m Whitelands, Asda, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down YT, R CHR, straight on Tame St, R Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, [Effort 1: to the bend] to end, straight over Lwr Wharf St, to end, up path alongside Asda, L Cavendish St, over zebra crossing, R Cavendish St, L Park Pde, bear L Stockport Rd, [Effort 2: from Oxford Park (Portugal Rd) to opposite Shell garage] L Guide Ln, L Sun Inn, Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the dip, cross to right, R Globe Ln, [Effort 3: from the far side of first entrance to Ryder Trucks], White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] R/L, YT, Astley.


Wed 3/10/18 - 6m (10m opt) Stalybridge Infrastructure & Architecture Tour (C19-C21) with a Duki n Hyde finish

Down YT, R CHR, R High St, L Caroline St, R to Huddersfield Narrow Canal, stay on canal until the bridge after Stamford St (lock 7W) go under the next bridge then up steps to go left on the Staly Way trail, under two sets of power lines, emerge on Grove Rd, R, up to lights, R Huddersfield Rd, Copley, L then R Acres Ln, Tesco, all the way up the hill to Morissons, (6 goes left and straight back) R Foundry St, down Crescent Brow, L Wharf St, Charles St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, R Victoria St, Village, Duki Rd, L Throstlebank St, L Old Rd, R Bennett St, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Asltey


Mon 1/10/18 - 6m Hyde, canal, Duki

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Lodge Ln, down through Hyde Park, Park Rd, Clark Wy, Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde,  R new estate and on to canal towards Ashton, [Effort 1: end of M67 bridge to end of Wall] straight on [Effort 2: Dennis the Meanace post to fork before Ryde Trucks bridge - #3]  Portland Basin, under then over bridge, Asda Ashton, R Cavendish St, over bridge, King St, [Effort 3: Wharf St lights to Astley St Lights] Duki Tn Hall, L Boyds [Effort 4: to far side of Tarbert Rd - 2nd or 3rd R depending upon your perspective] R Birch Ln, L YT, Asltey


Wed 26/9/18 - 10m O'er the Low then canal heaven

Up YT, R Coronation Ave, over the fields to Newton, L Bradley green Rd, L Talbot Rd, R Cartwright St, bear R fields, exit through gap, L Victoria St, R Welch Rd, down path, steps, under M67, up to cricket pitch, L path, alongside Godley Water Treatement Works, R road, down hill to Mottram Rd, R, under arches, L Brookfold Ln, over road, under TPT bridge, bear R through gate to footpath, to end, R, L Green Ln, to top, L Mottram Rd, R up path to then round cenotaph, path to quarry car park, Hare & Hounds, R down to hamlet, R track then L field, down through fields and paths to Stockport Rd, L Joshua Bradley, R Poleacre, over rail bridge, R field to canal, R towards Hyde, over roving bridges, exit over bridge #3 to Ryder Trucks, R Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Asltey

If it is getting too dark to stay on the canal we will exit at Aldi Hyde or Dunkirk Ln and return on road via White Bridge and Boyds Wk.


Mon 24/9/18 - 6m Johnsonbrook, Dunkirk, Canal, Broomstairs, Denton, Shepley, Globe, Dewsnap

Down YT, L CHR, straight over Johnsonbrook, L Duki Rd, R Dunkirk Ln, L canal, [Effort 1: from the start of the wall to the tarmac just before M67 bridge] leave canal and exit through new estate then right Manchester Rd, down Broomstairs, Lowes Arms, traffic lights, [Effort 2: from far side of motorway junction to St Anne's Rd] straight on, R at lights L/Cpl Andrew Breeze Wy, L min-roundabout, R Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, cross at lights then R Shepley, at bottom of dip cross to right [Effort 3: from river bridge to top of canal bridge] Globe, R Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] R Birch Ln,L YT, Astley.


Wed 19/9/18 - 10m Stamford Pk, Hurst X, Alt Hill, Park Bridge, Ashton, Bennett

Down YT, R CHR straight on Tame St, R Clarence St, L Stamord St, over and up through Stamford Park, L Darnton, bear R at lights Queens Rd, Hurst Cross, Amaani, St Damian's, L Alt Hill Ln, bear L Park Br Rd, L Oldham Rd, staight ahead to Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge, Victoria St, Duki Rd, L Bennett St, L Ashton Rd, R CHr, R YT, Astley.


Mon 17/9/18 - 6m Stalybridge, Staly Way, Printworks, Sandy

Up YT, first left then right up path to Gorse Hall Rd, L, R Lord St, becomes Set St, R High St, becomes Acres Ln, Tesco to end, L Stamford St, R Huddersfield Rd, L to car park, follow trail on RHS to Staly Wy, R, [Effort 1: from start of trail to uder the first set of eletricity cables] to end, L down slope, exit to Grove Rd, L, over bridge, L Printworks Rd [Effort 2: from the railway bridge up to the main road], L, to end, bear R Stamford St, [Effort 3: from opp Astley St (edge of Stamford Pk) to traffic lights] L Clarence St, becomes Sandy Ln [Effort 4: from Park Rd to the top - take great care at the Morrisons car park exit] R then L Birch Ln, YT, Astley


Wed 12/9/18 - 10m River, Denton, Town Ln, fields, river trail, canal, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, right cobbled path, left river trail, right Manchester Rd, left trail, through 2 sets of gates, right up path to St Lawrence Rd, straight over Stockport Rd to Town Ln, becomes a track, past stables and left down footpath through fields, left at path junction, follow path to Stockport Rd, right then left river trail, over Meadow Ln and past Ivy Cottages to reagin trai, at end of hedge R down slope, path to Gibraltar Bridge, don't cross bridge, stay on river trail to Mill Ln, R over bridge, R to field, through woods to Raglan St, up canalside path to Manchester Rd, R over bridge, join canal, over bridge then under, canal to Globe, Globe Ln, Dewnap


Mon 10/918 - 6m Astley, Astley, Globe, river trail, Hyde, Astley

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, Astley Arms, L Astley St (former Old General), over King St, Astley Arms, cross to right, [Effort 1: from bend to roundabout], Globe, R Shepley, stay on right to opp Broomstairs Rd, cross, [Effort 2: length of Broomstairs Rd - to trail] river trail to Manchester Rd, L, [Effort 3: from start of hill to far siode of car wash] Aldi Hyde, L Clark Wy, L Clarendon Rd, [Effort 4 from far side of police stn entrance to roadworks - or if they have finished up to the lights] L Ashton Rd, R CHT, R YT, Astley.


Wed 5/9/18 - 10m  (8m option) Look out Mottram.

Left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, Duke of Sussex, Railway, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, Godley St, all the way up past the former New Inn to the roundabout, cross with care to the right, watching out for nutters hoofing it off the roundabout towards Gee Cross,straight on to Mottram, cross to left, left Stalybridge Rd, left Roe Cross Rd, cross to right, Deep Cutting (hello Mr Frog) Waggon & Horses, Dog & Partridge, down to Stalybridge, left Acres Ln, The Organ, Old Hunters Tavern, becomes High St (8 mile brigade left CHR and straight back), Oxford Rd, The Mason's Arms, The Albion, Duki Morrisons, Astley Arms, Old General, left Astley St, left King St,  Kebablicious, Angel Inn, White Bridge, Dewnsnap, right/left YT, Astley.


Mon 3/9/18 - 6m Cheetham Park, Staly Way, Canal

Down YT, R CHR, R High St, becomes Acres Ln, opp Tesco R Park St, enter Cheetham Park, [Effort 1: flag pole to bin by the path fork] fork R, follow the path round the park to exit through the nature reserve, [Effort 2: from the bottom of the dip up to the gate/barrier] exit to Mottram Rd, R then L Fern Bank, L down Mottram Old Rd, quick dive through the woods to Demesne Dv, L, R Huddersfield Rd, L Staley Hall Rd, zig then zag, exit to trail, L, [Effort 3: from joining the trail to the path joining from the left by a field] R down steps to canal, L, past Tesco, shortly after block paving runs out (after lock 4W) for L up path to High St, cross R and L [Effort 4: up Quarry Rise to top, stop at junction do not go left] R Fir Tree Cres, R then L Poplar Rd, R Oak Tree Dr, L Gorse Hall Rd, R after bend to path to YT, down YT, Astley.


Wed 22/8/18 - 10m (6m option) Hyde Park, Hyde, Peak Forest Canal, TPT, Godley, Hyde, PF Canal, Duki

Down YT, L Ashton Rd, cross to R and R down narrow street after garage, L then R, to end, L, over Bennett St to Flowery Field Stn and down path, over Lodge Ln, through Hyde Park, exit bottom gate to Park Rd, R Clarendon Rd, R Clark Wy, R Manchester Rd, after Aldi join canal towards Woodley, exit over footbridge to Apethorn Ln, up and join TPT, exit to ~4.5m Firethorn Dv, R Almond Wy, L Brookfield Ln, Godley Stn, Sheffield Rd, High St, R Halton St, Commercial Brow (6m goes straight back from Duke of Sussex) L Clarendon Rd, R Park rd, L Park Dv, over to Spring Gdns, Throstle Bank St, R Duki Rd, L Dunkirk Ln, R canal towards Ashton, exit over lift bridge, over Astley St to Smith St, L Chapel St, R King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley, wring yourself out.


Mon 20/8/18 - 6m Wharf, Charles, Globe, Bennett, Boyds

Down YT, over CHR, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, straight on, down Crescent Brow, left Wharf St, over King St to Charles St [Effort 1: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 2: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, cross to right then [Effort 3: bottom to start of railings before Adge's wobbly B footbridge] up Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, left Markham St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, rigth Victoria St, White Bridge once more, King St, right Boyds Wk [Effort 4: up to Tarbert Rd - the 2nd right] right Birch Ln, left  YT, Astley.


Wed 15/8/18 9.5m (6m option) - Beyond 'brigde and some Canal

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, R Oxford Rd,becomes High St, L Caroline St, through Stalybridge Town Centre, up some steps near the bus station, over the main road and up some more steps to the Traveller's Call, R Wakefield Rd, R Printworks Rd, R down footpath to river, R Grove Rd, R canal, (6m leaves canal after Tame aqueduct and returns directly via Tame St & CHR) canal to Asda, usual way through car park, over road to rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over and uder bridge, peak Forest Canal to Dunkirk Ln (bridge 4) exit and straight back via Bennett St and Ashton Rd.

6m map


Mon 13/8/18   6m - Hyde, disused railway, Apethorn, Canal, Bennett St

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow [Effort 1: bottom of the dip to the motorway bridge], Halton St, left Mottram Rd, R Grange Rd N, to top, down path to TPT, R, [Effort 2: from joining the disused railway to the second bridge] [Effort 3: from the fourth bridge to where the disused railway turns right, just before the end] all the way to Apethorn, down hill and over canal then back under bridge towards Hyde, over two roving bridges, [Effort 4: M67 bridge to Dunkirk Lane] exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, Lower Bennet St, Bennett St, L Ashton Rd and straight back.


Wed 8/8/18 10m (6m opt) - Shepley, Guide Bridge, Ashton, another disused railway, Ashton

Down YT, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, right, Guide Bridge Station, right, cross over at one way system (6m opt does not cross, goes straight back from here), Richmond St, over Lord Sheldon Wy, right Knowle Ave, left Taunton Rd, over Newmarket Rd, straight on Oldham Rd, over river bridge then left to trail and sharp right uder the road, follow trail to Park Bridge Rd, right, right Alt Hill Ln, up the hill then right on disused railway, to end, Turner Ln, bear R Lord St, over new road, trough Ashton to BT roundabout, Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisons, iTrain, R CHR, left YT, Astley.

6m option does not cross at the one way system, it returns via Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge and Dewsnap


Mon 6/8/18 - 6m Stalybridge, Ashton, duki

Down YT, R CHR, R High St, L Caroline St, L Market St, Q Inn. under railway, up cobbled path to R, over Stamford St to Ridge Hill Ln, becomes Darnton Rd, [Effort 1: along the park from Astley Rd to Mellor Rd] L at lights Mossley Rd, L after Armstrongs Crickets Ln, R Stamford St, L Wellington St, L/R underpass, L Lwer Wharf St, path past Asda, emerge on Cavendish St and cross at zebra, L Cavendish St, R Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] R Birch L, L YT, Astley


Wed 1/8/18 - 10m (6m option) Canal, Hyde, Godley, Newton

Down YT, R CHR, straight over Tame St, over the river bridge then R between the buildings to Huddersfield Narrow Canal, L, all the way to Asda, to the back left of car park then exit and cross Cavendish St, rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over then under the bridge to the Peak Forest Canal, leave canal up ramp to Nursery Rd at M67 bridge, R Duki Rd, R Newton St, R Clark Wy, L Market St, up through Hyde, L Union St, R Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, L Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, R Halton St, Commercial Brow, R Victoria St, L mini-roundabout Talbot Rd, to lights, R Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Astley

6m option (map) turns left at Duki Rd, R up footpath to Newton St, bear right Lodge Ln, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Astley.


Mon 30/7/18 - 6m River trail and canal

Down YT, L CHR, Johnsonbrook Rd, L Duki Rd, R Dunkirk Ln, R river trail, over bridge, [Effort 1: up to top of hill] L fork, exit L St Anne's, over Hyde Rd, L then R path to Linden Cl, L Linden Rd, at bend bear left to trail, R at trail junction [Effort 2: to top of hill on bend] trail to Mill Ln, L, over bridge then R to fields, through trees to Raglan St, over to canalside path, R over bridge then R canal, R over bridge and under road towards Ashton, [Effort 3: far side of M67 bridge to top of cobbled path] stay on canal until bridge 3, Ryder Trucks, exit to Globe Ln, R, White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] CHR, YT, Astley.


Wed 25/7/18 - 6.21m Mostly up, down, up and round - Monster Time!

Eminem - The Monster (Explicit) ft. Rihanna


Mon 23/7/18 - 6m Mostly up, down, up and round

Up YT, L at mini-roundabout Tennyson Ave, cross to right [Effort 1: opp school gates to Macauley Cl] Gorse Hall, over fields then down drive, R High St, R Park St, enter park, [Effort 2: flagpole to fork] continue up through park and woods beyond to golf course, [Effort 3: stile after golf course to hedge] exit to Matley Ln and over, fields, wood, fields, horses etc. R along hedgerow, L to emerge from field at farm track near M67 bridge, over bridge, R alongside water treatment works, [Effort 4: bend to cricket field fence], R along fence and down trhough gorse bushes, underpass, down and up steps, bear left, follow path to Welch Rd, to end, L Victoria St, R gap to field, bear R path, Hamel St, over Talbot Rd, R, L Holland Rd, R St Mary's Rd, path shenanigans, over Bradley Gn, fields to YT and down to Astley.


Wed 18/7/18 - Black Knight Charge - fun round Daisy Nook and Park Bridge

Mon 16/7/18 - 6m down by the Tame and some usual bits

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, R Armadale, Top Astley, Crescent Br, this little piggy... L trail, Cooper St, R Alma Bridge, Asda Ashton, L Park Pde, [Effort 1: 1st left to 2nd], Oxford Park, L Pottinger St [Effort 2: to the end], over bridge and L on canal, [Effort 3: from after the wooden bridge to the left bend], Portland Basin, R Peak Forest Canal, under Dog Lane Bridge at the Globe then exiut up steps to R, Globe, Globe Ln, [Effort 4: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, R Victoria St, L Johnsonbrook, CHR, Astley.


Wed 11/7/18 - ~10m I don't know where home is or what 'it' is so I'm going to run to avoid all doubt

YT, blah, Low, blah, blah, Astley.


Mon 9/7/18 - 6m Duki, canal, Hyde Park

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, L Boyds, R King St, L Chapel, R Smith St, over Astley St and down to lift bridge, L canal towards Hyde, [Effort 1: railway bridge to Globe bridge (Dog Lane Bridge)] [Effort 2: top of cobbled path to wall on right after field] exit canal up ramp before M67 bridge, Nursery Rd, L Duki Rd, R up path, R Well Meadow, L Newton St, R Park Dv, enter park by cafe, part of the parkrun loop, [Effort 3: bottom of slope to far bridge] [Effort 4: tennis court to top gate] exit park to Lodge Ln, over to path, R Bennett St, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Astley.


Wed 4/7/18 - 9m (6m option - suggested if Sizzlin' tomorrow) Trailytwistastic, Canals, CHR

Down YT, L CHR, Johnsonbrook, L Duki Rd, R Dunkirk Ln, R canal, L Dennis the Menace footpath, down steps, R over bridge, R to path, up to field and straight on, sharp left, all the way to the gate at St Anne's, sharp left, bear right, down the hill and over the bridge again, river trail to Manchester Rd, L, up the hill, L after car wash to Wellington St, to end, path to canal, L under M67, canal to Portland Basin, under then over bridge, exit to Cavendish St, through Asda car park, rejoin canal, stay on canal until Bayley St (8m) exit up steps, straight back via High St and CHR.

6m option exits canal at Ryder Trucks (bridge #3) R Globe Ln and straight back up Dewsnap.


Mon 2/7/18 - 6m Canaltastic, Bennett St finish

Down YT, R CHR, to end, just after Bayley St go down steps to canal, L, [Effort 1: from Peel St bridge (the one after Bayley St) to Tame aquaduct] stay on canal until Asda, exit via far L of car park, cross over Cavendish St, down path to canal, over stone bridge then under the bridge to Peak Forest Canal, [Effort 2: from first rail bridge to lift bridge] [Effort 3: from 2nd rail bridge to next bridge - Globe] exit up Dunkirk Ln (bridge #4), straight over Duki Rd, Lwr Bennettt St, [Effort 4: from bottom of Lwr Bennett St to woobly bridge] Bennettt St, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 27/6/18 - 10m (6m option) Fields, Woods, TPT, canal, Globe

Up YT, 3rd right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, left Bradley green Rd, left Talbot Rd, left after phone box, across small green then down path alongside churchyard, through stile to golf course, up path then left at end of high fence, check for golfers then cross fairways on footpath to Yew Tree, up to top, L past stables, R into field, up and ovver, through wood to track, bear L, enter Cheetham Park, immediate R, down to building, R back up thriugh woods to golf cours, exit to Matley Ln, over, trail through fields and woods, more fields, over M67, down to Mottram Rd, (6m option straight back via Sheffield Rd, Commercial Brow and Ashton Rd) R, L Brookfield Ln, through estate to TPT, to end, down Apethorn, over bridge to canal then under bridge towards Hyde, stay on canal to Globe bridge, under bridge, left on trail, to road, L up to Globe, Globe Ln, Dewsnap, YT, Astley.


Mon 25/6/18 - 6.3m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, iTrain, L Boyds Wk, to bottom, R King St, Duki Town Hall, L Wharf St, becomes Charles St, [Effort 1: Bend to top of Charles St] R Astley St, Globe, R Shepley, stay on R, [Effort 2: Bottom of hill up to cemetery Rd], cross over and down cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, L St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over M67, L Hyde Rd, becomes Machester Rd, [Effort 3: Bottom of hill to far side of car wash], L Clark Wy, L Newton St, straight on, [Effort 4: Bottom of hill up to road after church], becomes Old Rd, R at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 20/6/18 - 8.5m (6m & 10m opts) River & canal

Down YT, L CHR, Johnsonbrook, wiggly, R Bennett St, Dunkirk Ln, L canal, cobbled path, river trail, R Manchester Rd, double gates, river trail, over Mill Ln, to Gibraltar Bridge, over and L then L up path to canal towards Hyde, all the way to Portland Basin, R to Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley.

6m option exit canal at Dunkirk and straight back via Bennett and Ashton Rd.

10m option straight on at White Bridge then back via Bennett and Ashton Rd.


Mon 18/6/18 - 6m Hyde & Duki

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Lodge Ln, L Hyde Park [Effort 1: from bottom of dip up to cafe], Park Dv, over Old Rd to Spring Gdns, Throstlebank St, R Duki Rd, [Effort 2: to Lwr Bennett St] becomes Victoria St, [Effort 3: Victoria Arms to White Bridge] White Bridge, King St, R Wharf St, L after HiQ Furness St, Crescent Rd, R Whitelands Rd, [Effort 4: Bend to end] straight on Bayley St, R High St, L CHR, L YT, Astley.


Wed 13/6/18 - or for those not Resersing/Touring 6m (9m opt) canals

Down Yt, R CHR, to end, R High St, L at lights Caroline St, L down steps to canal, through Asda car park, over Cavendish St and rejoin canal, Portland Basin, over and under stone bridge, exit Dunkirk Ln, L Duki Rd, R Johnsonbrook, CHR, YT, Astley.

9m Option stays on canal to roving bridge at Aldi, over bridge then L exit and R Manchester Rd, up Market St, L Uniotn St, R Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, L Sheffiled Rd, High St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.

9m option map


Mon 11/6/18 - 6m Fields, trail, road, TPT and parkland

Up YT, over fields to Newton L Bradley Gn Rd, L Talbot Rd, R Cartwright St, after scout hut head on to fields, down the bank, exit through gap in top right of next field, L Victoria St, R Welch Rd, down trail, down lost of steps, under M67, fork L, cricket field, L gap in fence to trail, past Godley Water Works, [Effort 1: from bend to T junction] R down Ln to Mottram Rd, R, under arches, L Brookfield Ln, R Almond, L Firethorn, join TPT going R, [Effort 2: Bridge 1 to 2] TPT [Effort 3: Bridge 4 to exit where the trail bends round trees] exit R to Haughton St, L Market St, R Union St, KFC, straight on, R Clarendon, L Park Rd, enter Hyde Park then R into woods, for right, along top of bank then descend to flat bridge, over, up steps, straight on, [Effort 4: from tenis courts to top gate], R out through car park to Lodge Ln (Tiger) straight over to path Flowery Field, R Bennett St, L Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Wed 6/6/18 - 10m (4.5m option) Road, trail and canal

Up Yew Tree, over fields to Newton then over the golf course to the top of Yew Tree, past the stables, down through the farm, right after the first houses, track to hole in wall to Cheetham Park, through hole and down through park to emerge on Mottram Rd near Priory Tennis Club (4.5m option goes left down the hill) right Mottram Rd, left Fern Bank, right Mottram Old Rd, left Shutts Ln, up through stables at straight on up concrete path, over style and left, follow path round hillside then zig-zag down, left on path and follow it along the side of the hill then drop down and cross Brushes Rd, through Stalybridge Country Park (end of the Millbrook Monster route) over Huddersfield Rd and down Grove Rd, just before building (Grove Rd Depot) left then through the gap and up the trail to left, at top go right and follow trail to end then down steps to canal, left on canal, canal though Stalybridge all the way to lock # 1W, down ramp/stpes though the tunnel under the road then up to left to join road, straight back up Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisons, iTrain, left Yew Tree, Astley.

4.5m option left down Mottram Rd, left Acres Ln, Tesco Stalybridge, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree.


Mon 4/6/2018 - 6m Hyde, Denton, Shepley, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, over Adge's footbridge, becomes Lwr Bennett St, left Duki Rd, cross to right side of road, [Effort 1: from opposite Throstlebank St to the railway bridge] to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, down Broomstairs, Lowes Arms, traffic lights, [Effort 2: from far side of motorway junction to St Anne's Rd] straight on, Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, cross at lights then right Shepley, at bottom of dip cross to right [Effort 3: from river bridge to top of canal bridge] Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 30/5/18 - 10m (5.7m option) Duki, Ashton, Guide Br, Denton, Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, Dewnsap, White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, L Park Pde, Guide Bridge, L Guide Ln, Sun Inn (5.7m returns directly via Shepley, Globe, Dewsnap) Crown Pt, L Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, Gt Norbury, Higher Henry, R Dowson, L at lights Knott Ln, L Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, L Stockport Rd, Clarkes Arms, R Lumn Rd, R Mottram Rd, L Halton St, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, CHR, YT,


Wed 23/5/18 - 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Duki, Hyde, Godley

iTrain, Duki Morrisons, Stalybridge, L Stamford St, L opp Stamford Pk Clarence St, R Whitelands, L Crescent Rd, R Wharf St, L King St, White Bridge (6m opt straight back), Duki Rd, up Gt Norbury & Higher Henry, L Dowson, R Market St, Clock roundabout, L Smithy Ln, over Lumn Rd to Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, R Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, L Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, R Commercial Brow, Ashton rd, R CHR, R YT, Asltey


Mon 21/5/18 - 6m Canal and river fun

Down YT, L CHR, over to Johnsonbrook, L Duki Rd, R Dunkirk Ln, L canal, [Effort 1: Dunkirk to M67 bridge] at Manchester Rd roving bridge cross then exit and cross again, L down canalside trail, exit R on Raglan St then L down path to fields, L Mill Ln, over river bridge, R river trail, fork R to double gate path, R Manchester Rd, L river trail, over bridge then R (Dennis the Menace) path, follow round and up steps then down again to riverside  [Effort 2: up the hill to the bench] over field then bear right, straight on through woods, exit R to Shepley, cross to Left, [Effort 3: on the left side of road from bus stop to top of hill] R Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] straight back.


Mon 14/5/18 - Duki, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Ashton Canal, China Bridge & some fields

Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, Foundry St, Crescent Brow, L down steps to canal, Asda car park, over Cavendish St to rejoin canal [Effort 1: from end of paving stones to iron footbridge - unless there are other path users] over stone bridge then straight on along Ashton Canal [Effort 2: Jeremy Brook Footbridge to the next bridge (Guide Bridge)] stay on canal, under the high conrete bridge then exit up the steps just before China Bridge to Hanover St N, R Audenshaw Rd, L Groby Rd, to bend, straight on to path, over footbridge, over field to Water St, to end, straight over Guide Ln to Tame St, R to Shepley St, down field to exit in bottom R to Shepley, L, [Effort 3: on the left side of road from bus stop to top of hill] R Globe Ln. White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] straight back.


Wed 2/5/18 - 10m (6m option) Shepley, Denton, Debdale, Kings Rd, Audenshaw, Canal, Duki

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, W Bridge, Globe, Shepley (cross to right) Sun Inn, L Denton Rd, R Egerton St, L Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, R Manchester Rd, KFC, over footbridge, Hyde Rd, cross to right after shops, R at Debdale Park entrance to Kings Rd, emerge in Audenshaw R over M60, L Lumn Ln under M60, R canal, Portland Basin, Asda Ashton, R Cavendish St, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, R, L YT, Astley.

6m returns directly through Denton, Hyde, Bennett St.


Mon 30/4/18 - 6m Fields, Newton, Hyde Park, PF Canal, Duki

Up YT, 3rd right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, right Bradley green Rd, left path, zig n zag, R St Mary's Rd, R Talbot Rd, L Mill St, R Lodge St, over Ashton Rd to Lodge Ln, L Hyde Park, zig n zag, [Effort 1: from exit of woods up to café] exit and over to Park Dv, bear L Newton St, R before church then down path alongside cricket pitch fence, L Duki Rd, R Nursery Rd, down ramp to canal towards Ashton (away from M67) [Effort 2: Dennis the Menace post to fork at Ryder Trucks bridge] stay on canal [Effort 3: far side of Dog Lane Bridge (Globe) to railway bridge] exit over lift bridge, L Astley St, over King St, [Effort 4: Astley St hill] R Crescent Rd, becomes Birch Ln, L YT, Astley.


Wed 26/4/18 - 10m (6m option) Godley, TPT, Haughton, Denton, Duki

The first 3.7 miles, to Apethorn Lane, will be dedicated to #FinishForMatt for those who would like to run the last part of his marathon in memory of him

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, straight over Mottram Rd then left and right at the end of the terrace up Brookfield Ln, right Almond Wy, left Firethorn, to end, left to Trans Pennine Trail (TPT), right, all the way to Apethorn Ln, R down to the bottom, join the trail to Gibraltar Bridge, over then up Gibraltar Ln, to top, L Haughton Gn Ln, to junction before (Haughton) green with picture frame and bandstand, L Lancaster Rd, L Two Trees, straight on Stockport Rd, Crown Pt, straight on, Sun Inn, R Shepley, Globe, L Astley St, L Charles St, Wharf St, R King St, L Boyds Wk, R Birch Ln, L YT, Astley

6m route goes back along the TPT to exit up the ramp on the right to Stockport Rd, then left down to Clarke's Arms, Lumn Rd to lights, R Mottram Rd and back the way we came.

6m map

For those that wish to contribute to Matt Campbell's fundraising, here is his justgiving page.


Wed 18/4/18 - 10m (6m option for VMLMers, inc me) Hyde, Green Ln, Gee X, Hyde, Duki, Whitelands

If doing the 10 mile route please all stay together and keep an eye on each other when us lightweights have peeled off!

Down YT, L CHR, Ashton Rd, Commercial Brow, L Mottram Rd, R St Pauls Hill Rd, bear L, over bridge, up Green Ln, R Mottram Rd, past Alder Sch, R Werneth Av, R Stockport Rd, L James North* clock roundabout, R Union St, straight on Clark Wy, (6m option goes R over the M67) R Newton St, L Duki Rd, White Bridge, L Globe Ln, Globe, R Astley St, L Charles St, becomes Wharf St, over King St, L Crescent Rd, R Whitelands Rd, straight on Bayley St, R High St, L CHR, L YT, Astley

6m route returns via M67 footbridge, Commercial St, Commercial Brow and Ashton Rd

6m map


Mon 16/4/18 - 6m Stalybridge, Staly Way, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Tame

Down YT, R CHR, R High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, L Mottram Rd, R Huddersfield Rd, past Copley, [Effort 1: far side of Copley entrance to Brushes Rd - 2nd right], down the hill then L at lights Grove Rd, just before building (Grove Rd Depot) left then through the gap and up the trail to left, at top go R [Effort 2: between the two sets of electricity cables] follow trail to end then down steps to canal, left on canal, canal though Stalybridge, [Effort 3: from Peel St bridge (the one after Bayley St) to Tame aquaduct*] leave canal at wooden fence, up the alley to Tame St, L Tame St, [Effort 4: from traffic lights at bottom of Cheetham Hill Rd to Rajas shop] left YT, Astley.

* The canal passes over the River Tame on Stakes Aqueduct (also known as Stalybridge Aqueduct). The canal is carried in a cast-iron trough while the towpath crosses an arched stone bridge alongside. The aqueduct was built in 1800, replacing the original stone aqueduct, damaged by flooding, and was one of the earliest cast iron canal troughs in the country.


Wed 11/4/18 - 10m Ashton, Ridge Hill, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Whitelands

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, Duki Morrisions, down Crescent Brow, right Whitelands, before the houses on the left up the trail, through fields, following either path to go L over rail bridge to Mabs Cl, R Currier Ln, straight on Stamford St, up through Stamford Park, R Darnton Rd, L Springs Ln, up over the hill, becomes Ridge Hill Ln, after Monkey Puzzle tree on R L Staveley Av, to end, L Wakefield Rd, R Printworks Rd, R Spring Bank Ln, over river and canal, R down steps to canal, stay on canal to lock 2W, exit R over canal on Plantation St, L Whitelands Rd, L Crescent Rd, straight back.


Mon 9/4/18 - 6m Hyde Park, Hyde, Gee Cross, TPT, Godley

Down YT, L CHR, L Ashton Rd, R Lodge Ln, L Hyde Park, weave scenically through the park and emerge on Park Rd, R Clark Wy, to end, R Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, L Gt Norbury St, [Effort 1: Up Gt Norbury to the top] top, L Church St, R Higher Henry St, R Downson Rd, R Grosvenor Rd, L opposite the end of the flats, over bridge and down to right then join the TPT goimng under the bridge we just came over, [Effort 2: first bridge to second, Dowson Rd] [Effort 3: third bridge to 6th, Green Ln] exit L to Firethorn Dv, R Almond Wy, L track, over Mottram Rd Sheffiled Rd, High St, R Commercial Brow [Effort 4: from the bottom of dip to the paper shop], Ashton Rd, R CHR, YT, Astley.


Wed 4/4/18 - 10m (6m option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Audsenshaw, Littlemoss, Ashton

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, former Old General, L Astley St, R, King St, Asda Ashton, L Park Pde, Guide Bridge, straight on Guide Bridge Theatre, L Audenshaw Rd, Indian Plaza, roundabout (6m goes straight back via Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap) straight on, former Blue Pig, former Lockwood & Greenwood, over at lights then L, R Ashton Hill Ln, R Williamson Ln, over Droylesden Rd to path, left to tarmac path at T junction, to Moorside St, R, becomes Littlemoss Rd, becomes Lumb Ln, shortly after the houses fininsh R Croos Ln to Buckley Hill Farm, at farm follow lane L, over M60 and straight on to Richmond St, R, over Lord Sheldon Wy, to end, cross at one way system, left Park Pde, R Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley.


Wed 28/3/18 - 10m (6m option) Duki, canal, Shepley, river trail, Apethorn, TPT, Godley

Down YT, over CHR, R Birch Ln, L Boyds, R King St, L Astley St, R down slope to lift bridge, L on canal towards Hyde, R just before 2nd bridge to Shelpey, down and through dip then cross and L Broomstairs Rd, river trail to Hyde (6m option straight back via Bennett St), R Manchester Rd, L down track, through two gates then L, over Mill Ln, stay on river trail, up steps, down steps, L over Gibraltar Bridge, L, stay on main trail up under canal then round S bends to Apethorn, up then L to disused railway line (Trans Pennine Trail), stay on trail until 7.8m then exit L through squeeze stile and fork R to Firethorn Dv, to end, R Almond Wy, to end, L Station Rd, over Mottram Rd to Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, R Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, R CHR, R YT, Astley.


Mon 26/3/18 - Daylight! 6m Newton, Gorse Hall, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Duki

Up YT, 3rd right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, left Bradley green Rd, left Talbot Rd, left after phone box, across small green then down path alongside churchyard, through stile to golf course, up path then left at end of high fence, watch out for golfers as you cross fairways on footpath to Yew Tree, left down road then right Tennyson Av, [Effort 1: from the first right up to Macauley Ave] through gap to Gorse Hall and left along path, follow path round to right, past former bowling green then sharp right to go past the hall ruins, left down the main drive, exit at High St and cross over at lights to Wharf Tavern and down Caroline St, left down steps to canal towards Ashton, [Effort 2: from the second bridge after joining canal to where the canal crosses the river] stay on canal to Asda, keep left through car park then over low fence to exit at lights then left under the bridge to King St, [Effort 3: from Wharf St traffic lights to Astley St] straight on to White Bridge, left Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd], right Birch ln, left YT, Astley.


Wed 21/3/18 - 10m (6m option which I will be doing) AGM at 19:30 so shorter than usual but extra as option if you don't fancy the meeting...

Down YT, right CHR, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, bear left at lights then right at next lights Ridge Hill Ln, becomes Darnton Rd, sharp left at lights Montague Rd, over Beaufort Rd, right Stamdord St, left then bear right Currier Ln, left Whitelands, becoems Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, White Bridge, Victoria St, Duki Rd, Newton St, Clark Wy, Aldi, Gt Norbury, left Church St, to end, right Market St, Clock Roundabout, Smithy Ln, Mansfield Rd, Grange Rd N, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.

The six returns up Deswnap from the White Bridge


Mon 19/3/18 - 6m Wharf, Charles, Globe, Bennett, Boyds

Down YT, over CHR, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, straight on, down Crescent Brow, left Wharf St, over King St to Charles St [Effort 1: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 2: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, cross to right then [Effort 3: bottom to start of railings before Adge's wobbly B footbridge] up Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, left Markham St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, rigth Victoria St, White Bridge once more, King St, right Boyds Wk [Effort 4: up to Tarbert Rd - the 2nd right] right Birch Ln, left  YT, Astley.


Wed 14/3/18 - 10m (6.5m option) Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley, Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, right Oxford Rd, left Sandy Ln, left Park Rd, bear left, over Crescent Rd to Wharf St, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross over at one way system, Ashton Police Stn, over M60, left at lights Moss Wy, Ashton Fire Stn, right at lights Audenshaw Rd, Indian Plaza, left at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge (6.5m opt straight back up Dewsnap), right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Gt Norbury, (back of Asda Hyde, near Hyde Fire Stn), to top, left Church St, right Henry St, left Dowson Rd, right Market St, clock roundabout, left Smithy Ln, left Lumn Rd, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right  CHR, YT, Astley.


Mon 12/3/18 - 6m Duki Rd, Whitelands, Bayley, Cheetham Hill

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right at lights Bennett St, left Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Duki Rd [Effort 1: from Throstle Bank St to Lwr Bennett St], continue on Duki Rd, [Effort 2: far side of Johnsonbrook Rd to Victoria Arms], White Bridge, King St, right Wharf St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 3: long one - the full length of Whitelands Rd], straight on Bayley St, to end, right High St, left CHR, [Effort 4: from traffic lights at bottom or Cheetham Hill Rd to Rajas shop] left YT, Astley.


Wed 7/3/18 - 10m (6m option) Ashton, Audenshaw, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, right CHR, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, right King St (6m option left here), Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on, over M60, past Snipe, over canal bridge, sharp left at the lights (car sales was formerly Lockwood & Greenwood) Audenshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, right at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, over M67, left Manchester Rd, straight through Denton, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley

6 m option returns from King St via Wharf St, Charles St, Globe, White Bridge, Duki Rd to Hyde, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley - map


Mon 5/3/18 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Hyde, Duki

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, straight lights at McColls, right Lodge Ln, left Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 1: from far side of police station entrance to traffic lights] Duke of Sussex, right Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley station, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, [Effort 2: from the bottom up to mini-roundabout] straight on, becomes Mansfield Rd, cross Lumn Rd to Smithy St, Clock roundabout, right Market St, down through Hyde, B&M Bargains, right Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd [Effort 3: railway bridge to Throstlebank St] right Johnsonbrook Rd [Effort 4: railway bridge to Markham St] over Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley


Mon 26/2/18 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Hyde, Duki

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, [Effort 1: up Commercial Brow to the far side of motorway bridge] Halton St, left Mottram Rd [Effort 2: Opposite St Paul's Hill Rd to Sheffield Rd] Godley Station, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, left Commercial St, [Effort 3: from start to the end of the pavement on the left] to end, straight on up path then bear right Clark Wy, right Newton St, left Duki Rd, [Effort 4: railway bridge to Throstlebank St] White Bridge, King St, right Boyds Wk [Bonus effort 5: up to Tarbert Rd] right Birch Ln, left  YT, Astley.


Wed 21/2/18 - 10m (5m or 6m options) - Stalybridge, Duki, Hyde, Gee Cross

Down YT, right CHR,to end, right High St, left Caroline St, to end, left Market St, becomes Rassbottom St, to top, left opp Stamford Pk left Clarence St, right  Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, White Bridge (5m option goes back via Dewsnap) straight on Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd (6m option goes back via Bennett St and Ashton Rd) to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, cross to Aldi,  leftt Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, right Dowson Rd, former Smith, Knight, Fay, left Stockport Rd, Tesco Gee Cross, left Stockport Rd, Clarkes Arms, right Lumn Rd, straight on Lumn Rd, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 19/2/18 - 6m Oxford, Crescent, Globe, Throstle

Down YT, right CHR, left Oxford Rd [Effort 1: Curry Lounge to St John St] right Sandy Ln, left Park Rd, fork left, cross then left Crescent Rd [Effort 2: up to Astley St] right Astley St, over King St, Astley St continues, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 4: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 14/2/18 - 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Ashton, The Moss, Audenshaw, Shepley, Duki

Down YT, right CHR, right High St, left Canal St, right Grosvenor St, through Stalybridge town centre, left, past Greggs, over the river and left Market St, up past Stalybridge station then bear left Stamford St, cross to right, after Stamford Park bear right Beaufort Rd, to end, over Mossley Rd and bear left to Penny Meadow, right at lights to follow the new road to Ikea (6m option returns directly back via Oldham Rd, Asda Ashton, King St, Dewsnap) keeping on the right side of Lord Sheldon Wy follow it all the way to the Snipe, bear right Manchester Rd, cross to left when safe to do so before one way system, over canal, former Lockwood & Greenwood car sales, sharp left Audenshaw Rd, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout, Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria Rd, becomes Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, Adge's bridge, Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, YT, Asltey.


Mon 12/2/18 - 6m Whitelands, Asda, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down YT, right CHR, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, [Effort 1: to the bend] to end, straight over Lwr Wharf St, to end, up path alongside Asda, left Cavendish St, over zebra crossing, right Cavendish St, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, [Effort 2: from Oxford Park (Portugal Rd) to opposite Shell garage] left Guide Ln, left Sun Inn, Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the dip, cross to right, right Globe Ln, [Effort 3: from the far side of first entrance to Ryder Trucks], White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] right/left, YT, Astley.


Wed 7/2/18 - 10m (6m opt) Haughton Gn, Bredbury, Woodley, Hyde

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, right Bennett St, left at mini-roundabout Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Cheshire Ring, Whitegates Inn, left Mill Ln, up, right at mini-rounabout Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel,to end, left Stockport Rd, Fletchers Arms, Arden Arms, cross to right, Robinson's brewery, Mac D's, left Stockport Rd, Woodley Arms, Navigation Hotel, White Hart, Joshua Bradley, all the way to Hyde, left Market St, right Union St, right Mottram Rd, The Sportsman, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Railway Inn, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, right CHR, right YT, Astley.

6m option - at the end of Two Trees go straight on to Crown Pt then right and back the way we came.


Mon 5/2/18 - 6m Stalybridge, Whitelands, Sandy, Chapel, Dewsnap

Down YT, right CHR, to end, right High St, left at light Caroline St, to end, left Market St, Q Inn, [Effort 1: from after station entrance up to the lights, giving Stacey a wave] bear left Stamford St, left Clarence St, right Whitelands [Effort 2: oh, go on then, to the bend] left Crascent Rd, bear left Park Rd, right Sandy Ln [Effort 3: to the top] right Foundry St, left Chapel St, left King St, White Bridge, left Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the Richmonds] right/left, YT, Astley.


Wed 31/1/18 - 10m Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, W Bridge, Globe, Shepley (cross to right) Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, left at Boundary, left Audenshaw Rd, Indian Plaza, left roundabout Stamford Rd, right at lights Denton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde Aldi, right Gt Norbury, left Church St, right Higher Henry, right Dowson, left Stockport Rd, left Tesco Gee Cross, straight back via Lumn Rd and Commercial Brow.

For sixish go left at Sun Inn and then straight back from Aldi.


Mon 29/1/18 - 6m Clarendon, Cartwright, Duki, Dewsnap

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, right Lodge Ln, left Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 1:from far side of police station entrance to traffic lights] Duke of Sussex, Victoria St, left Cartwright St [Effort 2: from Victoria St junction to Talbot Rd - beware of junction and office entrance] left Talbot Rd, Bennett St, left at mini-roundabout Old St, becomes Newton St, right Duki Rd [Effort 3: from railway bridge near start of Duki Rd to Throstle Bank St], continue on Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right, left YT, Astley.


Wed 24/1/18 - 10m Ashton, Snipe, Lockwood, Denton, Haughton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, iTrain, Duki Morrisons, straight on and down the hill past the Old General, left Wharf St, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on, over M60, past Snipe, over canal bridge, sharp left at the lights (car sales was formerly Lockwood & Greenwood) Audenshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, right at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, over M67, left Manchester Rd, 3rd right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Mon 22/1/18 - 6m Hyde, scary (for those we bump into) underpass, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, down the Brow, right Commerical St [Effort 1: to the bend] after the bend turn left through underpass and up the zig-zags, emerge into car park and, with care, head to the left corner to exit onto Brook St, up to main road and cross then up Lumb Rd, Clarkes Arms, left Stockport Rd, [Effort 2: Lilly St post box to the end of the road opp Tesco, stay on the left side of the road] right Stockport Rd, right Dowson Rd [Effort 3: up to traffic lights] to end, left Market St, right Union St, becomes Clark Wy, right Clarendon Rd, round bend then cross to left, [Effort 4: far side of Police Stn entrance to lights] left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 17/1/18 - 10m (6m opt) Sandy, Park/Wharf, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Haughton, Hyde

Down YT, right CHR, left at The Lodge to Lodge Ln, over and down Sandy Ln, left Park Rd, over to Wharf St, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, Guide Bridge, Guide Ln, Sun Inn (6m option returns directly from Sun Inn), right Stamford Rd, left Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, over M67, left Manchester Rd, 3rd right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley.


Mon 15/1/18 - 6m Stalybridge, Park/Wharf/Charles, Duki, Newton

Down YT, right CHR, straight over Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 4: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 10/1/18 - 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Park/Wharf/Charles, Globe, Hyde, Newton

Down YT, right CHR, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Stamford St, opp Stamford Pk left Clarence St, right Park Rd, fork left then straight on Wharf St, Charles St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, to top, Co-op, left Talbot Rd, right Ashton Rd, right CHR, YT, Astley.

6m option straight back from White Bridge


Mon 8/1/18 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Hyde, Duki

Down YT, left CHR, left Aston Rd, straight through lights, right Lodge Ln, left Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 1:from far side of police station entrance to traffic lights] Duke of Sussex, right Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley station, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, [Effort 2: from the bottom up to mini-roundabout] straight on, becomes Mansfield Rd, cross Lumn Rd to Smithy St, Clock roundabout, right Market St, down through Hyde, B&M Bargains, right Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd [Effort 3: railway bridge to Throstlebank St] right Johnsonbrook Rd [Effort 4: railway bridge to Markham St] over Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley


Wed 3/1/18 - 10m (6m option) Newton, Hyde, St Anne's, Duki, Whitelands

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, McColls, left Talbot Rd, up to Co-op, right Victoria St, Duke of Sussex, left Commercial Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, over to Smithy Ln, right Market St, left Dowson Rd, right Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, Aldi, left Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Anne's, Penny Frathing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes cemetery Rd, right Shepley, cross to left, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, over King St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight over CHR, left YT, Asltey


6m option returns directly from Aldi - map

Wed 20/12/17 - 10m Hyde, Hattersley, Gee Cross, Hyde, Duki

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, Duke of Sussex, Railway, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, Godley St, all the way up past the former New Inn to the roundabout, McD's right Stockport Rd, Alder High School, Tesco Gee Cross, to end, right Dowson Rd,2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left YT. Astley.


Mon 18/12/17 - 6m Duki & Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, White Bridge, King St, left Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 1: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 2: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 3: Lwr Bennett St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstlebank St, becomes Spring Gdns, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 4: far side of Police Stn entrance to traffic lights], Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 13/12/17 - 10m 'bridge, Back o Ashton, Daisy Nook, Droylsden, Audenshaw, Shepley

Down YT, right CHR, to end, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd, becomes Ladbroke Rd, emerge by the Old Ball Inn, over to Cranbourne Rd, right Oldham Rd, left Newmarket Rd, past Daisy Nook, becomes Lumb Ln then Littlemoss Rd and Market St, straight over in Droylsden then 2nd left Ashton Hill Rd, Lazy Toad (pub), lett Manchester Rd then immeidate right Audnshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, straight on at mini-roundabout, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley

Anybody wanting six can return directly from the Cranbourne Rd/Oldham Rd via Ikea, Asda, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap


Mon 11/12/17 - Dewsnap, Duki, Globe, Cemetery, St Anne's, Hyde

Down Dewsnap, King St, Duki Town Hall, left Astley St, Globe, Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, Old rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton rd, right CHR, YT, Astley


Wed 6/12/17 - Santa Run to Duki Town Hall with optional finish wink

Followed by raffle/food/London Marathon club place draw.


Mon 4/12/17 - 6m Newton, Duki, Whitelands

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, stay on left, [Effort 1: speed camera to Duke of Sussex] right Clarendon Rd, right Park Rd, left Park Dv, over to Spring Gdns, becomes Throstle Bank St, right Duki Rd [Effort 2: to Lwr Bennett St] White Bridge, King St, at lights after Town Hall right Astley St [Effort 3: up to the Old General] left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 4: from the bend to the end] right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight over Hollins St, becomes CHR, left YT, Astley.


Wed 29/11/17 - 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Whitelands, Wharf, Charles, Globe, Shepley, Denton, Haughton, Hyde

Down YT, right CHR, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Stamford St, up to traffic lights and bear left, left at the second lights, Clarence St, right Whitelands, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, over King St, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe (6m opt returns directly via Dewsnap) right Shepley, Sun Inn, left denton Rd, Crown Pt, straight on Stockport Rd, at lights straight on to Two Trees, to top, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Mon 27/11/17 - 6m Wharf, Charles, Globe White Bridge, Duki, Clarendon

Down YT, over CHR, Dewnsap, White Bridge, right King St, left Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 1: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 2: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 3: from Throstle Bank St to railway bridge] to end, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 4: far side of Police Stn entrance to traffic lights], Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 22/11/17 - 10m  (8m option) Look out Mottram, here we come!

Left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, Duke of Sussex, Railway, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, Godley St, all the way up past the former New Inn to the roundabout, cross with care to the right, watching out for nutters hoofing it off the roundabout towards Gee Cross,straight on to Mottram, cross to left, left Stalybridge Rd, left Roe Cross Rd, cross to right, Deep Cutting (hello Mr Frog) Waggon & Horses, Dog & Partridge, down to Stalybridge, left Acres Ln, The Organ, Old Hunters Tavern, becomes High St (8 mile brigade left CHR and straight back), Oxford Rd, The Mason's Arms, The Albion, Duki Morrisons, Astley Arms, Old General, left Astley St, left King St,  Kebablicious, Angel Inn, White Bridge, Dewnsnap, right/left YT, Astley.


Mon 20/11/17 - 6m Newton & Duki loops

Left CHR, left Ashton Rd, right Lodge Ln, left Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 1:from far side of police station entrance to traffic lights] Duke of Sussex, Victoria St, left Cartwright St [Effort 2: from Victoria St junction to Talbot Rd - beware of junction and office entrance] left Talbot Rd, Bennett St, over Adge's wobbly footbridge, becomes Lwr Bennett St, right Duki Rd, [Effort 3: from Lwr Bennett St to Johnsonbrook Rd] White Bridge, King St, right Chapel St [Effort 4: to the top] right Foundry St, becomes Birch Ln, iTrain, left YT, Astley.


Wed 15/11/17 - 10m (6m option) Loopy then Duki & Hyde

CHR, Lodge Ln, down Sandy Ln, left Park Rd, right Crescent Rd, right Whitelands, right Clarence St, left Tame St, right at lights, Oxford Rd, right Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, left Old General to Astley St, over King St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge (6m opt goes straight back), right Victoria St, Duki Rd, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Aldi, Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, left Dowson Rd, right Market St, Clock Roundabout, Smithy Ln, Mansfield Rd, Grange Rd N, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, CHR, Astley.


Mon 13/11/17 - 6.5m Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, [Effort 1: bottom of dip to far side of motorway bridge] Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, [Effort 2: from the bottom up to mini-roundabout] straight on, becomes Mansfield Rd, left Lumn Rd, left Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, right Dowson Rd [Effort 3: from Stockport Rd up to the lights] 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, to end, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd [Effort 4: railway bridge to Throstlebank St] right Johnsonbrook Rd, over Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley


Wed 8/11/17 - 10m (6m option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Mill Ln, Hyde, Newton

Down YT, right CHR, to the lights, left Oxford Rd, to the lights, right Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, down Crescent Brow, left Wharf St, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, keep left at one way system Stockport Rd, smell the freshly baked Hill Biscuits, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn (6m option straight back from here) Crown Pt, straight on, at lights straight on Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, right Manchester Rd, becomes Market St, Nat West, left at lights, pedestrian area to KFC, over to Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, left Cartwright St, left Talbot Rd, right Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley

6m option returns directly from Sun Inn via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap 6m map


Mon 6/11/17 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Hyde, Duki

Down YT, left CHR, left Aston Rd, straight through lights, right Lodge Ln, left Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 1:from far side of police station entrance to traffic lights] Duke of Sussex, right Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley station, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, [Effort 2: from the bottom up to mini-roundabout] straight on, becomes Mansfield Rd, cross Lumn Rd to Smithy St, Clock roundabout, right Market St, down through Hyde, B&M Bargains, right Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd [Effort 3: railway bridge to Throstlebank St] right Johnsonbrook Rd [Effort 4: railway bridge to Markham St] over Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley


Wed 1/11/17 10m (6m opt) Stalybridge, Ashton, The Moss, Lockwood, Shepley, Duki Rd, Bennett St

Down YT, right CHR, right High St, after lights 3rd left Canal St, right to Stalybridge town centre pedestrian area, left, past Greggs, to end, left Market St, up past station, bear left at lights Stamford St, cross to right, right Beaufort Rd, to end, over and bear left Penny Meadow, bear right to new road, straight on to Ikea (6m option goes left at lights just before Ikea), round the right of the Ikea roundabout then follow Lord Sheldon Wy to Manchester Rd crossing the tram tracks just before the tram stop but staying on the right side of the road, bear right, use pedestrian crossing go to left side of road just after the Snipe pub (opposite Dreams), straight on to Ashton old Rd, over canal bridge, sharp left at the lights (car sales was formerly Lockwood & Greenwood) Audenshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, straight on, stay on left side of road through Shepley then cross to right after the bottom of the dip, Globe, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, over Adge's bridge, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, et voilà!

6m option returns directly from lights just before Ikea via Asda, King St, White Bridge. 6m map


Mon 30/10/17 6m Stalybridge, Darnton, Whitelands, Duki

Up YT, left Watergrove rd, up path to right, left Gorse Hall Rd, right Lord St, to end, left Set St, right High St, becomes Acres ln,Tesco, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, [Effort 1: 2nd junction after river bridge up the hill to traffic lights] bear left at the lights, cross to right, right at next lights, Ridge Hill Ln, becomes Darnton Rd, [Effort 2: along the side of Stamford Park from Astley St to Mellor Rd lights] left Mellor Rd, left Stamford St, cross over and right Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 3: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, Duki Town Hall, left Chapel St [Effort 4: predictably - to the top] right Foundry St, becomes Birch Ln, left YT, Astley.


Wed 25/10/17 10m (6.5m option) Shepley, Denton, Reddish, Denton, Hyde

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, Shepley, cross to right of road, Sun Inn straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln then Seymour St, to end, right Manchester Rd, (6.5m option goes left), down to lights, straight on, up to brow of hill left towards Stable Gate, fork right alongside KFC, over the motorway footbridge, rejoin Manchester Rd, after shops left Laburnum Rd, to end, left Reddish Ln, almost immdediately fork left (just after pedestrian crossing) Thornley Ln, at 5.5m left Windmill Ln, all the way back to Denton, right Manchester Rd, Crown Pt, straight on, Broomstairs, Aldi, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, right Bennett St, to the lights, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT.

Mon 23/10/17 6m Hyde, Denton, Shepley, Dewsnap

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, over Adge's footbridge, becomes Lwr Bennett St, left Duki Rd, cross to right side of road, [Effort 1: from opposite Throstlebank St to the railway bridge] to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, down Broomstairs, Lowes Arms, traffic lights, [Effort 2: from far side of motorway junction to St Anne's Rd] straight on, Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, cross at lights then right Shepley, at bottom of dip cross to right [Effort 3: from river bridge to top of canal bridge] Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right Birch Ln, left YT, Astley.


Wed 18/10/17 - 10m (6m opt) Haughton Gn, Bredbury, Woodley, Hyde

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, right Bennett St, left at mini-roundabout Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Cheshire Ring, Whitegates Inn, left Mill Ln, up, right at mini-rounabout Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel,to end, left Stockport Rd, Fletchers Arms, Arden Arms, cross to right, Robinson's brewery, Mac D's, left Stockport Rd, Woodley Arms, Navigation Hotel, White Hart, Joshua Bradley, all the way to Hyde, left Market St, right Union St, right Mottram Rd, The Sportsman, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Railway Inn, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, Cheshire Cheese, right CHR, right YT, Astley.

6m option - at the end of Two Trees go straight on to Crown Pt then right and back the way we came.


Mon 16/10/17 - 6.2m Whitelands, Charles, White Bridge, Throstle Bank

Down YT, right CHR, straight over Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 4: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 11/10/17 10m (6m  option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Haughton Gn, Hyde, Godley

Down YT, over CHR, Dewsnap, White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln (6m option returns directly from Sun Inn), Crown Pt, straight on Stockport Rd, at lights straight ahead to Two Trees Ln, left at top Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, becomes Market St, up through Hyde, left Union St, right Mottram Rd, Godley Station, left Sheffield Rd, High St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.

6m option returns directly fromn the Sun Inn via Shepley, Globe Ln, Dewsnap


Mon 9/10/17 6m Johnsonbrook, Hyde, Godley, Newton

Down YT, left CHR, over Ashton Rd to Johnsonbrook, left Duki Rd [Effort 1: Throstlebank to railway bridge], to end, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, through lights at Clarendon then left down path alongside M67 sliproad, Commercial St [Effort 2: on the right, from start of pavement to end of road] right Commerical Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffiled Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow [Effort 3: bottom of the dip to the lights - beware of traffic at junctions and people at shop], Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, left Cartwright St [Effort 4: from Victoria St junction to Talbot Rd - beware of junction and office entrance] left Talbot Rd, right Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 4/10/17 10m (6m option) Hyde, TPT, Apethorn, Gee Cross, Denton, Shepley, Chapel

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right St Paul's Hill Rd, bear left, over disused railway and left down ramp to TPT and left, back under the bridge, stay on TPT (6m option exits right where path goes round trees in the middle), exit at Apethorn, up to top of Apethorn, over Dowson Rd to Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, left Stockport Rd, bear left at James North Clock roundabout, down Market St, straight on through Hyde and Broomstrairs to Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, rigth Shepley, cross to left side of raod, Globe, left Astley St, right Chapel St, straight over King St, up Chapel St, right Foundry St, becomes Birch Ln, iTrain, left YT, Astley


6m option - exit right from TPT just before 3 miles where the path goes round a tree, carry straight on until you emerge at Hatton's gym, left down Market St, through Hyde all the way to Clark Wy, right, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd, straight on CHR, right YT, Astley

6m map

Mon 2/10/17 6m Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down YT, right CHR, left Lodge Ln over Oxford Rd, down Sandy Ln, left Park Rd [Effort 1: from Tame Valley pub to bend], straight ahead Crescent Rd, left Lwr Wharf St, up path and alongside Asda Ashton, left Cavendish St, over zebra crossing, right Cavendish St, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, [Effort 2: from Oxford Park (Portugal Rd) to opposite Shell garage] left Guide Ln, left Sun Inn, Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the dip, cross to right, right Globe Ln, [Effort 3: from the far side of first entrance to Ryder Trucks], White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right, left YT, Astley.


Wed 27/9/17 - 10m (6m option) Green Ln, Hattersley, Newton

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right St Paul's Hill Rd, bear left, over disused railway and continue up Green Ln, to top, (6m option goes right here) left Mottram Old Rd, to traffic lights near The Hub & Tesco, left Underwood Rd, left Hattersley Rd E, Hattersley Station, to end, left Mottram Rd, right Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, to new Co-op, left Talbot Rd, right Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.

6m option turns right at the top of Green Ln then returns via Gee Cross, right at Tesco, Stockport Rd, Market St, right Union St, right Mottram Rd, Hyde Morrisons, left Halton St and back the way we came.


6m map

Mon 25/9/17 - 6m Godley, TPT, canal, Johnsonbrook

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffiled Rd, Godley Stn, straight over Mottram Rd then left and right at the end of the terrace up Brookfield Ln, right Almond Wy, left Firethorn, to end, left to Trans Pennine Trail (TPT), right, [Effort 1: First bridge to second], [Effort 2: Fourth bridge to trail exit on right just after the path goes round a tree], exit right and take left fork to Dowson Rd, straight over and down Gower Rd to end, right up steps then fork left to path leading to Woodend Ln, down to canal and right towards Hyde, [Effort 3: Pipe over canal to roving bridge ~ half a mile!], over bridge to stay on canal, [Effort 4: M67 bridge to Dunkirk Ln], exit canal up Dunkirk, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd [Bonus Effort seeing as the others are flat: rail bridge to Markham St], over to CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 20/9/17 - Team Adge: 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Whitelands, Charles, Denton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, to lights opp Stamford Pk, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, over King St (6m opt goes left here) Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstrairs, Clark Wy, Newton St, Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option (map) returns directly via King St and Dewsnap


Mon 18/9/17 - 6m Canal to Bridge, Whitelands, Wharf & Chapel

Down YT, right CHR, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St then immediate left before bobbing through the fence and joining the canal back towards Stalybridge, [Effort 1: Tame aquaduct to second bridge] stay on canal past Tesco to the ramp up to Mottram Rd (2.4m) left [Effort 2: from far side of 3rd turning on left up to the lights] bear left, opp Stamford Park left at lights Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 3: from the start of Whitelands to the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, Duki Town Hall, left Chapel St [Effort 4: predictably - to the top] right Foundry St, becomes Birch Ln, left YT, Astley.


Wed 13/9/17 - 10m (no short option, a medium 8m) Stalybridge, Mottram, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, Acres Ln to end, right Mottram Rd, up, up and away, cross to left after Stalybridge Celtic and stay on the left until the former Roe Cross pub, then cross to right again, right at mini-roundabout Stalybridge Rd, right at lights Hyde Rd, cross to left as soon as poss, definately well before the roundabout.

8 mile option bear left at roundabout then cross Stockport Rd via the cycle path with great care, looking out for nutters speeding off the roundabout, down Mottram Rd to Hyde

10 mile route continues left at roundabout then cross to right side of road after the traffic lights, Stockport Rd, Alder High School, Tesco Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, James North Clock roundabout, right Smithy Ln, left Lumn Rd, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.

For 8 miles return directly from Hattersley Roundabout via Mottram Rd, Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Mon 11/9/17 - 6m  Hyde Park, Canal, Duki

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, right Lodge Ln, left into Hyde Park, down past the tennis courts into the woods, over the bridge and right (reverse of Hyde parkrun) exit the woods and turn right [Effort 1: from the bottom gate up (slight left at roundabout) to the cafe gate] exit and over to Park Dv, bear left Newton St, right Well Meadow, left down path, under railway, emerge on Duki Rd, left then right Nursery Rd, down to canal and left towards Ashton [Effort 2: to next bridge, Dunkirk Ln] stay on canal [Effort 3: Low railway bridge to lift bridge] Portland Basin, under bridge then over, right Cavendish St, left Wharf St, right Crescent Rd [Effort 4: up to the first junction (Peel St)] Duki Morrisons, iTrain, left YT, Astley.


Wed 6/9/17 - 10m (6m option) Ashton, Snipe, Lockwood, Denton, Haughton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, iTrain (former Duki Baths), Duki Morrisons, straight on and down the hill past the Old General, left Wharf St, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on, over M60, (6m option goes left at lights) past Snipe, over canal bridge, sharp left at the lights (car sales was formerly Lockwood & Greenwood) Audenshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, right at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, over M67, left Manchester Rd, 3rd right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


6m option returns directly from just before the Snipe via Guide Bridge. Left Moss Wy, bear left at lights, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Guide Bridge station, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, YT, Astley

6m map

Mon 4/9/17 - 6m Newton, Gorse Hall, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Duki

Up YT, 3rd right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, left Bradley green Rd, left Talbot Rd, left after phone box, across small green then down path alongside churchyard, through stile to golf course, up path then left at end of high fence, watch out for golfers as you cross fairways on footpath to Yew Tree, left down road then right Tennyson Av, [Effort 1: from the first right up to Macauley Ave] through gap to Gorse Hall and left along path, follow path round to right, past former bowling green then sharp right to go past the hall ruins, left down the main drive, exit at High St and cross over at lights to Wharf Tavern and down Caroline St, left down steps to canal towards Ashton, [Effort 2: from the second bridge after joining canal to where the canal crosses the river] stay on canal to Asda, keep left through car park then over low fence to exit at lights then left under the bridge to King St, [Effort 3: from Wharf St traffic lights to Astley St] straight on to White Bridge, left Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd], right Birch ln, left YT, Astley.


Wed 30/8/17 - 10m (6m option) Over Werneth Low

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Paul's Hill Rd, bear left, over disused railway and continue up Green Ln, to top, left Mottram Old Rd, cross and up to left of house, up steep path, where it levels off go right through gate towards Cenotaph, turn sharp left at path junction, through gate, up the hill and right at next gate, right on road at end of path (opp quarry car park), fork left then take footpath alongside right of road, past Hare & Hounds, right down through farm, right on trail, left to West Park, to bottom, right Bowlacre, left Stockport Rd, straight over Dowson Rd to Apethorn Ln, to bottom, and over canal then back under bridge towards Hyde, over two roving bridges, exit canal at lift bridge, up to road, straight over then left Chapel St, right King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right then left YT, Astley.

6m option turns right at the top of Green Ln then returns via Gee Cross Tesco, Stockport Rd, Market St, Union St, Hyde Morrisons and back the way we came.


Wed 23/8/17 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Ashton, The Moss, Guide Bridge, Shepley, Hyde

Down YT, right CHR, left Lodge Ln, to end, right Oxford Rd, left at lights Tame St, right Clarence St, to end, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd, becomes Ladbroke Rd, emerge near the Old Ball, cross over and slight left Cranbourne Rd, over Oldham Rd (6m option goes left and staright back from here) to Knowle Av, to end, left Richmond St, right Lord Sheldon Wy, stay on right, past roundabout and tram stop then cross to left, left Moss Wy, over Manchester Rd, over M60, bear left Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the hill, cross to right, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right YT, Astley.


6m option returns directly from the Oldham Road crossing via Ikea, Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge and Dewsnap

Mon 21/8/17 - 6.2m Duki, canal, river trail, canal, Dewsnap

Down YT, right CHR, left Lodge Ln, to end, left Oxford rd, Duki Morrisons, right Foundry St, to top of hill, left Chapel St, straight over King St, Chapel St continues, near end right Smith St, right Astley St then cross immediately and go down trail to canal, over lift bridge and left towards Hyde [Effort 1: Lift bridge to rail bridge], just before Globe bridge take trail on right to road, down the hill, staying on right through Shepley, up the hill slightly to opposite the post box, cross over and down Broomstairs Rd, [Effort 2: to end of road]  up trail, at crest of hill left across field to join trail down to river, stay on trail and emerge at bridge over river, left, follow trail to football field, [Effort 3: up the left side of field to canal] left, under Dunkirk Ln bridge, [Effort 4: Dennis the Menace sign post (no sign) to bridge] exit canal over bridge, Ryder Trucks, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewnsap Ln, to end, right then left YT, Astley.


Wed 16/8/17 - 6m (8m, 9.5m) Choices: Trail, canal and a bit of road

Up YT, right and o'er the fields to Newton, up Talbot Rd to the new Co-op, left up Vicoria St, becomes Matley Ln, left down track before Rising Moon, left up the hill then right Range Rd, through stables and down to farm, right after terrace of houses to trail, through gap in the wall to Cheetham Park, down through park to exit to Mottram Rd, left, down the hill then left to canal, 6m option leave canal at 4.5m and returns via Sandy Ln, Lodge Ln, CHR, YT.

8m and 9.5m options stay on canal, through Asda car park, rejoin canal, Portland Basin, over stone bridge then under it to Peak Forest Canal. 8m exits at the Globe (6.5m) and returns directly via Globe Ln and Dewsnap. 9.5m stays on until M67 bridge, exits up ramp just before bridge, left on Nursery Rd, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, Ashton rd, CHR, YT.


8m map

9.5m map

Mon 14/8/17 - 6m Canal, Apethorn, disused railway line & Newton

Down YT, left CHR, over Ashton Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, [Effort 1: Start of wall after fields on right to M67 bridge], over roving bridges, [Effort 2: from second roving bridge to wooden footbridge] exit over metal footbridge to Apethorn Ln, [Effort 3: from bottom of the lane up to disused railway entrance] join disused railway [Effort 4: from the first bridge to the second] exit disused railway up ramp to right at Green Ln (~4.5m) over the bridge and down St Paul's Hill Rd, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 9/8/17 - predicted time 5k for Club Champs

Special event on Wed as a replacement for the Saddleworth 6 in the club champs. Run ~5k without your watch and predict the time you will do, the closest to predicted gets the points. Online entry and info here

Mon 7/8/17 - 6m Duki, canals & Rise

Down YT, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, becomes Lwr Bennett St, right Duki Rd, White Bridge, left Globe Ln, cross to right, [Effort 1: 20mph sign to end of concrete panel fence, where it turns into a brick wall, just before industrial estate entrance] Globe, right Astley St, cross to left, just before Astley Arms bear left and cross lift bridge over canal, right [Effort 2: lift bridge to rail bridge] under stone bridge at Portland Basin then over bridge, straight on to exit at Cavendish St, cross over and then through ASDA car park with care to rejoin the canal, [Effort 3: from aquaduct over the River Tame to second bridge] exit up steps just after bridge, cross road and go left, right Quarry Rise, [Effort 4: all the way up and left to the crest of the hill on Salisbury Dv] left Salisbury Dv, right YT, Astley.


Wed 2/8/17 - 8m (5m option) River trail, Haughton Gn, Haughton Dale, Canal, Dewsnap

Down YT, left CHR, over Ashton Rd to Johnsonbrook, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk, left canal, right down cobbled path, bear left river trail, right Manchester Rd, left down track to trail, through 2 sets of gates, left, join Mill Ln (5m option left to return via Hyde, Duki Rd, White Bridge and Dewsnap) up, at roundabout straight on Haughton Gn Rd, Jolly Hatters, left Meadow Ln, left Ivy Cottages to river trail, right at hedge gap, left fork then along stream/wet ditch to Gibraltar Bridge, over bridge, left, bear left up steps to canal and left towards Hyde, over two roving bridges, stay on the canal to Dog Lane Bridge (#2 at the Globe) exit up steps to left, right to Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, left YT, Astley.


5m option left on Mill Ln, right Manchester Rd, Aldi, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap.

5m map

Mon 31/7/17 - 6m Duki, river trail, Johnsonbrook

Down YT, over CHR, right Birch Ln, left Boyds Wk, right King St, left Wharf St, becomes Charles St, [Effort 1: Up from bend to Astley St] right, Globe, right Shepley, stay on right [Effort 2: The Old Stables up the hill to opp cemetery Rd] cross then cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, at bend go through gate on left to Stride route, right fork, down hill to bridge, follow river trail past Dunkirk Ln to football pitch, [Effort 3: football pitch to canal] left on canal, exit at Dunkirk Ln, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook [Effort 4: far side of railway bridge to Markham St junction] over Ashton Rd, CHR, right YT, Astley.


Wed 26/7/17 - Millbrook Monster

Mon 24/7/17 - 6m Cheetham Park, canal and a treat

Down YT, right CHR, to end right High St, becomes Acres Ln, right Park St, enter Cheetham Park [Effort 1: Park entrance to path junction] up through park then bear left to exit (or a mystery our through the nature reserve) exit to Mottram Rd, left down the hill, straight on at lights then left down ramp to canal, at lock 4W stay on canal and go under Caroline St bridge [Effort 2: the straight after Caroline St bridge to the next bridge - narrow here so give way to other users] stay on the canal to lock 1W and go down the ramp and through the tunnel under the road, immediately afterwards take the steps on left back up to the bridge then right on Crescent Rd, cross over Wharf St [Effort 3: from Wharf St to the last lamppost before the next road, Peel St] straight on staying on the right, Duki Morrisions, through lights then cross to left side of road, [Effort 4: opposite Boyds Wk to opposite iTrain] (pick your own treat from effort 3 & 4, don't be greedy, give it your all on your chosen treat) left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 19/7/17 - Black Knight Charge

Mon 17/7/17 - 6.5m Other fields to Newton, Godley, TPT, Hyde, canal, Johnsonbrook

Up Yew Tree, right Coronation Av, to end, on to trail and right, follow trail round the edge of pitches, right then left and over Johnsobrook, through the trees to emerge on Moorcroft Sq, Acresfield Rd, over Talbot Rd to Hallbottom St, join field at bend, go up field, over path then to top right corner to exit via gap, left Victoria St, cross to right, up ramp then path to right to Charlton Av, round to Perry Av, left at end Harris Dv, Everest Rd, down footpath, enter field, to top then right along hedge, over stile then follow path round to farm track, right, over M67, straight on and down steeply to Mottram Rd, right, under rail viaduct,  left Brookfield Ln, right Almond Wy, left Firethorn, to end, left to Trans Pennine Trail, right, [Effort 1: First bridge to second], [Effort 2: Fourth bridge to trail exit on right just after the path goes round a tree], exit right and take left fork to Dowson Rd, straight over and down Gower Rd to end, right up steps then fork left to path leading to Woodend Ln, down to canal and right towards Hyde, [Effort 3: Pipe over canal to roving bridge ~ half a mile!], over bridge to stay on canal, [Effort 4: M67 bridge to Dunkirk Ln], exit canal up Dunkirk, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd, over to Cheetham Hiil Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 12/7/17 - 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Whitelands, Charles, Denton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, to lights opp Stamford Pk, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, over King St (6m opt goes left here) Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstrairs, Clark Wy, Newton St, Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option (map) returns directly via King St and Dewsnap


Mon 10/7/17 - 6m Hyde parkfun, Hyde, St Anne's, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hiil Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Lodge Ln, over rail bridge then left into Hyde Park, down behind tennis courts, down steps to woods, right before bridge to join Hyde parkrun route [Effort 1: from woods exit to parkrun finish] loop of the bandstand, back to bottom gate and exit to Park Rd, right Clarendon Rd, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd [Effort 2: river bridge to M67 traffic lights (care at Lowes Arms car park!)] right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes cemetery Rd, right Shepley, cross to left, [Effort 3: river bridge to top of hill] Globe, left Astley St, after roundabout cross to right, right Chapel St, over King St, [Effort 4: up Chapel St], right Foundary St, becomes Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 5/7/17 - 10m Green Lane, Low along the Low, Woodley, Canal back

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hiil Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Pauls Hill Rd, left St Michaels over bridge, straight on Green Ln, to top, right Mottram Old Rd, Gee Cross Tesco (6m option returns directly from here), The Grapes, left after the pub Wych Fold, left Hudson Rd, becomes Lord Dery Rd, becomes a track, follow the track to Hillside Rd then right, down the hill, over Pennine Rd to Werneth Rd, becomes Smithy Gn, over Hyde Rd and slight right to join canal, stay on canal past Hyde, Ryder Trucks bridge (#3) right over bridge, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns via Stockport Rd, Clock roundabout, Lumn Rd, and back the way we came

6m map

Mon 3/7/17 - 6m multi-terrain round Duki and Newton

Only two efforts this evening. Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on Tame St, to end, right then left before canal bridge, join canal going back towards Stalybridge, [Effort 1: from the aquaduct taking the canal over the River Tame to the next bridge] stay on canal until just after lock 6W at Armentieres Square, exit right past Tesco car park and cross Acres Ln to Park Rd, enter Cheetham Park [Effort 2: up the hill to the fork in the path] up through the park, passing the community orchard to exit via the path through the woods (may be mud in places), down the track to the footpath across the golf course, emerge on the track near the Rising Moon and cross Matley Ln to enter the fields, follow path through woods, over fields, past small stables to track, Godley Water Treatment Works, right along bridleway, right alongside cricket pitch to path under M67, up steps and bear left, emerge on Welch Rd, to end, left Victoria St then through fence gap to fields and left, up path to Hamel St, to end, right Talbot Rd, left Bradley Gn Rd, right to path over the fields to Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 28/6/17 - 10m (6m option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Cop Shop, over M60, past Scapa, left Moss Wy, over M60, bear left at lights, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn (6m option geos straight back) right Stamford Rd, left Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, left Town Ln, right Stockport Rd, straight ahead Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option returns directly from Sun Inn via Shepley, Globe Ln and Dewsnap.


6m map

Mon 27/6/17 6m Canal & disused railway

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, over Ashton Rd to Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, cross over to right [Effort 1: to Dunkirk ln] right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, [Effort 2: start of the wall past the Stride Thru Woods field to M67 bridge] over roving bridge, exit at next roving bridge, up Woodend Ln, becomes Chruch St, right Higher Henry St, over Dowson Rd to Green St, right Haughton St, straight on to join disused railway and go left [Effort 3: from first bridge to third bridge] just after 4 miles in go left off trail through squeeze stile then right through estate, round to left, right Almond Wy, left dirt lane, Godley Stn, over to Sheffiled Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow [Effort 4: from the bottom of the dip to the paper shop] straight back along Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 21/6/17 - 6m (9m option) Canal, Asda, Canal, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, just after Bayley St go down steps to canal, left, stay on canal until Asda, exit via far left of car park, cross over Cavendish St, down path to canal, over stone bridge then under the bridge to Peak Forest Canal, exit up Dunkirk Ln (bridge #4), straight over Duki Rd, Lwr Bennettt St, Bennettt St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

For those wanting a bit extra stay on the canal and cross the roving bridge at Aldi Hyde, exit to Manchester Rd, down the hill, up to Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, right Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.


9m map

Mon 19/6/17 - 6m Hyde, Disused Railway, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, left then down path to canal and right towards Hyde, [Effort 1: from the fork after next bridge to footpath signpost] under Dunkirk Ln, [Effort 2: from the start of the wall after Stride Woods route to M67 bridge] stay on canal, over roving bridge at Aldi then exit canal towards Hyde, up Market St then left Clarendon St, alongside market and through pedestrian zone, Cotton Bale, The Queens, bear right towards Morrissons, Mottram Rd, [Effort 3: from opposite St Pauls Hill Rd to Sheffield Rd]  Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right [Effort 4: from the bottom of the dip to the paper shop on Commercial Brow] Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 14/6/17 - 6m Hyde, Disused Railway, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Pauls Hill Rd, left fork St Michaels, over bridge towards Green Ln, immediately left down ramp to disused railway, left on track back under the bridge you just came over towards Apethorn, exit right at funky sign just after the tarmac path goes left round the trees (2.9m) fork left and through gate to exit to Dowson Rd, right, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, to end, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, becomes Victoria St, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right at lights then left Yew Tree, Astley.

For those wanting a bit extra (9m) from White Bridge go Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, over King St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd, straight on Bayley St, right High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd and back.


Mon 12/6/17 - 6.2m Whitelands, Charles, White Bridge, Throstle Bank

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left at lights, High St, becomes Oxford Rd [Effort 1: Curry Lounge to first left, St John St] to top, right Sandy Ln, becomes Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd [Effort 2: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 3: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, [Effort 4: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway], right Broadway, left Duki Rd, becomes Victoria St, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4 and a bit: Richmond Rd to Richmond Rd] right at lights then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 7/6/17 - 10m (5m or 7m option) Hyde, Woodley and back

Down Yew Tree, left CHR, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, to end, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, left Lumn Rd, Clarkes Arms, left, Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, left Dowson Rd, becomes Stockport Rd then Hyde Rd, all the way to Woodley, just after the Navigation (bottom of the hill) left Smithy Ln, becomes Werneth Rd, to top, left Pennine Rd, to end, right Hyde Rd, becomes Stockport Rd then Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


5m map at Clarkes Arms go down Market St, right Union St, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St and straight back. For 7 go left at Clarkes Arms, Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, right Dowson Rd, left Market St and then back the same way as the 5 mile option.

Mon 5/6/17 - 6.3m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right Birch Ln, Duki ex-baths, left Boyds Wk, to bottom, right King St, Duki Town Hall, down the hill to the lights, left Wharf St, becomes Charles St, [Effort 1: Bend to top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, stay on right, [Effort 2: Bottom of hill up to cemetery Rd], cross over and down cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over M67, left Hyde Rd, becomes Machester Rd, [Effort 3: Bottom of hill to far side of car wash], left Clark Wy, left Newton St, straight on, [Effort 4: Bottom of hill up to road after church], becomes Old Rd, right at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 24/5/17 10m (6m option) - Duki, canal, Hyde, river trail, Apethorn, disused railway, Godley

Down YTL, over CHR, right Birch Ln, left Boyds Wk, right King St, Asda Ashton, left to canal, over stone bridge then under it to Peak Forest Canal, (6m option leaves just before M67 bridge) over the first roving bridge at Aldi, exit to road, left over road bridge then left down path on right side of canal, exit right on Raglan St then through fence gap and down wooded path and field to Mill Ln, left, over river and left on river trail, stay on the trail all the way to the steps just before Gibraltar Bridge, left over the bridge, left on trail, stay on main trail (do not go up left to canal) through tunnel under canal and stay on trail sweeping round to right to emerge at the bottom of Apethorn Ln, up, after houses go left to disused railway, follow to exit at 7.7 miles (where we joined it on Monday), right Firethorn Dv, right Almond Wy, to end, left Station Rd, over Mottram Rd, Sheffield Rd, High St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, right CHR, YTL, Astley.


6m option - exit canal up ramp to right at M67 bridge, left to Nursery Rd, right Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, right at 2nd mini-roundabout Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right CHR, YTL, Astley.

6m map

Mon 22/5/17 6m - Over the fields, Newton, over some other fields, Godley, disused railway, Hyde

Up Yew Tree, right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, left up Bradley Grren Rd, left Talbot Rd, right Cartwright St, right onto fields, down first slope [Effort 1: from bottom of first slope to next trees], exit though fence gap, left Victoria St, cross to right, up ramp, bear right on path to Charlton Ave then bear left and follow round to right to become Perry Av, left at end Harris Dv, straigh on Everest Rd, right down tarmac footpath [Effort 2: bottom of the dip to end of tarmac] through gate to field then bear left to top corner then right along this side of hedge, at end of hedge over stile and follow fence then trees to farm track, right then over M67 bridge, straight on then bear left after house and steeply down to Mottram Rd, right, under viaduct then left up trail (Brookfiled Ln) right at Almond Wy left Firethorn Dv, to end, path left to disused railway then right, [Effort 3: first bridge to second bridge] exit to right at funky metal sign (~3.7 miles) bear right to emerge on Haughton St, to end, right up Market St, clock roundabout, 2nd exit Smithy ln, left Lumn Rd, to end, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, [Effort 4: from bottom of the dip up to the paper shop] Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 17/5/17 10m (6m opt) - Shepley, Guide Bridge, Ashton, another disused railway, Ashton

Down Yew Tree, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, right, Guide Bridge Station, right, cross over at one way system (6m opt does not cross, goes straight back from here), Richmond St, over Lord Sheldon Wy, right Knowle Ave, left Taunton Rd, over Newmarket Rd, straight on Oldham Rd, over river bridge then left to trail and sharp right uder the road, follow trail to Park Bridge Rd, right, right Alt Hill Ln, up the hill then right on disused railway, to end, sharp left up path to Henrietta St, Old Ball Inn, right Smallshaw Ln, right at mini-roundabout Ladbrooke Rd, becomes Curzon Rd, over Mossley Rd then right Montague Rd, left Beaufort Rd, left Stamford St, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option does not cross at the one way system, it returns via Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge and Dewsnap


Mon 15/5/17 6m - Hyde park, Hyde, disused railway, Godley

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Lodge Ln, over railway bridge then left into Hyde Park, exit park via the bottom gate and straight on Clark Wy, cross over and go down the road between Viceroy and the Grafton Centre, then right and left over the M67 footbridge to the bus station, cross the bus station entrance with care via the crossings to exit to Market St at Domino's, left up Market St crossing to the right, right Dowson Rd, [Effort 1: from Waverley Rd up the hill to the lights] right Knott Lane, left then right at the end and down the path to the disused railway going right, [Effort 2: from first bridge to second bridge], [Effort 3: from fifth bridge (3.8m) to sixth bridge (Green Ln)] shortly after the ramp to Green Ln exit left throught squeeze stile and right to Firethorn Dv, right Almond Wy, left Brookfold Ln, over Mottram Rd to Sheffield Rd, High St, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, [Effort 4: from bottom of the dip up to the paper shop] Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, rigth Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 10/5/17 - Mad Hatter's Trail Race - no normal run group

Mon 8/5/17 - 6m Newton, Gorse Hall, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Duki

Up Yew Tree, 3rd right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, left Bradley green Rd, left Talbot Rd, left after phone box, across small green then down path alongside churchyard, through stile to golf course, up path then left at end of high fence, check for golfers then cross fairways on footpath to Yew Tree, left down road then right Tennyson Av, [Effort 1: from the first right up to Macauley Ave] through gap to Gorse Hall and left along path, follow path round to right, past former bowling green then sharp right to go past the hall ruins, left down the main drive, exit at High St and cross over at lights to Wharf Tavern and down Caroline St, left down steps to canal towards Ashton, [Effort 2: from the second bridge after joining canal to where the canal crosses the river] stay on canal to Asda, keep left through car park then over low fence to exit at lights then left under the bridge to King St, [Effort 3: from Wharf St traffic lights to Astley St] straight on to White Bridge, left Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd], right Birch ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 3/5/17 - 10m (6m option) Huddersfield Narrow Canal & Ashton Canal

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, cross to left, just past Bayley St left down steps to canal and right toward Stalybridge, stay on canal through Stalybridge, under Mottram Rd, under the pylon, lock 8W then exit canal at the next bridge (2.7 miles Grove Rd) and left over canal and river, follow the road round to right and left then take the first left Printworks Rd just before the hill, to end, left Wakefield Rd, Travellers Call, right Stamford St, left Clarence St, (6m option returns directly from here via Tame St and Cheetham Hill Rd) right Whitelands Rd, to end, straight over Lwr Wharf St, to end, up path alongside Asda, emerge on Cavendish St, left then over zebra crossing and left the right to Portland Basin, over stone bridge, stay on canal until China Bridge (#24 just after a high concrete bridge) and exit up steps, left Hannover St, Plaza Indian restaurent, right Audenshaw Rd, left at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 1/5/17 - Astley closes at 12:00 for Bank Hol so no group run

Wed 26/4/17 - Stride Through the Woods trail race - no normal club runs

Mon 24/4/17 - 6m Duki and Newton

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, left Meadow Ln, left Birch Ln, right Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 1: between the two ends of Richmond Rd], White Bridge, left Victoria St, [Effort 2: Johnsonbrook Rd to Lwr Bennett St], left Throstlebank St, becomes Spring Gdns, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 3: Police Stn vehicle entrance to traffic lights], straight on Victoria St, [Effort 4: Staying on Victoria St from Cartwright St junction to Mallory Rd], former Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, [Bonus Effort: wink after Business Park entrance to mini-roundabout], down Talbot Rd to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right  Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 17/4/17 - Astley closes at 12:00 for Bank Hol so no group run

Enjoy the rest or head out somewhere new for a run!

Wed 19/4/17 Herod Farm Fell Race (3m 1100')

I'm off to this great little local fell race organised by Glossopdale. More info here

For those still going to the club here is an easy to follow, road 8 miler.

Down Dewsnap, White Bridge, Asda Ashton, left, keep left at one way system, Guide Bridge, left Guide Lane, Crown Point, left, Broomstairs, Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap.


Wed 12/4/17 10m (8m option) Blue Pig (former), Jam factory (former) and two canals

Down Yew Tree, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at roundabout, over the M60 near former Blue Pig, to lights, left on main Rd then almost immediately right Ashton Hill Ln, cross to left then just before top of canal bridge go down left to canal and turn right, under the bridge, (former Robertson's Jam factory site on the far side of the canal) follow Ashton canal to Portland Basin, under bridge to Peak Forest Canal, to Hyde, over roving bridge and exit to Manchester Rd, right Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

8m option exits canal at Globe (Dog Lane bridge, #2) and goes straight back via Globe Ln, White Bridge & Dewsnap.


Mon 10/4/17 6m Canal & disused railway

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, over Ashton Rd to Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, cross over to right after temporary lights [Effort 1: to Dunkirk ln] right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, [Effort 2: start of the wall past the Stride Thru Woods field to M67 bridge] over roving bridge, exit at next roving bridge, up Woodend Ln, becomes Chruch St, right Higher Henry St, over Dowson Rd to Green St, right Haughton St, straight on to join disused railway and go left [Effort 3: from first bridge to third bridge] just after 4 miles in go left off trail through squeeze stile then right through estate, round to left, right Almond Wy, left dirt lane, Godley Stn, over to Sheffiled Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow [Effort 4: from the bottom of the dip to the paper shop] straight back along Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 5/4/17 10m (4.5m option) Road, trail and canal

Up Yew Tree, over fields to Newton then over the golf course to the top of Yew Tree, past the stables, down through the farm, right after the first houses, track to hole in wall to Cheetham Park, through hole and down through park to emerge on Mottram Rd near Priory Tennis Club (4.5m option goes left down the hill) right Mottram Rd, left Fern Bank, right Mottram Old Rd, left Shutts Ln, up through stables at straight on up concrete path, over style and left, follow path round hillside then zig-zag down, left on path and follow it along the side of the hill then drop down and cross Brushes Rd, through Stalybridge Country Park (end of the Millbrook Monster route) over Huddersfield Rd and down Grove Rd, just before building (Grove Rd Depot) left then through the gap and up the trail to left, at top go right and follow trail to end then down steps to canal, left on canal, canal though Stalybridge all the way to lock # 1W, down ramp/stpes though the tunnel under the road then up to left to join road, straight back up Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisons, iTrain, left Yew Tree, Astley.

4.5m option left down Mottram Rd, left Acres Ln, Tesco Stalybridge, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree.


Mon 3/4/17 6m Duki, Guide Bridge, Ashton

I will not be running so Adge has kindly offered to take the group.

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, iTrain, left Boyds Wk, right King St, left Chapel St, cross Astley St then left, [Effort 1: to the industrial estate roundabout] Globe, right Shepley, [Effort 2: from Birch Gv to opp cemetery Rd] Sun Inn, right Guide Ln, Guide Bridge, right Stockport Rd [Effort 3: Traffic lights to opp Shell garage], to Ashton, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left up Chapel St [Effort 4: all the way up Chapel St] right Foundary St, becomes Birch Ln, iTrain, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 29/3/17 10m (6m option) River trail and canal

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, left Birch Ln, right Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Nursery Rd, right down slope to canal and under M67, right down path after M67 bridge, left at end Wellington St, straight over Manchester Rd to Mill Ln, down hill and over river bridge then left to river trail, follow trail to Gibraltar Bridge (just after steps up and down), left over bridge, left and follow trail up taking the left fork up to the canal, through fence and bear left to canal, over two roving bridges, under M67, exit at next bridge, Dunkirk Ln (6m option over bridge and straight back) down the track and right on the river trail, over the bridge, up the hill, fork right then right again at the T junction, exit to Broomstrairs Rd, cross over then right, rejoin canal via path at waterworks entrance halfway up the hill to the bridge, left towards Portland Basin, at the Basin go under then over the bridge, exit to Cavendish St, cross then enter Asda car park, over the low fence then up to back corner and down path to canal, stay on canal until the path is paved on the approach to Stalybridge then up the steps to the right just before Caroline St bridge, right then right again High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns over the bridge on leaving the canal then via Dunkirk Ln, Lower Bennett St, Bennett St, Ashton Rd

6m map

Mon 27/3/17 6m Light nights so off the road we go through Hyde & Duki

Up Yew Tree, right Queensway, over the fields, left Bradley Gn Rd, to end, left Talbot Rd, right Cartwright St, to end, bear right Victoria St, Duke of Sussex, left Commercial Brow, [Effort 1: from far side of road at bottom of dip to far side of M67 bridge] Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, zig then zag down to go right on disused railway, [Effort 2: from start of trail to where it goes round some trees between the tarmac path and the rough trail] exit right then left to Dowson Rd, straight over Gower Rd, to end, right up path, left Woodend Ln, just before Captain Clarke's canal bridge go down to left and under bridge towards Aldi, over next roving bridge, under M67 [ Effort 3: far side of M67 bridge to Dunkirk Ln bridge] exit over next bridge (Ryder Trucks) right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the ends of Richmond Rd] right Birch ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 22/3/17 10m (6m option) Stalybridge, Ashton, The Moss, Guide Bridge, Shepley, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, to end, right Oxford Rd, left at lights Tame St, right Clarence St, to end, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd, becomes Ladbroke Rd, emerge near the Old Ball, cross over and slight left Cranbourne Rd, over Oldham Rd (6m option goes left and staright back from here) to Knowle Av, to end, left Richmond St, right Lord Sheldon Wy, stay on right, past roundabout and tram stop then cross to left, left Moss Wy, over Manchester Rd, over M60, bear left Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the hill, cross to right, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns directly from the Oldham Road crossing via Ikea, Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge and Dewsnap

Mon 20/3/17 6m The four hills: Pickford, Chapel, Sandy, Quarry

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, right Victoria St, White Bridge, King St, right Pickford Ln, to top, left Town Ln, straight on Crescent Rd, Old General, left Astley St, left King St, Duki Town Hall left Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd, right Park Rd, right Sandy Ln, left Oxford Rd, right Quarry St/Rise, left Salisbury Dv, right Yew Tree, Astley.

[Efforts 1-4 up each of the hills, start very steady and build effort to the top]


Wed 15/3/17 - 10m (6m option) Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde, Gee Cross

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, iTrain, Duki Morrisons, down past Old General, left Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf continues, Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at roundabout St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over M67 and left Hyde Rd, Lowes Arms, Broomstairs, Aldi, (6m option goes straight back from here) right Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, right Dowson Rd, former Smith, Knight, Fay, left Stockport Rd, Tesco Gee Cross, left Stockport Rd, Clarkes Arms, right Lumn Rd, straight on Lumn Rd, left Mottram Rd, Hyde Morrisons, right Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap right Birch ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns directly to Astley from Aldi in Hyde via Clark Wy, Bennett St and Ashton Rd

Mon 13/3/17 - 6m Round Stamford Park and back via Duki

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, to end, right Stamford St, left Astley Rd, [Effort 1: from the bottom of Astley Rd to Stamford Gv, just over halfway up] to top, left Darnton Rd, to lights, sharp left Montague Rd, left Beaufort Rd, left Stamford St, right Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 2: from start of Whitelands to Plantation St on the left] to end, left Crescent Rd, [Effort 3: from Wharf St to Old General] right Astley St, left King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the ends of Richmond Rd] right Birch ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 8/3/17 - 10m (6m option) Duki, Newton, Duki

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, iTrain (former Duki Baths), Duki Morrisons, straight on and down the hill past the Old General, left Wharf St, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on, over M60, (6m option goes left at lights) past Snipe, over canal bridge, sharp left at the lights (car sales was formerly Lockwood & Greenwood) Audenshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, right at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, over M67, left Manchester Rd, 3rd right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns directly from just before the Snipe via Moos Wy, bear left at lights, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Guide Bridge station, Sun Inn, lef Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley

6m map

Mon 6/3/17 - 6m Duki, Newton, Duki

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, White Bridge, left Victoria St, [Effort 1 bottom of Johnsonbrook to bottom of Lwr Bennett St] Duki Rd, to end right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 2 police station entrance to the lights] straight on Victoria St, left at war memorial Cartwright St, [Effort 3 from junction to top of hill - take extra care at side road and office car park] left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, left Markham St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, right Victoria St, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4 Richmond Rd to Richmond Rd] right at lights then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 1/3/17 - 10m (no short option, a medium 8m) Stalybridge, Mottram, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, Acres Ln to end, right Mottram Rd, up, up and away, cross to left after Stalybridge Celtic and stay on the left until the former Roe Cross pub, then cross to right again, right at mini-roundabout Stalybridge Rd, right at lights Hyde Rd, cross to left as soon as poss, definately well before the roundabout.

8 mile option bear left at roundabout then cross Stockport Rd via the cycle path with great care, looking out for nutters speeding off the roundabout, down Mottram Rd to Hyde

10 mile route continues left at roundabout then cross to right side of road before the traffic lights, right Underwood Rd, left Hattersley Rd East, left Awburn Rd, left Chapman Rd, right Stockport Rd, Alder High School, right Werneth Ave, becomes Lilly St, right Stockport Rd, James North Clock roundabout, bear left Stockport Rd, becomes Market St, right Union St, KFC, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

For 8 miles return directly from Hattersley Roundabout via Mottram Rd, Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 27/2/17 - 6.2m Whitelands, Charles, White Bridge, Throstle Bank

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 4: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 22/2/17 - 10m (6m option) Duki, Ashton, Broadoak, Hurst Cross, Ashton

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left Boyds Wk, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, at one system lights cross over then left and right into Richmond St, over Lord Sheldon Wy, right Knowle Ave, left Oldham Rd (6m option goes right on Oldham Rd and straight back), right at lights Wilshaw Ln, becomes Wood Ln, first exit Broadoak roundabout Alternate Rd, becomes St Albans Av, to end, right Lees Rd, left at lights Kings Rd, becomes Gorsey Ln, straight on at bend Gorsey Ln continues, to end, right Mossley Rd, TGH, bear left at lights Montague Rd, left Beaufort Rd, left Stamford St, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option returns directly from Oldham Rd, Ashton, via Asda Ashton, King St, White Bridge & Dewsnap.


Mon 20/2/17 - 6m Duki Rd, Whitelands, Bayley, Cheetham Hill

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right at lights Bennett St, left Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Duki Rd [Effort 1: from railway bridge near start of Duki Rd to Throstle Bank St], continue on Duki Rd, [Effort 2: far side of Johnsonbrook Rd to Victoria Arms], White Bridge, King St, right Wharf St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 3: far side of Whitelands Rd bend to just before the cross road with Clarence St], straight on Bayley St, to end, right High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, [Effort 4: from traffic lights at bottom or Cheetham Hill Rd to crest of hill] left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 15/2/17 - 10m (6m option) Twisty-turny Duki and Newton

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, left Meadow Ln, left Birch Ln, right Boyds Wk, left King St, White Bridge, becomes Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, to top, left Talbot Rd, straight on at lights Bennett St (6m option returns directly from lights), becomes Lwr Bennett St, right Duki Rd, left Broadway, left Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over King St, Whraf St continues, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd, to end, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight on  Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns directly from the lights at the bottom of Talbot Rd

6m map

Mon 13/2/17 - 6m Dewsnap, Duki Rd, Commercial St, Lumn Rd, Clock, Market St, KFC, Clarendon Rd

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, left Victoria St, [Effort 1: from Victoria Arms to bend just before Johnsonbrook Rd] becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 2: Throstlebank St to railway bridge], right Newton St, left Clark Wy, just before M67 sliproad left down path to Commercial St, [Effort 3: from underpass to end of road] right Commerical Brow, becomes Halton St, right Mottram Rd, left Lumn Rd, straight on at junction, Lumn Rd continues, right Smithy Ln, James North Clock, right Market St, right Union St, KFC, straight on Clark Wy, right Clarendon Rd and cross to left after Park Rd, [Effort 4: from far side of Police Stn entrance up to lights], Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 8/2/17 - 10m (6m option) Chapel, Globe, Sun, Crown, Ruby, Town, Mill, Norbury, Godley, Sussex

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, left down Chapel St, over King St, Chapel St continues, left Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, (6m option returns directly from here), right Manchester Rd, left Ruby St, left Town Ln, right Stockport Rd, straight on at lights Two Trees Ln, to top, left Mill Ln, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, right Gt Norbury St, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, left Dowson Rd, right Stockport Rd, James North Clock, left Smithy Ln, straight over Lumn Rd Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, right Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns directly from Crown Pt via Broomstairs, Clark Wy, Newton St, Old Rd, Bennett St and Ashton Rd

6m map

Mon 6/2/17 - 6m Tame, Sandy, Wharf, Globe, Throstle

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on Tame St, left Park Rd, left Sandy Ln, [Effort 1: to top] right Oxford Rd, right Foundry St, down Crescent Rd, left Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: to top] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, cross to right [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to Broadway] right Broadway, to end, right Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St [Effort 4: railway bridge to crossroads] left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Road, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 1/2/17 - 10m (6m option) Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde, St Anne's, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, straight on Lwr Bennett St, left Duki Rd to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, Aldi, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, right Dowson Rd, opp former Smith Knight Fay left Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, left Stockport Rd, bear left James North Clock roundabout, down Market St through Hyde, (6m option goes straight back from Clark Wy junction) becomes Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, rigth St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes cemetery Rd, right Shepley, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight on over King St and Crescent Rd, bear right Park Rd, over Sandy Ln, to end, right Tame St, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option - come straight back from Hyde via Clark Wy, Newton St, Bennett St and Ashton Road


Mon 30/1/17 - 6m Stalybridge & Duki

Up Yew Tree, left Water Grove Rd, right up path, left down Gorse Hall Rd, right Oak Tree Dr, left Polar Rd, right Fir Tree Ln, left Fir Tree Cr, left Quarry Rs, to bottom, right Acres Ln, Tesco, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, [Effort 1: junction after river bridge up the hill to traffic lights] bear left at the lights, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 2: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Whitelands Rd, becomes Crescent Rd, Old General, right Astley St, straight over King St, Globe, Globe Ln, [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 25/1/17 - 10m (6m option) Ashton, The Moss, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, Right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, to end left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, opp college car park left Curzon Rd, straight over main road and straight on at next lights, becomes Ladbroke Rd, cross over Broadoak Rd bearing slightly left on to Cranbourne Rd, straight over Oldham Rd (6m option goes left here) to Knowle Ave to end, left Richmond St, to end, right Lord Sheldon Wy, over Ashton Moss, bear left then cross Manchester Rd to Moss Way, bear left Guide Bridge Theatre, Guide Ln, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option returns directly via Oldham Rd, Asda Ashton, King St and Dewsnap


Mon 23/1/17 - 6m Godley, Hyde, Newton

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow [Effort 1: from the bottom of the dip to the far side of the motorway bridge] left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, to end, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N [Effort 2: from the bottom of Grange rd N to the mini-roundabout] becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, right Lumn Rd, straight on to continue on Lumn Rd, left at lights Mottram Rd, right Clark Wy, right Clarendon Rd, cross to left, [Effort 3: from far side of Police Stn entrance up to lights] Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, left at war memorial Cartwright St [Effort 4: from start of Cartwirght St all the way to the end] left Talbot Rd, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 18/1/17 - 10m (6m option) Charles St, Asda, Guide Bridge, Ruby, Haughton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, left King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, becomes Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge (6m option goes left), straight on to Guide Bridge Theatre, left down path at lights, Audenshaw Rd, left at roundabout Stamford Rd, right at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln, over M67, left Manchester Rd, 3rd right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, to end, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option left at Guide Bridge Station, Guide Ln,Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe Ln, Dewsnap


Mon 16/1/17 - 6m Whitelands, Charles, Globe, Throstle

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 4: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 11/1/17 - 9m (6m option) Ashton, Audenshaw, Denton, Hyde (Lockwood & Greenwood)

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap Ln, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on, over M60, past Snipe, over canal bridge, sharp left at the lights (car sales was formerly Lockwood & Greenwood) Audenshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, right Denton Rd, left Crown Pt, Broomstairs, Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option - left before Snipe to Moss Wy, Guide Bridge Theatre, Boundary, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bride, Dewsnap


Mon 9/1/17 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Newton

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, becomes Lwr Bennett St, to end, left Duki Rd, [Effort 1: Throstlebank St to railway bridge], right Newton St, left Clark Wy, just before M67 sliproad left down path to Commercial St, [Effort 2: from underpass to end of road] right Commerical Brow, becomes Halton St, left Mottram Rd, [Effort 3: opposite St Paul's Hill Rd to Sheffield Rd] left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, left at war memorial Cartwright St, [Effort 4: bottom of the hill to the top] left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 4/1/2017 - 9.5m (6m option) Hyde, Gee Cross, St Anne's, Duki

Down Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, left Lumn Rd, left Stockport Rd, Tesco Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, Shell Garage, 2nd left, Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, left Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Ann'es Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Rd, becomes cemetery Rd, right Shepley, cross to left, Globe, left Astley St, left Charles St, straight on Wharf St, straight on Wharf St continues, over to Park Rd, over Sandy Ln Park Rd continues, to end, right Tame St, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option returns directly to Astley from Aldi via Clark Wy, Bennett St and Ashton Rd


Wed 21/12/2016 - 9m (6m option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, Right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, to end left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, opp college car park left Curzon Rd, straight over main road and straight on at next lights, becomes Ladbroke Rd, cross over Broadoak Rd bearing slightly left on to Cranbourne Rd, straight over Oldham Rd (6m option goes left here) to Knowle Ave to end, left Richmond St, to end, cross one way system via the crossings then right Stockport Rd to Guide Bridge, at lights left to Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, to top, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

The 6 mile option returns directly from Oldham Rd in Ashton to Astley via Asda roundabout (take extra care at the crossing as the underpass is now closed) King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap


Mon 19/12/16 - this winter's first off road run by head torch

Approx 6 miles of muddy fun, no efforts, all staying together. If you have a head torch please bring it, with charged or fresh batteries!

For those new to this there will be options to escape back on the road should you not be enjoying it. However, everybody who has joined us in the past has had a thoroughly good time smiley

  • Trail shoes required, route will be slippery in places
  • Spare head torches available if you don't have one
  • Change of clothes and shoes advised for afterwards!


Wed 14/12/16 - 9.2m Duki, Shepley, Denton, Haughton Green, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, left Chapel St, left Astley St and cross to right Globe, right Shepley, stay on right, cross to left when going up the hill, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt (6.2 m option returns directly via Hyde and Bennett St) straight on Stockport Rd, straight on at lights Two Trees Ln, right Lancaster Rd, to end, right Mancunian Rd, becomes Haughton Gn Rd then straight on down the road which shall remain nameless so as to not jinx Stacey Holt, to end, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, right Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Henry St, to top, left Dowson Rd, rigth Stockport Rd, 2nd exit from James North Clock roundabout, Smithy Ln, straight over Lumn Rd to Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right  Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley


6.2m map

6.2 m option returns directly via Hyde, Clark Wy, Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd

Mon 12/12/16 - 6.2m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left Boyds Wk, right King St, left Chapel St, left Astley St and cross to right [Effort 1: from Astley St to crest of rail bridge] Globe, right Shepley, stay on right, [Effort 2: from start of hill to opposite Cemetery Rd] stop and cross over then down Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at roundabout St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over M67 and left Hyde Rd, Lowes Arms [Effort 3: bottom of the hill up to the car wash] Aldi, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd stay on left until after rail bridge [Effort 4: Throstlebank St to Lwr Bennett St] right Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley


Wed 7/12/16 - Club Annual Santa Run and raffle

Annual dress up and run sociably together followed by mince pies, raffle, tombola and club London Marathon place draw.


Mon 5/12/16 - 6m (9m option for the mile-hungry) The two Park Roads

Down Yew Tree, straight over then right Birch Ln, to lights, right Oxford Rd, left Sandy Ln, to bottom, left Park Rd, bear left to stay on Park Rd, over Crescent Rd to Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 1: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 2: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 3: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, straight over to Park Dv and right Park Rd, to end, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 4: from School sign after police station to the top college entrance (3rd)] left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

For the greedy go right at Clarendon Rd then the 9m option takes in Hyde, Mottram Rd, Godley Station, Sheffield Rd, High St, Commercial Brow, Victoria St to the former Bay Horse left Talbot Rd, Ashton Rd and straight back to Astley


Wed 30/11/16 - 9m (6.5m option) Mill Ln, Crown Pt, Guide Bridge, Ashton, Whitelands

Down Yew Tree, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, left Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Mill Ln, to top, right mini-roundabout Two Trees Ln, straght on at lights Stockport Rd, Crown Pt, Sun Inn, Guide Bridge, right Stockport Rd, Park Pde, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Wharf St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd, Bayley St, right High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option goes straight back from Crown Pt via Broomstairs, then the way we came (Clark Wy, Bennett St, Ashton Rd)


Mon 28/11/16 - 6.2m Whitelands, Charles, White Bridge, Throstle Bank

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 4: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 23/11/16 - 8m (6 option) Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.

For ~6m return from Sun Inn via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge & Dewsnap.


Mon 21/11/16 - rain, flooding and high winds stopped play!

Wed 16/11/16 - 10m (no short option, a medium 8m) Stalybridge, Mottram, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, to end, right Mottram Rd, up, up and away, cross to left after Stalybridge Celtic and stay on the left until the former Roe Cross pub then cross to right again, right at mini-roundabout Stalybridge Rd, right at lights Hyde Rd, cross to left as soon as poss, definately well before the roundabout, bear left at roundabout then cross Stockport Rd via the cycle path with great care, looking out for nutters speeding off the roundabout, down Mottram Rd to Hyde, right Clark Wy, right Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, right Boyds Wk, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.

For 8 miles return directly from Halton St. Right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 14/11/16 6m Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill, left Lodge Ln Rd, left Meadow Lon, left Birch Ln, right Boyds Wk [Effort 1: from opposite Lissmore Rd to Armadale Rd], right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, [Effort 2: from Oxford Park (Portugal Rd) to opposite Shell garage] left Guide Ln, left Sun Inn, Shepley, stay on left until the bottom of the dip, cross to right, right Globe Ln, [Effort 3: from the far side of first entrance to Ryder Trucks], White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: between the two end of Richmond Rd] right, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 9/11/16 10m Denton, Dane Bank, Denton, Haughton Green, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, left Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Clark Wy right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, Crown Pt, straight on Manchester Rd through Denton and down the dip, past turning to Sainsburys, up to and take turning for KFC/Stable Gate, over M60 on footbridge, to lights, left Hulme Rd, to end, left Windsor Rd, left Windmill Ln over M60 and through industrial area, where road bears left turn right Rose Hill, to end, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, right Stockport Rd, at lights straight ahead to Two Trees Ln, left at top Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 7/11/16 6.2m Dewsnap, Globe, Whitelands, Stalybridge

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, [Effort 1: 20mph sign to the wall before the entrance on right] Globe, right, cross to left side of road, left Charles St, round bend at bottom of hill to Wharf St [Effort 2: bend to traffic lights], over King St Wharf St continues, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 3: bend to end of road] left Clarence St, right at lights Stamford St, stay on the main road until after crossing the river and canal then right Acres Ln, Stalybridge Tesco, becomes Hight St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, [Effort 4: traffic lights to top of hill] left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 2/11/16 8m (6m option) Stalybridge, Whitelands, Globe, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, Tesco, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, up the hill, bear left at the lights, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, to end, left Whitelands Rd, becomes Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge (6m option returns directly via Dewsnap) right Victoria St becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 31/10/16 6m Hyde, Denton, Shepley, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, over Adge's footbridge, becomes Lwr Bennett St, left Duki Rd, cross to right side of road, [Effort 1: from opposite Throstlebank St to the railway bridge] to end, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, down Broomstairs, Lowes Arms, traffic lights, [Effort 2: from far side of motorway junction to St Anne's Rd] straight on, Crown Pt, right Ashton Rd, Sun Inn, cross at lights then right Shepley, at bottom of dip cross to right [Effort 3: from river bridge to top of canal bridge] Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 26/10/16 10m (5.8m option) Hyde, Hattersley, Mottram, Stalybridge

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left Boyds Wk, left King St, White Bridge, Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Mottram Rd, Godley Stn (5.8m option goes back), Hattersley roundabout (pass on the right hand side watching for fast traffic exiting the roundabout!), Mottram crossroads, left Stalybridge Rd, left Roe Cross Rd, cross to right and stay on that side all the way to Stalybridge Celtic, left Acres Ln, becomes High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option at Godley Station go left Sheffield Rd, High St, Commercial Brow and back via Ashton Rd


5.8m map

Mon 24/10/16 6m The four hills: Pickford, Chapel, Sandy, Quarry

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, right Victoria St, White Bridge, King St, right Pickford Ln, to top, left Town Ln, straight on Crescent Rd, Old General, left Astley St, left King St, Duki Town Hall left Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd, right Park Rd, right Sandy Ln, left Oxford Rd, right Quarry St/Rise, left Salisbury Dv, right Yew Tree, Astley.

[Efforts 1-4 up each of the hills, start very steady and build effort to the top]


Wed 19/10/16 - 9.3m (6.4m option) To Hurst Cross and back

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, right Oxford Rd, left Sandy Ln, becomes Clarence St, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, straight on Queen's Rd, Hurst Cross, becomes Lees Rd, left at lights (Amaani restaurant) Broadoak Rd, first exit at roundabout Broadoak Rd, becomes Henrietta St, bear right Lees St, becomes Turner Ln, under rail bridge, over main road and alongside car park to market, straight on Wellington Rd, over Stamford St, 2nd left Church St, through underpass, right, down steps and left on Lwr Wharf St, right Crescent Rd (6m option goes straight back, up the hill!), right Wharf St, Charles St, Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria Rd, becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, Yew Tree, Astley.

6.4m option returns directly from Lwr Wharf St via Crescent Brow, Duki Morrisions, Birch Ln, Yew Tree.


Mon 17/10/16 - 6.3m To Gee Cross and back

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow [Effort 1: bottom of the dip to the motorway bridge] left Hight St, becomes Sheffield Rd, to end, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N [Effort 2: bottom of the road to the mini-roundabout] up to the top then round onto Mansfield Rd, before the right bend go left over the disused railway line (take extra care if dark and/or leafy underfoot), bear left Peel St, right Grange Rd S, to top, right up through parking spaces to Shaw Ave, to end, left Werneth Av, right Mottram Old Rd, Tesco Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, right at Clarkes Arms just before the clock roundabout, Lumn Rd to end, right Mottram Rd left Halton St, Commercial Brow [Effort 3: bottom of the dip to the lights] Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, Yew Tree, [Effort 4: bottom of Yew Tree to Astley] Astley.


Wed 12/10/16 - 9m (6.5m option) Shepley, Denton, Haughton Gn, Hyde, Commercial Brow

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, Shepley, cross to right of road, Sun Inn straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln then Seymour St, to end, left Manchester Rd, (6m option goes straight on) right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left at lights Two trees Ln, to top, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, into Hyde up Market St to Clock Roundabout, 2nd left then over Lumn Rd to Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option goes straight back from Denton via Crown Pt, Broomstairs, Hyde, Bennett St

6.5m map

Mon 10/10/16 - 6m Stalybridge, Whitelands, Wharf, Charles, Globe, Dewsnap

Up Yew Tree, left Water Grove Rd, right up path, left down Gorse Hall Rd, right Oak Tree Dr, left Polar Rd, right Fir Tree Ln, left Fir Tree Cr, left Quarry Rs, to bottom, right Acres Ln, Tesco, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, [Effort 1: junction after river bridge up the hill to traffic lights] bear left at the lights, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 2: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Whitelands Rd, becomes Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St [Effort 3: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, [Effort 4: Ind Est entranc to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 5/10/16 - 9m (6 opt) Ashton, Audenshaw, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, Crescent Rd, at bottom of steep part left Wharf St, right Cavendish St, cross to left, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, at one was system cross over, Ashton Police Stn, straight on, over M60, (6m option left at lights), past Snipe, over canal, sharp left at car sales, Audenshaw Rd, over M60, former Blue Pig, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, right Victoria St becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option - left Moss Wy, over M60, bear left, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap.

6m map

Mon 3/10/16 - 6.2m Duki, Newton, Duki

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, White Bridge, left Victoria St, [Effort 1 bottom of Johnsonbrook to bottom of Lwr Bennett St] Duki Rd, to end right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 2 police station entence to the lights] straight on Victoria St, left at war memorial Cartwright St, [Effort 3 from bottom of dip to top of hill - take care at side road and office car park] left Talbot Rd, to lights, straight on Bennett St, wobbly bridge, Lwr Bennett St, right Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4 Richmond Rd to Richmond Rd] right at lights then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 28/9/16 9m (6m option) - Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Haughton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, Dewsnap, White Bridge, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, straight on Stockport Rd, left Guide Ln, Guide Bridge Stn, Sun Inn (6m option returns directly via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap), Crown Pt, straight on Stockport Rd, at lights straight on Two Trees Ln, 2nd mini roundabout left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchster Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki RdWhite Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, Yew Tree, Astley


Mon 26/9/16 6m - Hyde, Broomstairs, St Anne's, Shepley, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, left Old Rd, becomes Newton St, [Effort 1: after the lights at the end of Duki Rd to the crest of the motorway bridge - giving way to any pedestrians as necessary] right Clark Wy right Manchester Rd, Broomstairs [Effort 2: exit of the river trail to Lowes Arms] right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right mini-roundabout Sandbrook Wy, becomes cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley, cross to left side, [Effort 3: bus stop at the bottom of hill to the crest of the canal bridge] Globe, left Astley St, stay on Astley St to King St then straight over, [Effort 4: bottom of hill to the top, the Old General] right Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisons, former Duki baths, left Yew Tree, Astley


Wed 21/9/16 10m (6m option) - Hyde, Green Ln, Apple St, Low, Joel, Hyde, White Bridge

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffiled Rd, Godley Stn, straight over Mottram Rd to track, over Almond Wy, under bridge, as track bears left go straight on to footpath through gate, to end, right, then left Green Ln, to top (6m option goes right here), left, trough dip, over hill past stables, right Apple St, to top, straigh on to trail, to Cenotaph, sharp left to gate then trail right to Quarry car park, right, Joel Ln, to end, left Stockport Rd, right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, Aldi, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki RdWhite Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, Yew Tree, Astley

6m option returns via Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, right Clarkes Arms, Lumn Rd right Mottram Rd and back the way we came from Halton St.


Mon 19/9/16   6m - Hyde, disused railway, Apethorn, Canal, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow [Effort 1: bottom of the dip to the motorway bridge], Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, down path to disused railway line, right, [Effort 2: from joining the disused railway to the second bridge] [Effort 3: from the fourth bridge to where the disused railway turns right, just before the end] all the way to Apethorn, down hill and over canal then back under bridge towards Hyde, over two roving bridges, [Effort 4: M67 bridge to Dunkirk Lane] exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, Lower Bennet St, Bennett St, Ashton Rd and straight back.


Wed 14/9/16 - 10m Stalybridge, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Stamford St, left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, to end, straight on Lwr Wharf St, path alongside Asda, left on road, over zebra crossing right, left Park Pde, straight on Stockport Rd, left Guide Ln, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 12/9/16 - 6m Newton, canal, Asda Ashton, canal

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, left mini-roundabout, right just before Flowery Field Church, left down track between church and cricket pitch fence, under railway to Duki Rd, left, right Nursery Rd (just behind industrial units), over canal, down right on ramp to canal towards Ashton (away from the bridge), [Effort 1: Dunkirk Ln bridge to footpath sign] [Effort 2: lift bridge to railway bridge] over the stone bridge at Portland Basin, path to Cavendish St, cross and go through Asda car park with extra care due to construction and shopping traffic, rejoin canal, [Effort 3: from exit of long bridge to lock 2W] stay on canal until just after 3rd lock (3W) exit through hole in fence and out to Clarence St, right then left Tame St, straight on at lights Cheetham Hill Rd [Effort 4: From lights to top of hill], left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 7/9/16 - 9m River, Denton, Town Ln, fields, river trail, Hardy Wood, Haughton Green, river trail

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, left canal, right cobbled path, left river trail, right Manchester Rd, left trail, through 2 sets of gates, right up path to St Lawrence Rd, straight over Stockport Rd to Town Ln, becomes a track, past stables and left down footpath through fields, left at path junction, follow path to Stockport Rd, right then left river trail, left up Hardy Wood path, emerge in Haughton Gn, twisty-turny bit then left Haughton Gn Rd, right Gibraltar Ln, left Newport Rd, right Sandown Dr, right on footpath into trees, left river trail, to Mill Ln, right, right Manchester Rd, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 5/9/16 - 6.2m Whitelands, Charles, White Bridge, Throstle Bank

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, left Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln,  [Effort 3: Industrial estate exit on left near start of Globe Ln to opposite Broadway] White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 4: from Lwr Bennet St to Throstle Bank St] left Throstle Bank St, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 31/8/16 - 10m Ashton, Littlemoss, Canals

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd, becomes Ladbrooke Rd, Old Ball, Cranbourne Rd, straight over Oldham Rd to Knowle Ave, right Richmond St, left Back Ln following the edge of the field, right just before M60 bridge, left at end Lumb Ln, becomes Littlemoss Rd, over rail bridge, round right bend and then left through green barrier to path (~5.5m signpost Snipe Retaill Park), to end, cross straight over Manchester Rd with care and straight on Snipe Way behind shops, bear right top path after B&Q, emerge at lights on Moss Wy, right, over M60, bear right down path after next lights, over canal on China Bridge then down steps on left, right on canal to Ashton, Portland Basin, right, under bridge, under bridge #2 (Dog Lane Bridge) up steps to right exit canal at Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.

Short option: For about six miles return from Oldham Rd via Ashton, Asda, King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap.


Wed 24/8/16 - 10m Haughton & Woodley

Johnsonbrook, Duki Rd, Dunkirk Ln, canal to Hyde, under Manc Rd then over canal, exit to road, over canal left, canalside path, past animal shelter, left to path through trees, over playing fields, left on Mill Ln, over bridge, left river trail, follow to Gibralatar Bridge, right up Gibraltar Ln, left Haughton Gn Rd, right Reid Cl, right to footpath, left at playingfields then right and left to exit via Bakewell Av, over Mancunian Rd and left through hedge, follow the trail forking left at junctions, down to river and left, take right fork to stay close to river, right over footbridge then left, right up road, left after factory, right fork to road, to end (main road), left and immediately left down ramp to canal, stay on canal back to Dunkirk Ln and return via Johnsonbrook Rd.


Mon 22/8/16 - 6.3m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right Birch Ln, Duki ex-baths, left Boyds Wk, to bottom, right King St, Duki Town Hall, down the hill to the lights, left Wharf St, becomes Charles St, [Effort 1: Bend to top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, stay on right, [Effort 2: Bottom of hill up to cemetery Rd], cross over and down cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, over M67, left Hyde Rd, becomes Machester Rd, [Effort 3: Bottom of hill to far side of car wash], left Clark Wy, left Newton St, straight on, [Effort 4: Bottom of hill up to road after church], becomes Old Rd, right at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 17/8/16 - 10m (6m option) River trail/roads to Reddish Vale then river trail & canal back - road shoes fine

A short section at Reddish Vale may be a bit overgrown. The trails will mostly be good going and there's a fair bit of road so road shoes are the best option.

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over, Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, over canal and left on to towpath, right down cobbled path, left on river trail, right at Broomstairs, left down trail, double gates, after second gate right and up to St Lawrence Rd, over Stockport Rd to Town Ln.

[6m option leaves here - left Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, at 2nd mini-roundabout left Mill Ln, to Manchester Rd, right, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, straight on Old Rd, 2nd mini-roundabout right Bennett St, to lights left Ashton Rd, straight back via Cheetham Hill Rd.]

10m option continues down Town Ln, becomes Ross Lave Ln and then a track after the motorway bridge, 50m after a slight right bend take the stile on the left and follow the narrow path down to the river valley and join the main trail (may be overgrown in places), follow trail under motorway bridge and back to Stockport Rd, down the hill then left on the river trail, to Meadow Ln, down the hill and left on to the river trail, cross Gibraltar Bridge and bear left, if you are with me we'll take a mystery tour through the woods and up to the canal, if not follow the left fork up the steps to the canal, left on canal towards Hyde, stay on canal (crossing the two roving bridges) all the way to Dunkirk Ln where we joined it and return the way we came via Duki Rd and Johnsonbrook Rd.


6m map

Mon 15/8/16 - 6m Stalybridge & canal

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, left Trinity St (Tesco entrance) and join the canal going left, towards Ashton, [Effort 1: Bayley St bridge to bridge over the River Tame], carry on along the canal to [Effort 2: second lock (2W) to the next bridge/tunnel] exit canal up ramp to ASDA car park, take extra care for pedestrians and drivers as you go through car park and exit right to Cavendish St, down to canal and Portland Basin, over bridge then back under bridge to Peak Forest Canal towards Hyde, [Effort 3: Lift bridge to rail bridge], exit canal at Globe, Globe Ln, [Effort 4: Indusdrial eastance entranc on left to path just before Ryder Trucks] White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree Astley.


Mon 8/8/16 - 6m Duki & canal

Down Yew Tree, striaght over, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, [Effort 1: 20mph sign to the wall before the entrance on right] Globe, right, cross to left side of road, over the rail bridge [Effort 2: roundabout to left fork down to canal] left Charles St, at bottom of hill left just past tyre yard, straight on to allyway, over marina bridge to canal, over Portland Basin bridge and under the bridge towards Hyde, [Effort 3: low railway bridge to next bridge - Globe] [Effort 4: Dunkirk Ln bridge to motorway bridge] exit up ramp just before motorway bridge and over the bridge, to end, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, wobbly bridge, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd and straight back.


Wed 3/8/16 - 10m (6m option) Over Werneth Low

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Paul's Hill Rd, bear left, over disused railway and continue up Green Ln, to top, left Mottram Old Rd, after stables right to farm track, right Apple St, just after steepest part left on footpath, cross field, exit left down track, pass through houses, right on footpath up field, emerge on another track and follow left, left turn, up small path near houses to another track, join road, go left past Har & Hounds, pass road junction then right down through farm, right on trail, left to West Park, to bottom, right Bowlacre, left Stockport Rd, straight over Dowson Rd to Apethorn Ln, to bottom, and over canal then back under bridge towards Hyde, over two roving bridges, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option turns right at the top of Green Ln then returns via Gee Cross Tesco, Stockport Rd, Market St, Union St, Hyde Morrisons and back the way we came.


6m map

Mon 1/8/16 - 6m Stalybridge, Ashton, Duki

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, to end, left Stamford St, [Effort 1: junction after river bridge up the hill to traffic lights] bear left at the lights, straight on towards Ashton [Effort 2: Granville St (Opp Swan) to railway bridge] left after bridge to Cobden St, right Currier Ln, left Scotland St, right Wharf St, left King St, [Effort 3: from Wharf St to traffic lights], White Bridge, Victoria St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, [Effort 4: railway bridge to Markham St], straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 27/7/16 - Millbrook Monster

Most of the group will be running in the race or helping out.

Mon 25/7/16 Callum's speed session in Cheetham Park

Once again we are running to Cheetham Park (1.5m) where we will do a speed session led by Callum.


Wed 20/7/16   8m - Audenshaw on road then back on canal

Down Yew Tree, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at roundabout, over the M60 near former Blue Pig, to lights, sharp right, Manchester Rd, just before the bridge goes over the canal go down steps to right and join towpath towards Ashton (straight on), canal to Portland Basin then turn right, under the bridge, exit canal at steps just after Globe bridge (the one after the low railway bridge) and return via Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap.


For 6.5 miles turn right at the second roundabout after the Sun Inn, turn left just past the Plaza Indian restaurant to Hanover St N, down steps on right to canal and head towards Ashton away from the bidge you just came down from), then follow route above from Portland Basin.

6.5m map

Mon 18/7/16   6m - Hyde, disused railway, Apethorn, Canal, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow [Effort 1: bottom of the dip to the motorway bridge], Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, down path to disused railway line, right, [Effort 2: from joining the disused railway to the second bridge] [Effort 3: from the fourth bridge to where the disused railway turns right, just before the end] all the way to Apethorn, down hill and over canal then back under bridge towards Hyde, over two roving bridges, [Effort 4: M67 bridge to Dunkirk Lane] exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, Lower Bennet St, Bennett St, Ashton Rd and straight back.


Wed 13/7/16 8m Canal to Guide Bridge, river trail, canal

Down Dewsnap, Globe Ln, Globe, join canal to Ashton, left at Portland Basin towards Manchester, just before 3.5 miles you go under a high concrete bridge, exit up steps just before the next brick bridge (China Bridge #24) then left on Hanover St N, left Audenshaw Rd, right Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, left Tame St (Brother) right Shepley St, straight on to football fields, exit back right corner, over Shepley to Broomstairs Rd, straight on to river trail, follow to Manchester Rd, left, up to car wash, left Wellington St, to end, up path to right, left on canal, exit Dunkirk Ln, left Duki Rd, rigth Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley

For 6m return directly from the Shepley (after football field) via the Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap.


Mon 11/7/16 Hill Reps, drills and strength session

There has been some interest in regular hill reps so we are going to give it a test session next Monday, 11th. There is the option of a normal run for those not interested in getting stronger and faster wink

We will run to Cheetham Park (1.5m) then do a hill rep session along with some running drills. If the grass is dry we will also cover some strength and conditioning exercises which are not only great for improving performance but they also help to reduce the chances of injury. Don't turn up in kit you don't want to be rolling about on the grass in!


Normal run - 6m Stalybridge, Duki

To Cheetham Park entrance with the group then continue to end of road, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, left at lights opposite Stamford Pk to Clarence St, straight on becomes Sandy Ln, to top, right Oxford Rd, right Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, becomes Crescent Rd, down the hill, left Wharf St, left King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.

Normal run route

Wed 6/7/16 - 8m Canal and river

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, join canal to Hyde, leave at Manchester Rd, cross bridge towards Denton and immediatley left down canalside trail, right at end, Raglan St bearing then left through fence to path through wood, cross playing fields to Mill Ln and left up the hill, straight on at roundabout, Jolly Hatters pub then 2nd left Meadow Ln, as hill levels off just before bottom right to river trail, left over first bridge, leaft at far side then right up the road at end of trail, pass factory and left down small path, after dip bear slight left up path to canal, left towards Hyde, return the way we came via Dunkirk and Johnsonbrook.


Mon 4/7/16 - 6m Canal and river

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right then left Dewnsap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, [Effort 1: 20mph sign to the wall before the entrance on right] Globe, left Shepley, just over the bridge left and down steps to canal, right towards Hyde, [Effort 2: path junction just past Ryder Trucks bridge to footpath signpost] right on footpath, through field, down steps, left through field and emerge on river trail, right over bridge, right to path, follow path to steps, up and over bearing left to stay on main path, down to river, [Effort 3: from the start of the hill to the top of the steps at the crest of the hill] over field then sharp left to main trail, follow trail going left before St Anne's exit, down the hill, over the bridge and stay on river trail to Manchester Rd, left [Effort 4: bottom of hill to car wash] cross over and join canal at Aldi, over bridge then back under the road bridge, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, and return via Johnsonbrook Rd and Cheetham Hill Rd.


Wed 29/6/16 - 8m Stalybridge, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley

Down Yew Trre, right Cheetham Hill, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, left at lights opposite Stamford Pk to Clarence St, right Park Rd, bear left near end of Park Rd and straight over to Wharf St, right King St, becomes Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge station, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.

For about 6 miles return from Wharf St via King St and Dewsnap.


Mon 27/6/16 - 6.2m Newton, XC, Cheetham Park, Canal

Up Yew Tree, right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, left Bradley Gn Rd, left Talbot Rd,  right Cartwright St, bear right to fields, down one bank [Effort 1: the length of the field after the bank] then exit through fence gap at back left of field, left, over Victoria St, right Welch Rd, join footpath, down steps, under M67, up edge of cricket field then left along trail [Effort 2: trail to end], left at end, over M67, straight on past stable before left turn, follow path through fields and then wood, over field and emerge at Rising Moon (swift half?), cross over and down Early Bank Rd, bear right to Waldorf Fields [Effort 3: the length of the 3rd field to the golf course stile], follow path through fields and then over golf course crossing stile on the far side, down the hill a little before following the path up through the woods and along to Cheetham Park, down through the park to exit to Acres Ln, left then right Trinity St, join canal going left, towards Ashton [Effort 4: Bayley St bridge to bridge over the River Tame], keep on canal under Bayley St, over the river, past the tall chimney on the right, under Clarence St and then leave canal (at bus depot entrance) through the fence turning back towards Clarence St, (if you come to lock 3W turn round, you've gone too far!) right then left Tame St, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 22/6/16 - 8.2m Newton, Godley, Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde, Canal, Dewsnap

Because I'm miling I have planned an easy to follow route, look after each other!

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becoems Sheffield Rd, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfiled Rd, left Lumn Rd, left Stockport Rd, Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, rigth Dowson Rd, left Market St, through Hyde, becoems Manchester Rd, Aldi, join canal going under bridge towards Ashton, exit bridge #2, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left  Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 20/6/16 - 5.9m Newton, Stalyridge, Duki

Up Yew Tree, right Queensway, over the fields to Newton, left Bradley gn Rd, left Talbot Rd, cross to right, [Effort 1: Cartwright St to mini roundabout] cross over, left Rexcine Wy, after ind est entranc bear right to footpath, up footpath and straight over golf course to top of Yew Tree, straight on past stables [Effort 2: far side of stables to top of hill] down, theough farmyard to road, bear left down Hough Hill Rd, left Astley St, The Old Thirteenth Cheshire Astley Volunteer Rifleman Corps Inn, right Vaudrey St, left Forrester Dr, left Acres Ln, right Bayley St, [Effort 3: Canal bridge to river bridge] straight on Whitelands Rd, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap [Effort 4: Between the two ends of Richmond Rd], right Birch Ln, left  Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 15/6/16 - 8m Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Tame St, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, left Guide Ln, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, becomes Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right  Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 13/6/16 - 6m Duki and Newton

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, left Meadow Ln, left Birch Ln, right Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 1: between the two ends of Richmond Rd], White Bridge, left Victoria St, [Effort 2: Johnsonbrook Rd to Lwr Bennett St], left Throstlebank St, becomes Spring Gdns, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 3: Police Stn vehicle entrance to traffic lights], straight on Victoria St, [Effort 4: Cartwright St to Mallory Rd], former Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, [Bonus Effort: wink after Business Park entrance to roundabout], down Talbot Rd to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right  Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 8/6/16 - 8.5m Hyde 7 give or take

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, straight through lights, right Lodge Ln, left Newton St, right Clark Wy, left Manchester Rd, becomes Market St, all the way up to the Clock roundabout and then Stockport Rd up to Gee Cross Tesco, left Mottram Old Rd all the way to the Green Bridge then second left Chapman Rd, left Hattersley Rd East, becomes Hattersley Stn, up Chippy Hill, Harehill Tavern, to end, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right  Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 6/6/16 - 6m river and canal

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights and down Dewnsap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, [Effort 1: 20mph sign to the wall before the entrance on right] Globe, left Shepley, through the dip then left Broomstairs Rd to river trail, [Effort 2: gate at start of river trail to right bend] follow trail to Manchester Rd, Hyde, left, up the hill, [Effort 3: Start of hill to far side of car wash] at top of hill enter new estate on left (2nd left after car wash) opposite the car sales place, follow the road round and join canal path towards Ashton [Effort 4: Dunkirk Ln bridge to footpath sign], exit canal at bridge #3 (Ryder Trucks), right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 1/6/16 - 8m Back of 'bridge

Up Yew Tree, over field to Newton and up Talbot Rd, left Victoria St, left before Rising Moon, left fork up track, right, past stables, down through farmyard, out on to road then right along track just past first houses, left down in to Cheetham Park, emerge on Mottram Rd, right then left Fern Bank, left Mottram Old Rd, right through on path through trees, right Demesne Dv, past school, after houses on right follow track up right to playing fields, to back left of playing fields and follow trail right up the hill, at football pitches (or new houses if the pitches have been built on!) left down trail, to road then right and left down trail to Monster start/finish, emerge on main road, cross over and straight on down Grove Rd, just before buildings on left at bottom of hill go left through gap then take the trail up steeply to the left, follow trail until it finishes in a car park then down steps and left on canal tow path, stay on canal past Tesco and until the hard surface finishes, keep on canal under Bayley St, over the river, past the chimney on the right, under Clarence St and then leave canal through the fence turning back towards Clarence St, right then left Tame St, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 25/5/16 - The not Dovestone Diamond: 8m Back o Ashton, Guide Bridge, Duki

Down, right Cheetham Hill Rd, Tame St, right Clarence St, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, left Curzon Rd, Old Ball, Cranbourne Rd, straight over Oldham Rd to Knowle Ave, left Richmond St, right Lord Sheldon Wy, over the Moss, bear left then cross Manchester Rd to Moss Way, bear left Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Astley.


Mon 23/5/16 - 6.2m Globe, river, canal, Chapel

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln [Effort 1: from opposite far side of Broadway to exit of industrial park on right] Globe, left Shepley, just past Broomstrairs Rd, as the hill kicks up go left up the grass bank on left to join path, bear left at junctions, emerge on to main trail then bear left across field to follow path alongside river, descend steps then go right to the bridge, left over bridge and follow river trail to football pitch [Effort 2: up path at side of pitch to canal] left on canal, under Dunkrik Ln, [Effort 3: from footpath sign on left to 2nd bridge (Globe)  - a long one, half a mile max effort] exit canal over lift bridge, cross Astley St to Smith St then left Chapel St, over King St [Effort 4: up Chapel St to top] right Foundry St, Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 18/5/16 - 8m Ashton, Guide Bridge, Duki, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left Boyds Wk, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, straight on at lights, Guide Bridge Theatre, left at lights, Indian Plaza, left at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, Shpley, Globe Ln, White Bridge, rigth Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, straight over Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd,right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

For 6 miles return directly from White Bridge


Mon 16/5/16 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Newton, Yew Tree

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, straight on over wobbly bridge to Lwr Bennett St, left Duki Rd [Effort 1: from Lwr Bennett St to Throstle Bank St] to end of Duki Rd, right then left Clark Wy, over Clarendon St then left just before M67 slipway go left down path, emerge on Commercial St, [Effort 2: from the underpass on right to the cadet hut on right] short rest to end & loop, right Halton St, [Effort 3: up the hill to the motorway bridge] straight on to lights, left Mottram Rd [Effort 4: from opposite St Pauls Hill Rd (bus shelter and post box) to Sheffield Rd] left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Halton St, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, former Bay Horse, straight on, left down track before Rising Moon, left at fork up the hill [Optional Effort 5: to top of hill] down Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 9/5/16 6m Cheetham Hill, Gorse Hall, Huddersfield Narrow Canal, Peak Forest Canal, Johnsonbrook

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Gorse Hall Rd, left Lord St, fourth right Labernum Av, left Hawthorn Dv, straight over Quarry Rise and up the grass bank, follow small trail to main track and left down hill, exit to Acres Ln, left, cross after lights and join Huddersfield Narrow Canal towards Ashton, [Effort 1: from first bridge to bridge over river] [Effort 2: from bridge after chimney on right to the first canal lock] exit canal at Asda, bear left through car park then exit and turn right before crossing Cavendish St to rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over bridge and under same bridge to join Peak Forest Canal, [Effort 3: from first bridge (railway) to lift bridge] [Effort 4: long one, 1km, Ryder Trucks bridge #3 to Dunkirk Ln] exit bridge #4 Dunkirk Ln, left Duki Rd. right Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 4/5/16 8m River trail, Haughton Green, Hardy Wood, river trail, canal, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on at lights Johnsonbnrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk L, left canal, right down cobbled path, left river trail,right Manchester Rd, left Watson St to trail, through two gats, bear right and up to St Lawrence Rd, 4th left Whittles Av, straight on along path past cricket green and next path, right at end Vaudrey Ln, left then right Lancaster Rd, bear right on to green at end and through gap at far end of hedge, follow trail then fork left down through Hardy Wood, left on river trail, right down Meadow Ln and lft through car park to river trail, follow trail along river then up a short climb before turning right down trail back towards river, right over Gibraltar Bridge, follow trail left then left fork up to canal, stay on canal back to Dunkirk Ln, exit up lane, straight on Lwr Bennett St, Wobbly B Bridge, left st lights Ashton rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

For a 6m option return from Haughton Green via Mancunian Rd, Tow Trees Ln, Mill Ln, Hyde, Bennett St, Ashton Rd.


Wed 27/4/16 Stride Through the Woods race

Mon 25/4/16 6m Hyde, old railway, canal, White Bridge

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, [Effort 1: from the bottom of the dip to the far side of the M67 bridge] Halton St, lights, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, down path to old railway and right towards Gee Cross, [Effort 2: second bridge to where the path swings left round trees], exit right off old railway at end of effort, bear right and exit on to Haughton St, left Green St, over Dowson Rd to Higher Henry St, left Church St, straight on Woodend Ln, just before canal bridge down left and under bridge towards Hyde, over roving bridge, stay on towpath, [Effort 3: far side of M67 tunnel to Dunkrk Ln bridge] exit canal at Ryder Trucks Bridge (#3) right Globe Ln and cross over, [Effort 4: Everything you have left from the base of the hill up to White Bridge] White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 20/4/16 8m Dewsnap, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.

For ~6m return from Sun Inn via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge & Dewsnap.


Mon 18/4/16 - 6.2m Duki, canal, river trail, canal, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, to end, left Oxford rd, Duki Morrisons, right Foundry St, to top of hill, left Chapel St, straight over King St, Chapel St continues, near end right Smith St, right Astley St then cross immediately and go down trail to canal, over lift bridge and left towards Hyde, under rail bridge, under road bridge then exit up steps to right then left down the hill, Shepley, through dip and left at post box, Broomstirs Rd, to end and up trail, at crest of hill left across field to join trail down to river, stay on trail and emerge at bridgeover river, left, follow trail to football field, up the left side of field to canal, left, under Dunkirk Ln bridge, exit over next bridge to Ryder Trucks, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewnsap Ln, to end, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 11/4/16 - 6m Newton, Cheetham Park, canal, Whitelands, Cheetham Hill

Up Yew Tree, right Queensway, path to Bradley Green Rd, left, to end, left up Talbot Rd, to end, left Victoria St, becomes Matley Ln, left before Rising Moon, left at trail fork up the hill, right at top of hill to Range Rd, past stables, road becomes trail and drops down through a farmyard, straight on then right down farm track, after terrace of houses right to trail, left through gap in wall to Cheetham Park and straight down the wide trail, down to bottom of park and exit on Acres Ln, left then right at lights towards Tesco, join the canal going left, exit canal over the bridge immediately after lock number 2W, to end, right Whitelands Rd, to end, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight on at lights Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree Ln, Astley


Wed 6/4/16 8m 6 option

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hil Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, right and cross Mottram Rd, left Stocks Ln, left Hawke St, right Demesne Dv, past school, after houses on right follow track up right to playing fields, to back left of playing fields and follow trail right up the hill to the new houses, left down trail/new road,, to road then right and left down trail to Monster start/finish, emerge on main road, cross over and straight on down Grove Rd, just before buildings on left at bottom of hill go left through gap then take the trail up steeply to the left, follow trail until it finishes in a car park then down steps and left on canal tow path, stay on canal past Tesco and until the hard surface finishes, just before the next bridge up the steps on left and then go over canal on Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, up hill, becomes Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, becomes Birch Ln, left Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.

For 6 miles at the steps up from the canal head straight back to Astley the way we came


Mon 4/4/16   6m - Hyde, disused railway, Apethorn, Canal, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow [Effort 1: bottom of the dip to the motorway bridge], Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, down path to disused railway line, right, [Effort 2: from joining the disused railway to the second bridge] [Effort 3: from the fourth bridge to where the disused railway turns right, just before the end] all the way to Apethorn, down hill and over canal then back under bridge towards Hyde, over two roving bridges, [Effort 4: M67 bridge to Dunkirk Lane] exit canal at Dunkirk Ln, Lower Bennet St, Bennett St, Ashton Rd and straight back.


Wed 30/3/16   8.3m 6m option ish

Those tapering are encouraged to be lazy.. so pick a bit to spin off  & sling it.

Yew tree lane, right, Cheetham hill rd to lights at end, right, high st becomes acres lane past tesco to lights left then down 50 yds left,  onto canal continue along canal to asda, through car park and join again at cavendish mill down slope to portland basin up & over bridge taking you left on the canal to hyde, depending on light we will carry onto hyde [short option to come off canal & return to astley up globe lane & dewsnap ] i will direct you to correct turn off those carrying on canal come off at roving bridge {aldi} on to clarkway to misubishi garage left up clarendon first left up past the park to end right lodge ln to end left ashton rd, iron bru shop right return to astley.


Wed 23/3/16 8m Zig & zag

Up Yew Tree, left Gorse Hall Rd, over Cheetham Hill Rd to Lodge Ln, to end, right Oxfrord Rd, left Tame St, right Clarence St, to end, right Stamford St, left Ridge Hill Ln, becomes Darnton Rd, to end, left Montague Rd, right Stamford St, left Currier Ln, ton end, left Whitelands Rd, straight on crescent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, left Pickford Ln, right Armadale Rd, right Boyds Wk, left King St, White Bridge, Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 21/3/16 6m Whitelands, Wharf, Charles, Globe, Broadway, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, cross over, left Bayley St, cross roads, straight on Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Whitelands Rd, becomes Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, cross to right, [Effort 3: Globe Ln to Broadway] right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 16/3/16 - 8m (6m option) Godley, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, bear right Mansfield Rd, straight over Lumn Rd to Smithy Ln, James North Clock roundabout, right Market St, left Dowson Rd, right Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, Aldi, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki RdWhite Bridge (6m option goes straight back via Dewsnap), King St, right Wharf St, straight over Wharf St continues, bear right Park Rd, straight over Park Rd continues, right Tame St, straight on Hollins St, becomes Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 14/3/16 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Newton

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, becomes Lwr Bennett St, to end, left Duki Rd, [Effort 1: Throstlebank St to railway bridge], right Newton St, left Clark Wy, just before M67 sliproad left down path to Commercial St, [Effort 2: from underpass on right to end of road] right Commerical Brow, becomes Halton St, left Morttram Rd, [Effort 3: opposite St Paul's Hill Rd to Sheffield Rd] left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, left at war memorial Cartwright St, [Effort 4: bottom of the hill to Talbot Rd - last one, make it count!] left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 9/3/16 - 9m

Yew tree, left, cheetham hill rd, iron bru shop ,right , birch ln  upto dewsnap ln  left,  down to white bridge, left then right globe lane to end, left ,shepley up & over main rd carry onto  r/about, left , corporation rd ,to end over m/way, turn left,  [short option return to astley down hyde rd]  then right ruby st to very end, left onto town ln to end again, then left, past crown point  to pub on right chippy on left turn right turner ln, becomes st annes rd to end, left , down hyde rd past car wash upto bridge left clark way upto 2nd lights rhino on left turn left , up past police station to top left, ashton rd , iron bru shop,right , back to astley.

Mon 7/ 3 /16 - 6m Duki, Hyde, Godley

Down Yew Tree, straight over then right/left Dewsnap. White Bridge, left Duki RdEffort 1 from Dunkirk Ln to railway bridge), right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, cross over Aldi, left up Gt Norbury St (Effort 2 Croft St/Millenium Gn to top of hill), left Church St, straight on to Market St, left/right Nelson St, to end, right Ridling Ln, right Lumn Rd, left Walker Ln, Hyde Baths, left at mini-roundabout Grange Rd N, right Mottram Rd, (Effort 3 from St Pauls Hill Rd to Sheffield Rd) left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Ashton Rd (Effort 4 from Garden St up to Lodge St), right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m map

Wed 2-3-16 - 9 miles-  6 m short option

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln,Crown Pt, carry on through on stockport rd, bear left ?at pub where road bends right at lights, two trees ln upto top r/about left mill ln up to very end out to car wash [broomstairs] stay on market st past bus station to lights near sweatshop left union st down to morrisons right onto mottram rd left at lights onto commercial brow carry on ashton rd duke of sussex, right iron bru shop, return to astley.

For ~6m return from Sun Inn via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge & Dewsnap


Mon 29/2/16 6m Duki Rd, Whitelands, Cheetham Hill

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right at lights Bennett St, left Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Duki Rd [Effort 1: from start of Duki Rd to Throstle Bank St], continue on Duki Rd, [Effort 2: far side of Johnsonbrook Rd to war memorial - opp BMS], White Bridge, King St, right Wharf St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 3: far side of Whitelands Rd bend to just before the cross road with Clarence St], straight on Bayley St, to end, right High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, [Effort 4: from traffic lights at bottom or Cheetham Hill Rd to crest of hill] left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 24.2.16  10m  8 option

Yew tree ln down to cheeetham hill right to lights, right, high st acres ln past tesco left, at lights down and onto stamford rd onto b.p garage on left then at these main lights, cross up to the right ridge hill ln becomes darnton rd across lights near hospital and carry on upto hurst cross, left at traffic lights, onto kings rd, down to set of lights turn right ladbrooke rd to & over little r/about onto next one bear left & left again henrietta st carry on to bottom to ashton centre quick fit garage turn left up penny meadow to funny triangle junction cross rd and carry onto beaufort rd past college  to end turn left at san rocco then right  at lights onto clarence st then right onto whitelands rd, to end, left upto wharf st then right [ 8 miles return to astley up cressy brew ] to lights left king st  white bridge past village to bennet st left up bennet st to ashton rd left & return to astley


Mon 22.2.16  6.1m

Yew tree ln down to cheetham hill rd left to end the left at iron bru shop onto ashton rd to co-op left onto talbot rd up & over 1st roundabout onto 2nd roundabout right [1st effort from r/about to cartwright st, soldier]  to lights at duke of sussex left commercial brew then left onto sheffield rd [2nd effort from shop upto church bend]  continue to end turn right onto mottram rd down to end of morrisons, right onto clarkway down to mitsubishi garage lights right then left onto duky rd  [3rd effort from bridge to throstle bank st ] along to village turn right jonny brook rd, to top cross rd up cheetham hill [last effort from school entrance to yew tree] return to astley.


Wed 17.2.16  9.1m

Yew tree lane to end , left Cheetham hill rd to end left ashton rd past duke of sussex up commercial brow to end right to morrisons left lumb rd over roundabout to top to clarkes arms left, upto tesco then bear right and carry on down to audi garage, right down stockport /dowson rd to after shell garage left down higher  henry st to end then left then right at gt norbury st follow to end left onto manchester rd [ short option return to astley via clark way bennet st  ] upto motorway bridge right st annes ,penny farthing ,take a right sandbrooke way continues cemetery rd to end right shepley brew past globe bear left carry onto astley st at lights at king st right, along king st to white bridge then left dewsnap to end right then left   yew tree, astley.


Mon 15.2.16  6.4m Trail of the chippy.

Up yew tree ln, to salisbury drive turn left follow round to end turn right onto fir tree to end past chippy then right onto gorse hall to the end right onto cheetham hill rd, to the lights at bottom right onto high st [1st effort from chippy to next chippy] on corner of caroline st battered frier left   to end then left again up past train station to top left, onto stamford rd cross rd right up side of park & follow the park round to left  darnton rd then down mellor rd to end left then right at lights [2nd effort from lights down to tame st on left] along tame st to end right up oxford rd past albion pub becomes jeffries drive [ 3rd effort from pub to top of rd ] right onto town ln then left onto pickford ln to bottom then left onto king st along then left onto boyds walk [4th effort from bottom of hill to armadale where hill levels out] to end turn right birch ln along then left into yew tree & return to astley.


Wed 10-2-16  8m  

Down Yew Tree, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at roundabout, over the M60, to lights, sharp right, Manchester Rd, past Snipe retail park, straight on, at one way system cross to middle and cross again to right at far end, Park Parade, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, at lights left Wharf St, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 8-2-16  6.4m 

Down yew tree ln right onto Cheetham hill rd straight to end, over lights onto tame st [first effort over river bridge to end of tame st] at the end of tame st turn right onto clarence st then left onto Whitelands rd to the end, left, lower wharf st upto nursery on the corner right onto, wharf st to lights  left [2nd effort from lights at the bottom up  to next lights] carry on king st to white bridge then duky rd [3rd effort from throstle bank st to end of duky rd ] at the end of duky rd turn left up the hill past new estate turn right onto park rd to end the right again go down alongside the park to the end then left onto clarendon rd  [4th effort from police station to top of hill at lights]  turn left onto ashton rd stay on this rd to, iron bru shop turn right, onto cheetham hill rd, then turn right to return to astley.


Wed 3-2-16  8m 

Down yew tree ln straight on, right into birch ln, continue up past morrisons to old general, left astley st, continue over king st past globe up shepley brew turn left cemetery rd  becomes sandbrook way to end , left onto st annes rd over motorway bridge left hyde rd past car wash to bridge left onto clark way left onto newton st then left at lights onto to duky rd carry on past village white bridge   (short option turn back to astley) carry on king st  turn right astley st, old general , right cressy brew bear right at the monument onto town lane becomes  armadale rd to end, left onto dewsnap lane to end & return to astley.


Mon 1-2-16    6m Stalybridge, Ashton, Duki

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, to end, left Stamford St, [Effort 1: junction after river bridge up the hill to traffic lights] bear left at the lights, straight on towards Ashton [Effort 2: Granville St (Opp Swan) to railway bridge] left after bridge to Cobden St, right Currier Ln, left Scotland St, right Wharf St, left King St, [Effort 3: from Wharf St to traffic lights]White Bridge, Victoria St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, [Effort 4: railway bridge to Markham St], straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 27/1/16 8m (6m option) Back o' Ashton

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on Tame St, right Clarence St, left at lights then right, Mellor Rd, to top, left Darnton Rd, left at lights, Mossley Rd, cros and right Curzon Rd, through lights Ladbrooke Rd, left at mini-roundabout Miller St, left Henrietta St, 3rd right Lees St becomes Turner Ln, cross main road and alongside former Town Hall (if it's stil there?) continue straight on, alongside the market and on to Wellington St, left Church St then right, through underpass just before car park on right, after underpass turn right, down steps and left Lower Wharf St, to end, right Crescent Rd (6m option goes straight back from here) right Wharf St, straight on Wharf St continues, Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, to top, left Old Rd, right at mini-roundabout Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m map

Mon 25/1/16 6m Le quattro colline (the four hills) Pickford, Chapel, Sandy, Quarry

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, right Victoria St, White Bridge, King St, right Pickford Ln, to top, left Town Ln, straight on Crescent Rd, Old General, left Astley St, left King St, Duki Town Hall left Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd, right Park Rd, right Sandy Ln, left Oxford Rd, right Quarry St/Rise, left Salisbury Dv, right Yew Tree, Astley.

[Efforts 1-4 up each of the hills, start very steady and build effort to the top]


Wed 20/1/16 8m Dewsnap, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Denton, Hyde, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.

For ~6m return from Sun Inn via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge & Dewsnap.


Mon 18/1/16 6m Whitelands, Wharf, Charles, Globe, Broadway, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, cross over, left Bayley St, cross roads, straight on Whitelands Rd [Effort 1: from the start of Whitelands to the start of the bend] to end, left Whitelands Rd, becomes Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight over King St, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St [Effort 2: from the bend to the top of Charles St] right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, cross to right, [Effort 3: Globe Ln to Broadway] right Broadway, to end, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4: between the two ends of Richmond Rd] right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 13/1/16 8m Godley, Hyde, Denton, Duki.

Somebody, who shall remain nameless but is keen, tall, blonde and female has requested that because we missed them on Monday we should have hard efforts in today's run. Who am I to turn down such a request? They are of course optional!

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, [Effort 1: up Commercial Brow to the motorway bridge] left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, right Mottram Rd [Effort 2: Mottram Rd to opposite St Paul's Hill Rd] left Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, straight over Smithy Ln, right at Clock roundabout Market St, left Dowson Rd, right Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, left Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, [Effort 3: from the river bridge to motorway sliproad - take extra care at Lowes Arms car park] right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes cemetery Rd, [Effort 4: Danny's dog mini-roundabout to end of cemetery Rd] right Shepley and cross to left of road, [Effort 5: from opposite Gate St to the top of the hill] Globe, left Astley St, right Chapel St, straight over King St, [Effort 6: up Chapel St] right Foundry St, becomes Birch ln, Duki baths, left Yew Tree, Astley.

If anybody wants a shorter option coming straight back from the bottom of Gt Norbury is 5.5m.


Mon 11/1/16 will be 5.5m off road by head torch again.

Meet at Dunkirk Lane canal bridge instead of Astley for less road and more of the good stuff!

  • Park on Dunkirk Ln (parking resticions end at 18:00 or can park opposite off Lower Bennett St)
  • Spare head torches available to borrow.
  • Trail shoes would be best but if you don't have any then road shoes will be fine, but will get mucky.
  • Bring a change of clothing and/or a towel to sit on if you are driving home!

We will do a loop of part of the Dennis the Menace course before taking the river trail to Haughton Dale and returning via the canal.


Wed 6/1/16 - 8m Top o' Gee Cross

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, left at mini-roundabout Old Rd, becomes Newton St, rigth Clark Wy, left Market St, James North Clock roundabout, Stockport Rd, all the way up to Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, left Joel Ln, just before the steep bit right Slateacre Rd, up the hill and round to right Highcroft, to end, left Lord Dery Rd, right West Park, to end, right Bowlacre, to end, left Stockport Rd, right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to bottom, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St (6m option returns directly from here up Bennett St), left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree,  Astley.


Mon 4/1/16 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Newton

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, becomes Lwr Bennett St, to end, left Duki Rd, [Effort 1: Throstlebank St to railway bridge], right Newton St, left Clark Wy, just before M67 sliproad left down path to Commercial St, [Effort 2: from underpass to end of road] right Commerical Brow, becomes Halton St, left Morttram Rd, [Effort 3: opposite St Paul's Hill Rd to Sheffield Rd] left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, left at war memorial Cartwright St, [Effort 4: bottom of the hill to the top - last one, make it count!] left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 30/12/15 - 8m (no short option) Stalybridge, Mottram, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, to end, right Mottram Rd, up, up and away, cross to left after Stalybridge Celtic and stay on the left until the former Roe Cross pub then cross to right again, right at mini-roundabout Stalybridge Rd, right at lights Hyde Rd, cross to left as soon as poss, definately well before the roundabout, bear left at roundabout then cross Stockport Rd via the cycle path with great care, looking out for nutters speeding off the roundabout, down Mottram Rd to Hyde, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 23/12/15 - 8m Back o' Ashton

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right at lights, cross and left Bayley St, to end, rigth Clarence St. left Stamford St, right Mellor Rd, to top, left Darnton Rd, left at lights Mossley Rd, right Curzon Rd, becomes Ladbroke Rd, Old Ball, cross Broadoak Rd and bear left Cranbourne Rd, cross Oldham Rd to Knowle Av, left Richmond St, to end, cross at the lights and right Stockport Rd, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 21/12/15 - 6m Duki, Hyde, Newton

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on at lights Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd [Effort 1 from start of Whitelands to the bend] to end, left Crescent Rd, cross to right side, [Effort 2 from Wharf St to Old General] right Astley St, left King St, White Bridge, over bridge and left Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, [Effort 3 bottom of Johnsonbrook to bottom of Lwr Bennett St] left Throstle Bank St, straight on Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 4 police station entrance to Duke of Sussex] left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 16/12/15 - 8m (6m & 10m option) Duki, Shepley, Denton, Haughton Green, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, White Bridge, right King St, left Chapel St, left Astley St, Globe, Shepley, cross to right of road, Sun Inn (6m option goes left and returns via Crown Pt, Brromstairs, Hyde, Bennett St) straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln then Seymour St, to end, left Manchester Rd, 3rd right Acre St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left at lights Two trees Ln, to top, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St,  Old Rd, right at 2nd mini-roundabout, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

10m option goes back via Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, right Astley St, Old General, right Crecent Rd, Duki Morrisons, Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley


6m map

10m map

Mon 14/12/15 - 6m Duki, Newton, Duki

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, Dewsnap, White Bridge, left Victoria St, [Effort 1 bottom of Johnsonbrook to bottom of Lwr Bennett St] Duki Rd, to end right Newton St, left Clark Wy, left Clarendon Rd, [Effort 2 police station entence to the lights] straight on Victoria St, left at war memorial Cartwright St, [Effort 3 from bottom of dip to top of hill - take care at side roadand office car park] left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, left Markham St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, right Victoria St, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, [Effort 4 Richmond Rd to Richmond Rd] right at lights then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 9/12/15 - 8m (6m option) Duki, Denton, Hyde, Godley

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over Johnsonbrook Rd, to bottom, right Victoria St, White Bridge, left Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becoems Manchester Rd, Hyde Aldi (6m option returns directly via Clark Wy, Newton St, Old Rd, Bennett St, Ashton Rd), right Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Higher Henry St, left Dowson Rd, James North Clock roundabout, 2nd left Smithy Ln, over Lumn Rd to Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, to end, right Mottram Rd, Godley Station, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, Yew Tree, Astley.


6m map

Mon 7/12/15 - Annual Santa Run

Down Yew Tree, right Birch Ln, becomes Foundry St, to the top of Chapel St for pictures and sing song at the war memorial. Return for mince pies, goodies, raffle and London Marathon place draw. Raising money for the Mummy's Star charity so please bring some dosh smiley

If people insist I might throw in some Xmas themed hill reps on Chapel St before coming back!


Wed 2/12/15 - 8m (6m option) Godley, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Stn, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, bear right Mansfield Rd, straight over Lumn Rd to Smithy Ln, James North Clock roundabout, right Market St, left Dowson Rd, right Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, Aldi, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge (6m option goes straight back via Dewsnap), King St, right Wharf St, straight over Wharf St continues, bear right Park Rd, straight over Park Rd continues, right Tame St, straigh on Hollins St, becomes Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree, Astley.


6m map

Mon 30/11/15 - 5.5m off road muddy, dark mystery tour round Newton, Stalybridge & Matley by head torch

With the rain we have had it will be very slippery underfoot in some places so trail or fell shoes will be required.

I have a number of spare head torches but if you have one please bring it (and spare batteries if you don't put a fresh set in).


  • will get muddy
  • may fall over in the mud
  • will have fun!
  • may want a change of clothing for afterwards!

The route starts with some easy off roading as a gentle introduction. If you find the experience isn't for you then you can get back on the road from about 1.5 miles and we'll see you back at Astley.

Up Yew Tree a bit then a higgledy-piggledy route with grass, road, mud, trees, some steps and a bit more mud. Something for everyone!


Wed 25/11/15 - 8m (no short option) Stalybridge, Mottram, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, to end, right Mottram Rd, up, up and away, cross to left after Stalybridge Celtic and stay on the left until the former Roe Cross pub then cross to right again, right at mini-roundabout Stalybridge Rd, right at lights Hyde Rd, cross to left as soon as poss, definately well before the roundabout, bear left at roundabout then cross Stockkport Rd via the cycle path with great care, looking out for nutters speeding off the roundabout, down Mottram Rd to Hyde, right Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ahston Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 23/11/15 - 6m Stalybridge, Ashton, Duki

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right High St, to end, left Stamford St, [Effort 1: junction after river bridge up the hill to traffic lights] bear left at the lights, straight on towards Ashton [Effort 2: Granville St (Opp Swan) to railway bridge] left after bridge to Cobden St, right Currier Ln, left Scotland St, right Wharf St, left King St, [Effort 3: from Wharf St to traffic lights], White Bridge, Victoria St, left Johnsonbrook Rd, [Effort 4: railway bridge to Markham St], straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 18/11/15 - 8m (6m option) Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, bear right Mansfield Rd, just before the right bend take the path between the house to the left, over the bridge, up and left Peel St, to end, right Grange Rd, to top of hill, bear right then right again to Shaw Rd, left Werneth Av, right Mottram Old Rd, after the Buxton Inn cross to left of road, Tesco Gee Cross, cross back to right, to end, right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to bottom, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St (6m option returns directly from here up Bennett St), left Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, right Chapel St, right Foundry St, becomes Birch Ln, left Yew Tree,  Astley.


6m map

Mon 16/11/15 -6m Duki, St Anne's, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, right King St, left Chapel St, to end, left Astley St, cross to right side of road [Effort 1: once crossed over to the roundabout at the Globe] right Shepley (stay on right side of road) [Effort 2: from the river bridge to opposite Cemetery Rd] cross over and down Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at mini-roundabout, Penny Farthing, over M67, left Broomstairs [Effort 3: from the start if the hill up to the far side of the car wash], Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, [Effort 4: from Duki Rd lights to Lodge Ln mini-roundabout] becomes Old Rd, right 2nd mini-roundabout Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree,  Astley.


Wed 11/11/15 - 8m (6m option) Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, Duki Baths, left Boyds Wk, rigth King St, Duki Town Hall, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, cross at one way system, Ashton Police Station, straight on, over M60, left at lights Moss Wy, Ashton Fire Station, bear left Guide Bridge Theatre, right Guide Ln, left Sun Inn (6m returns directly via Dewsnap) right cemetery Rd,becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at mini-roundabout, Penny Farthing, over M67, left Broomstairs, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m map

Mon 9/11/15 - 6m Duki Rd, Whitelands, Cheetham Hill

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right at lights Bennett St, left Old Rd, becomes Newton St, right Duki Rd [Effort 1: from start of Duki Rd to Throstle Bank St], continue on Duki Rd, [Effort 2: far side of Johnsonbrook Rd to war memorial - opp BMS], White Bridge, King St, right Wharf St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd [Effort 3: far side of Whitelands Rd bend to just before the cross road with Clarence St], straight on Bayley St, to end, right High St, left Cheetham Hill Rd, [Effort 4: from traffic lights at bottom or Cheetham Hill Rd to crest of hill] left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 4/11/15 - 8m (6m option) Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, straight over Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, Duki Baths, becomes Foundry St, Old General, left Astley St, right King St, Asda, left Park Pde, cross to the middle at one-way system, Ashton Police Stn, straight on Manchester Rd, over M60, left at lights Moss Wy, bear left, Guide Bridge Theatre, right at lights Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bidge (6m option goes straight back from here), right Victoria Rd, becomes Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, to top, straight Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m map

Mon 2/11/15 - 6m Duki, Stalybridge, Duki

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, right Westmorland Av, left, Westmorland Av continues, third right Ciumberland Av, left St John St, straight on through alley and straight over Vicarage Cl, to end, right High St, straight on past Tesco to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, [Effort 1: junction after river bridge up the hill to traffic lights], bear left at lights, straight on at next lights then left at the bottom of the hill to Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, [Effort 2: from the start of Whitelands Rd to the bend], now take it nice and easy, to end, left Crescent Rd, cross over, [Effort 3: from Wharf St up to the Old General], right Astley St, left King St, White Bridge, left Dewsnap Ln, cross to right [Effort 4: from Richmond Rd to Richmond Rd], to top, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 28/10/15 - 8m (6m option) Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde, Newton

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Commercial Brow, Halton St, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, left Lumn Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell garage Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to bottom, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St (6m option returns directly from here up Bennett St) , right at mini-roundabout Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, to top, left Talbot Rd, rigth at lights Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

8m map

6m map

Mon 26/10/15 - 6m Irn Bru, Shepley, Denton, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, Irn Bru shop, right Ashton Rd, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln [Effort 1: Broadway to the Globe], Globe, left Shepley [Effort 2: from broomstairs Rd to Cemertary Rd], Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt left, Hyde Rd, Broomstairs [Effort 3&4: From the M67 exit to the bottom of the hill, easy through the bottom then hard up the hill to the car wash] , left Clark Wy, left Newton St, straight on right at 2nd mini-roundabout Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m map

Wed 21/10/15 - 8m (5.8m option) Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, St Anne's, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, straight over then right Birch Ln, straight on past Duki Morrisons and down the hill, over the river then left at the lights Lower Wharf St, to end, up path to right, alongside Asda, emerge on to Cavendish St and head down the hill to the zebra crossing, cross with care as drivers don't seem to have got the hang of this new crossing yet sad once crossed go right up past the garage and left to Park Pde, straight on bearing left to Stockport Rd, left Guide Ln, Guide Bridge station, left at Sun Inn (5.8m goes straight back from here) right Cemetery Rd, (RIP Danny's dog) becomes Sandbrook Wy, to mini-roundabout, left, Penny Farthing, becomes St Anne's Rd, over motorway, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, right/left Yew Tree, Astley.

8m map

5.8m map

Mon 19/10/15 - 6m Duki, Hyde, Godley

Down Yew Tree, straight over then right/left Dewsnap. White Bridge, left Duki Rd (Effort 1 from Dunkirk Ln to railway bridge), right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, cross over Aldi, left up Gt Norbury St (Effort 2 Croft St/Millenium Gn to top of hill), left Church St, straight on to Market St, left/right Nelson St, to end, right Ridling Ln, right Lumn Rd, left Walker Ln, Hyde Baths, left at mini-roundabout Grange Rd N, right Mottram Rd, (Effort 3 from St Pauls Hill Rd to Sheffield Rd) left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Ashton Rd (Effort 4 from Garden St up to Lodge St), right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m map

Wed 14/10/15 - 8m (6m option) Duki, Denton, Haughton Green, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, left Chapel St, straight over King St, to end, left Astley St, Globe, right Globe Ln, Sun Inn (6m option goes left here), straight on Stamford Rd, left at mini-roundabout Corporation Rd, becomes Taylor Ln then Seymour St, to end, left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, rigth Stockport Rd, bear left at lights Two trees Ln, to top, left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, right after mini-roundabouit Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

8m map

6m option: left at Sun Inn, to Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, right after mini-roundabouit Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m map

Mon 12/10/15 - 6.5m Canal, Stalybridge, Ashton, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight on Tame St, to end, right then left before bridge, join canal path at fence gap, right towards Stalybrdge, exit up ramp after Tesco, left Stamford St, up hill and bear left at lights, left at 2nd lights Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crscent Rd, right Wharf St, left King St, White Bridge, left Dewsnap, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 7/10/15 - 8m Sun Inn, Blue Pig, Snipe, Asda Ashton, Whitelands

Down Yew Tree, Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left at roundabout, over the M60, to lights, sharp right, Manchester Rd, past Snipe retail park, straight on, at one way system coss to middle and cross again to right at far end, Park Parade, right Cavendish St, Asda Ashton, at ligths left Wharf St, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight on Cheetham Hill Rd,  left Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 5/10/15 - 6m Duki, canal, Hyde town centre, Newton

Down Yew Tree, Dewsnap then right Armadale Rd, left Boyds Wk, right King St, left Chapel St, just before end right Smith St then cross Astley St and down the track to the lift bridge over the canal, cross bridge and left to Hyde, at Hyde cross roving bridge then exit to Manchester Rd goiong right, Aldi, straight on, becomes Market St, at lights go left Clarendon St then straight on through pedestrian area, emerge on Clarenndon Pl, KFC, at lights straight over Mottram Rd, Morrisons, left at lights Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 30/9/15 - 8m (6m option) XC to Newton, fields to waterworks, disused railway then roads

Up Yew Tree a little bit, right Queensway, trail to Newton, left Bradley Green Rd, to end, left Talbot Rd, right Cartwright St, to end, left Victoria St, right Mallory Rd, left Hillary Rd, left Ash Tree Rd, to end bear left into field, up filed to top then right along trail through fields, through final squeeze stile and right up to small stables, straight on to track which leads to a bridge over the M67, waterworks, bear left down to Mottram Rd, right, left after railway viaduct then bear right onto track, right Almond Wy, left Firethorn Dv, to end, follow path then left through gap to disused railway, right, exit up ramp on left going back on yourself just before 4 miles, (6m option leaves), right up Stockport Rd, Gee Cross Tesco, right Stockport Rd, right Dowson Rd, 2nd left after Shell Garage Higher Henry St, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, over M67 then left down steps to Mary St, to end, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option  left down Stockport Rd, right Lumn Rd, straight on until lights, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, becomes Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m map

Mon 28/9/15 - 6m Up Yew Tree, Gorse Hall, canal, Wharf St, Charles St, Dewsnap

Up Yew Tree to mini-roundabout, left Tennyson Ave, bear left Macauley Cl, straight on to Gorse Hall then left along field edge and round to right at corner, sharp right and down past the ruins of the hall then sharp left down the drive, follow to end and exit left on High St, past lights then cross and join the canal going left, exit canal over the bridge immediately after lock number 2W, to end, left Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight on Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 23/9/15 - 8m (6m option) Up Yew Tree, Newton, Godley, Gee Cross

Up Yew Tree to the top, down trail, right at bottom of hill, right on Matley Ln, straight on down Victoria St, to lights, left Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right St Pauls Hill Rd, left St Michaels over bridge, left down ramp to disused railway, left on track, to end, exit left up Apethorn Ln, top top, left Dowson Rd, Higher Henry St, Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Lower Bennett St, Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m option leaves railway at Stockport Rd and returns directly via Lumn Rd, Mottram Rd, Commercial Brow and Ashton Rd


6m map

Mon 21/9/15 - 6m Dewsnap, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, Irn Bru shop, right Ashton Rd, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Parade, bear left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge Station, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 16/9/15 - 8m (6.5m option) Hyde, Gee Cross and Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St to end, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end, left Lumn Rd, to end, left Stockport Rd, Tesco Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, after Shell garage 2nd left Higher Henry St, to end, left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, Duki Tn Hall, right Astley St, to top, right Crescent Rd, Duki Morrisons, becomes Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.

6.5m option returns from Duki Rd via Bennett St and Ashton Rd


6.5m map

Mon 14/9/15 - 6m Globe, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, Broomstairs, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap, White Bridge. Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Ashton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, over footbridge, becomes Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, Astley.


Wed 9/9/15 - 10m (6m option) River trail/roads to Reddish Vale then river trail & canal back - road shoes fine

A short section at Reddish Vale may be a bit overgrown. The trails will mostly be good going and there's a fair bit of road so road shoes are the best option.

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over, Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, over canal and left on to towpath, right down cobbled path, left on river trail, right at Broomstairs, left down trail, double gates, after second gate right and up to St Lawrence Rd, over Stockport Rd to Town Ln.

6m option leaves here - left Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, at 2nd mini-roundabout left Mill Ln, to Manchester Rd, right, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, straight on Old Rd, 2nd mini-roundabout right Bennett St, to lights left Ashton Rd, straight back via Cheetham Hill Rd.

10m option continues down Town Ln, becomes Ross Lave Ln and then a track after the motorway bridge, 50m after a slight right bend take the stile on the left and follow the narrow path down to the river valley and join the main trail (may be overgrown in places), follow trail under motorway bridge and back to Stockport Rd, down the hill then left on the river trail, to Meadow Ln, down the hill and left on to the river trail, cross Gibraltar Bridge and bear left, if you are with me we'll take a mystery tour through the woods and up to the canal, if not follow the left fork up the steps to the canal, left on canal towards Hyde, stay on canal (crossing the two roving bridges) all the way to Dunkirk Ln where we joined it and return the way we came via Duki Rd and Johnsonbrook Rd.


6m map

Mon 7/9/15 - 6m canal

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, cross over, just after Bayley St down steps to canal and left, all the way to Asda, through car park to bottom left then exit right and cross, rejoin canal path, over bridge, loop back under bridge to join Peak Forest Canal, exit at Dunkirk Ln, straight over Lwr Bennett St, becomes Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew tree, Astley.


Wed 2/9/15 - 10m (6m option) Over the Low

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, join disused railway and go left, exit up ramp to Green ln, to top, (6m option goes right here) left Stockport Rd, right to farm track just down from the brow of the hill, up Apple Street, at top continue straight to join trail, up towards the Cenotaph, sharp left back to gate, though gate and up hill then right through next gate, follow path to road near quarry car park, right then bear left at junction, along the Low passing the Hare and Hounds and the road junction then right down through farm, right on trail, left to West Park, to bottom, right Bowlacre, left Stockport Rd, straight over Dowson Rd to Apethorn Ln, to bottom, over footbridge to canal path, under bridge towards Hyde, over the first roving bridge, at second roving bridge exit to Manchester Rd and go right, left Clark Wy, over motorway and left Mary St, emerge on to Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd, and back to Astley.


6m Option goes right at the end of Green Ln, right at Tesco Gee Cross, down to Hyde, right just before clock roundabout, Lumn Rd, El Cuba Libre, right Mottram Rd, left Halton St and back the way we came.

6m map

Wed 26/8/15 - 9m (6m option) Debdale loop

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, straight on, over rail bridge, becomes Lwr Bennett St, straight over Duki Rd to Dunkirk Ln, all the way down and join the river trail, right, over the bridge, up then fork left, exit to St Anne's Rd, right, Penny Farthing, straight on, becomes Turner St, at lights right then immediate left Egerton St, to end (6m option leaves here), left Corporation Rd, right Mansfield Ave then left Foxhall Rd, to end, right Manchester Rd N, left under motorway bridge then right Manchester Rd S, left at brow of hill then fork right alongside KFC, over the motorway footbridge, rejoin Manchester Rd, after shops on left cross over to right side of road, at entrance to Debdale Park go sharp right back on yourself to Debdale Ln, becomes Kings Rd, to end, right Audenshaw Rd, at roundabout right Stamford Rd, straight on at Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.


6m Option right Corporation Rd, to end, right Stamford Rd, straight on at Sun Inn, Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.

6m map

Mon 24/8/15 - 6m Newton, Cheetham Park, canal, Whitelands, Cheetham Hill

Up Yew Tree, right Queensway, path to Bradley Green Rd, left, to end, left up Talbot Rd, to end, left Victoria St, becomes Matley Ln, left before Rising Moon, left at trail fork up the hill, right at top of hill to Range Rd, past stables, road becomes trail and drops down through a farmyard, straight on then right down farm track, after terrace of houses right to trail, left through gap in wall to Cheetham Park and straight down the wide trail, down to bottom of park and exit on Acres Ln, left then right at lights towards Tesco, join the canal going left, exit canal over the bridge immediately after lock number 2W, to end, right Whitelands Rd, to end, right Clarence St, left Tame St, straight on at lights Cheetham Hill Rd, left Yew Tree Ln, Astley


Wed 19/8/15 - 8m (6m opt) Boyds, Duki Rd, Hyde, railway, Newton

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch Ln left Boyds Wk, to bottom, left King St, White Bridge, Duki Rd, to end, right Newto St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Chruch St, right Henry St, becomes Higher Henry St, straight over Dowson Rd to Green St, right Haughton St, to end, follow path to disused railway line and turn left (6m option leaves just before 3rd bridge), exit via squeeze stile to Firethorn Dv, right Almond Wy, left trail, Godley Stn, straight over Sheffiled Rd, becomes High St, right, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, Bay Horse, left Talbot Rd, to lights, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.

6m Opt - exit disused railway up path to left just before third bridge, straight down Grange Rd North, to end, left Mottram Rd, right at lights Halton St, Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m map

Mon 17/8/15 - 6.2m Duki, canal, river trail, canal, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, to end, left Oxford rd, Duki Morrisons, right Foundry St, to top of hill, left Chapel St, straight over King St, Chapel St continues, near end right Smith St, right Astley St then cross immediately and go down trail to canal, over lift bridge and left towards Hyde, under rail bridge, under road bridge then exit up steps to right then left down the hill, Shepley, through dip and left at post box, Broomstirs Rd, to end and up trail, at crest of hill left across field to join trail down to river, stay on trail and emerge at bridge over river, left, follow trail to football field, up the left side of field to canal, left, under Dunkirk Ln bridge, exit over next bridge to Ryder Trucks, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewnsap Ln, to end, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 12/8/15 Saddleworth 6

Mon 10/8/15 - 6m Stalybridge, off road to Newton, back on Ashton Road.

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, right Mottram Rd, up the hill to Priory Tennis Club, right in to Cheetham Park, follow the path in to the main park then left and up past the orchard to the ruin, up through the woods then descend to the golf course, over to the fields and emerge to cross Matley Ln near the Rising Moon, through the fields and woods eventually emerging on Everest Rd, left, to end, left/right Harris Dv, right Perry Av, through to Charlton Av, right out to turn left on Victoria St, right Cartwright St, to bottom of dip past the end of the fence on left turn back on yourself on to the fields, all the way to the bottom of the fields to exit in the right corner on to Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 10/8/15 - 6m Stalybridge, off road to Newton, back on Ashton Road.

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, right Mottram Rd, up the hill to Priory Tennis Club, right in to Cheetham Park, follow the path in to the main park then left and up past the orchard to the ruin, up through the woods then descend to the golf course, over to the fields and emerge to cross Matley Ln near the Rising Moon, through the fields and woods eventually emerging on Everest Rd, left, to end, left/right Harris Dv, right Perry Av, through to Charlton Av, right out to turn left on Victoria St, right Cartwright St, to bottom of dip past the end of the fence on left turn back on yourself on to the fields, all the way to the bottom of the fields to exit in the right corner on to Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 5/8/15 - 8m (6m opt) Hyde, disused railway, Apethorn, canal, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, rigth Grange Rd N, at top take path down to disused railway line and turn right, to end, exit on to Apethorn Ln, to bottom, over canal foot bridge then right, towards Hyde, over two roving bridges and exit at Dunkirk Ln, to top, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, after Duki Town Hall turn right at lights Astley St, Old General, right Crescent Rd, becomes Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, becomes Birch Ln, straight  past Yew Tree to the Irn Bru shop then left Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns via Johnsonbrook Rd & Cheetham Hill Rd.

6m map

Mon 3/8/15 - 6.2m Johnsonbrook, river trail to Haughton Dale, canal back

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over, Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, over canal and left on to towpath, right down cobbled path, left on river trail, right at Broomstairs, left down trail, double gates, after second gate left, stay on trail crossing Mill Ln, up and down the steps to emerge at Gibraltar Bridge, cross over and bear left, as the trail sweeps right bear left again up some steps and climb up to the canal, left towards Hyde, stay on canal crossing two roving bridges, exit canal at Dunkirk Ln (bridge #4) and return to Astley the way we came via Johnsonbrook Rd.


Wed 29/7/15 Millbrook Monster - if you aren't running in it then please help out if you can, thank you.

Mon 27/7/15 - 6m Dewsnap, Shepley, Crown Pt, Hyde, Duki Rd, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, straight over then right and left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, left Ashton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, over footbridge, becomes Bennett St, to the lights, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree.


Wed 22/7/15 6m Black Knight Charge race round Daisy Nook - great race and food afterwards

Mon 20/7/15 - 6m Two canals and a bit of a menace

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, almost immediate left before road bridge then down steps to right and left onto Huddesrfield Narrow Canal, stay on canal to Asda, exit through car park and cross Cavendish St, rejoin canal, over bridge then loop round under it to join Peak Forest Canal, at 3.9m (nearly half a mile past Ryder Trucks bridge) exit canal up path to right (Dennis the Menace route), follow path through field and down steps to river, follow to left, over stiles to main river path and go straight ahead, stay on path past Dukirk Ln, exit path left up cobbled path to canal, left then exit at Dunkirk Ln, straight on Lwr Bennett St, over the footbridge, becomes Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 15/7/15 - 8m A bit of everything including Werneth Low

Up Yew Tree and over the fields to Newton, left Bradley Green Rd, left Talbot Rd, right Cartwright St, bear right on to fields, after first football pitch exit left through fence to Victoria St, left then right Welch Rd, to end and down narrow path to underpass, through and up to left, alongside cricket pitch and straight ahead on trail, right at end in to estate, straight on to footpath, over rail bridge and join Barmhouse Ln, left to Sheffield Rd, to end, left then right up trail alongside houses, straigh on trail until just before going under the bridge, go left and up trail slope to bridge then right on disuesed railway, exit up ramp to left and left to Green Ln, to top, left Mottram Rd then right up path to Werneth Low, right through gate and past war memorial then left towards visitor centre, taking right fork down through fields, exit on to Higham Ln, right then left Aspland Rd, bear right on to path and follow right fork down, exit to Baron Rd and down to Stockport Rd, right then left past Tesco, opposite the green left Clough Gate, through woods to disused railway, left/right to exit left to Dowson Rd, cross over then bear right Gower Rd, ro end and right up path/steps to Woodend Ln, left, join canal going right, towards Hyde, exit Dunkirk Ln, left Duki Rd, right Johnsonbrook Rd, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 13/7/15 - 6m Mostly Duki, mostly quick

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hil Rd, to end, right Birch Ln, Duki Morrisons, becomes Foundry St then Crescent Rd, as the hill levels off near the bottom left Wharf St, straight on at lights Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, after mini-roundabout bear right Lodge Ln, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 8/7/15 - 8m Beyond 'bridge

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hil Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, right and cross Mottram Rd, left Stocks Ln, left Hawke St, right Demesne Dv, past school, after houses on right follow track up right to playing fields, to back left of playing fields and follow trail right up the hill, at football pitches (or new houses if the pitches have been built on!) left down trail, to road then right and left down trail to Monster start/finish, emerge on main road, cross over and straight on down Grove Rd, just before buildings on left at bottom of hill go left through gap then take the trail up steeply to the left, follow trail until it finishes in a car park then down steps and left on canal tow path, stay on canal past Tesco and until the hard surface finishes, just before the next bridge up the steps on left and then go over canal on Bayley St, straight on Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, up hill, becomes Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, becomes Birch Ln, left Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.

For 6 miles at the steps up from the canal head straight back to Astley the way we came.


Mon 6/7/15 - 6m Cheetham Hill, Gorse Hall, Newton, Hyde Park

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hil Rd, to end, right High St, straight through next lights then right up through Gorse Hall, to top of drive and right past the ruins, then left along the perimeter path until the top, right through the squeeze stile to Macauley Rd, to end, straight on Tennyson Av, to end, left Yew Tree, to top then straight ahead down the track, right at the bottom, exit right on to Matley Ln, becomes Victoria St, Duke of Sussex, straight on Clarendon Rd, right Park Rd, right through gate into Hyde Park, up to the hall then out along the drive to emerge on Lodge Ln, straight over on to footpath alongside railway, to end, right Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 1/7/15 - 8m (5.5m option) XC to Godley, Green Ln, disused railway, canal, Bennett St

Up Yew Tree and over the fields behind Astley, a short bit of road (Bradley Green, Talbot Rd, Cartwright St, Victoria St) over the fields, past Godley Waterworks, exit on Mottram Rd, down and under rail bridge, left up track, where track bears left take footpath on right, emerge at house then right towards Green Ln, right down Green Ln, just before bridge right down ramp (5.5m option continues over bridge) then left onto disused railway line and back under bridge, continue to end, exit on to Apethorn Ln and down to canal, over footbridge then down steps and under bridge towards Hyde, stay on canal until Dunkirk Ln bridge, exit and up Dunkirk Ln, straight over Lwr Bennett St, over footbridge, becomes Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.


5.5m option - cross bridge and take the second right, down the hill all the way to the bottom, left on Mottram Rd, right at lights Halton St, straight on through Commercial Brow to Duke of Sussex, straight on Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill, right Yew Tree, Astley.

5.5m map

Mon 29/6/15 - 6m Yew Tree, Cheethams Park, canal from Tesco to Asda, King St

Up Yew Tree to the top, left Range Rd, past stables and carry on along track, through farmyard and down the hill, right just past the house on the right, rollow narrow path to wide trail and straight on, left through the gap in the wall to Cheethams Park and go right, along the hillside, down the hill to the building near the community orchard, down through the park and exit at the bottom gate, out on to the road and left on Acres Ln, cross over and turn right in towards Tesco but go straight on and join the canal going left, follow the canal to Asda, exit the car park in the far left and go left on to Cavendish St, becomes King St, straight on to White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree.


Wed 24/6/15 - 10m (6m option) River trail/roads to Reddish Vale then river trail & canal back - road shoes fine

A short section at Reddish Vale may be a bit overgrown. The trails will mostly be good going and there's a fair bit of road so road shoes are the best option.

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, straight over, Johnsonbrook Rd, left Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, over canal and left on to towpath, right down cobbled path, left on river trail, right at Broomstairs, left down trail, double gates, after second gate right and up to St Lawrence Rd, over Stockport Rd to Town Ln.

6m option leaves here - left Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, at 2nd mini-roundabout left Mill Ln, to Manchester Rd, right, Aldi Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, straight on Old Rd, 2nd mini-roundabout right Bennett St, to lights left Ashton Rd, straight back via Cheetham Hill Rd.

10m option continues down Town Ln, becomes Ross Lave Ln and then a track after the motorway bridge, 50m after a slight right bend take the stile on the left and follow the narrow path down to the river valley and join the main trail (may be overgrown in places), follow trail under motorway bridge and back to Stockport Rd, down the hill then left on the river trail, to Meadow Ln, down the hill and left on to the river trail, cross Gibraltar Bridge and bear left, if you are with me we'll take a mystery tour through the woods and up to the canal, if not follow the left fork up the steps to the canal, left on canal towards Hyde, stay on canal (crossing the two roving bridges) all the way to Dunkirk Ln where we joined it and return the way we came via Duki Rd and Johnsonbrook Rd.


6m map

Mon 22/6/15 - 6m mostly off road, a little muddy in places but road or trail shoes fine

Over the fields behind Astley, a short bit of road (Bradley Green, Talbot Rd, Cartwright St) over the fields, Welsh Rd, twisty-turny ending up at the top of Yew Tree before crossing the golf coure and returning via Bradley Green and the same path back to Astley.


Mon 15/6/15 - 6m Hyde Park, Hyde, Canal, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, straight through lights, right Lodge Ln, over rail bridge, left in to Hyde Park, left at Bayley Hall, alongside tennis courts and enter woods, down and cross stream, to end, up to path and right, up the hill and exit via the gate, straight over Park Dv, to end, left Newton St, to end, right Clark Wy, to end, right Manchester Rd, cross over and through stile to canal bridge, over bridge then loop and under, stay on canal to Dukinfield lift bridge (photo), over bridge and up to road, right then left Smith St, left Chapel St, to end, right King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap and straight back.


Wed 10/6/15 - 8m canal to Woodley Tunnel and back

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, right at lights Bennett St, straight on at mini-roundabout, over footbridge, becomes Lwr Bennett St, straight over to Dunkirk Ln, left on to the canal, follow canal all the way to Woodley Tunnel entrance, turn round and follow the same route back.


Mon 8/6/15 - 6m river and canal

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights and down Dewnsap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, through the dip then left Broomstairs Rd to river trail, follow trail to Manchester Rd, Hyde, left, up the hill, at top of hill enter new estate on left (2nd left after car wash) opposite the car sales place, follow the road round and join canal path towards Ashton, exit canal at bridge #3 (Ryder Trucks), right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 3/6/15 - 8m Ashton and beyond with a new bit of trail

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end straight over Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, to end, left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, straight on at lights, Lees Rd, straight on for a mile and a half passing St Damian's, to the brow of the small hill and left on Alt Hill Ln, stay on the lane, round the S bends until just after Faribottom Farm on the right, left turn on to the disused railway/cycleway, follow to end, straight on, Turner Ln to end, go along Warrington St to the right of the Council Offices straight ahead, through Ashton Market, straight on, crossing Stamford St, to end, left down underpass ramp, through underpass, right and down steps, emerge on Lwr Wharf St going left, to end, right Crescent Rd, up the hill, Duki Morrisons, straight on Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 1/6/15 - 6m Stalybridge and Duki

Up Yew Tree, first left Water Grove then up path to right emerging on Gorse Hall Rd, left, second right Oak Tree Dv, left Poplar Rd, right/left Fir Tree Cr, third left Quarry Rise, to bottom, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Mottram Rd, becomes Stamford St, bear left at lights Stmford St continues, bear left after White Horse, Currier Ln, to end, left Scotland St, becomes Crescent St, right Wharf St, straight over at lights, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap and straight back.


Wed 20/5/15 - 8m Dewsnap, river trail to Haughton Dale, Apethorn, disused railway, Godley

Down Yew Tree, Dewnsap, White Bridge, left Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, right Dunkirk Ln, over canal and follow trail down to river, left towards Hyde, under motorway, emerge on Manchester Rd, right then left down trail, through double gates then bear left, follow trail to Mill Ln, cross over and continue on trail, up and dwon steps, cross Gibraltar Bridge, left along trail going up through canal tunnel and following trail round to right to join Apethorn Ln, up the hill and bear left on to the disused railway, follow to the end (barrier) over the bridge then go left following the steep path down the side of the bridge (care needed) to join Brookfold Ln, cross Almond Wy and continue to end, cross Motram Rd, Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 18/5/15 - 6m a fast road route for a change Dewsnap, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, Dewnsap, White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Lower Bennett St, becomes Bennett St, left at lights Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 11/5/15 - 6m Dewsnap, river to Hyde, canal back, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, through the dip and just past Broomstairs Rd as the hill kicks up go up the grassy bank to the left and follow the path, emerges on to the river trail, follow the river trail (turning left before St Anne's) over the bridge and continue all the way to Manchester Rd, Hyde, left up the hill, just after the car wash left Wellington St, all the way to the end, right up trail to canal, left on canal, exit canal at bridge #3 to Ryder Trucks, right Glovbe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 6/5/15 - 8m (5m option) Up Yew Tree, trails, Cheetham Park, Canals to Ashton & Hyde

Up Yew Tree to the top, bear right on to track, down the hill to bottom and left, continue along track under the trees, drop down to right on narrow path along valley to Cheetham Park, down through the park to exit at the bottom and cross Acres Ln, alongside Tesco car park to the canal and turn left towards Ashton, leave canal at Asda, through car park to cross Cavendish St and rejoin canal to Portland Basin, over the bridge then loop back under it to the Peak Forest Canal to Hyde, just before motorway bridge exit right up ramp or steps to Nursery Rd, left and left again Duki Rd, cross and go up path under railway, keep going straight on to emerge at Flowery Field Church, right then left on to Newton St, right at 2nd mini-roundabout Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd and straight back to Astley.

5m option leave canal after short tunnel under Crescent Rd (steps on left) and straight back via Duki Morrisons and Birch Ln.


Wed 29/4/15 - 5.8m The Four Hills

Down Yew Tree, straight on then right/left Dewsnap, White Bridge, right King St, right Pickford Ln, to top, left Town Ln emerge on Crescent Rd and down the hill to the Old General, left Astley St, to bottom, left King St, pass Duki Town Hall and left Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd again, to bottom of hill, right Park Rd, right Sandy Ln, to top, left Oxford Rd becomes High St, right Quarry St becomes Quarry Rise, to top, left Fir Tree Cr, becomes Salisbury Dr, to end, right Yew Tree Ln, down the hill to Astley.


Mon 27/4/15 - 6.5m Dewsnap, Shepley, Dennis the Menace route, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, straight on then right/left Dewsnap White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, left at post box before hill, Broomstairs Rd, one lap of the two lap Dennis route, along river trail to Dunkirk Farm, Dunkirk Ln, Lower Bennett St, Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd and straight back to Astley.


Wed 22/4/15 - Stride Through the Woods race so no run group. Enter the race or help out if you can!

Mon 20/4/15 - 6m Hyde, disused railway, canal, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left at lights Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, to top, down zig-zag path going right on disused railway, at fourth bridge leave the railway and go up to right, emerge left on to Grosvenor Rd, to the bottom and right on farm track over railway then small wooden bridge over canal and right towards Hyde, stay on canal (crossing the two roving bridges) until Bridge #3 (Ryder Trucks) and follow the path to Globe Ln, right, White Bridge, Dewsnap, Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 13/4/15 - 6m Stamford Park parkrun preview - may be muddy so don't wear your best shoes!

Stamford Park parkrun starts on Sat 2 May so I thought we'd best go take a look at the course.

Down Yew Tree, right at lights, Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, left Caroline St, to end, left Market St, becomes Rassbottom St, to top, left then right and up through Stamford Park to the top, over the road to the boating lake and start of the parkrun route. One lap of the route then back down through Stamford Park and return directly to Astley via Clarence St, Tame St and Cheetham Hill Rd.


Wed 8/4/15 - 8m (5.7m opt) Stride route, canal, river trail, Broomstairs, Duki Rd, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left at lights, Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton rd, right Bennett St, becomes Lwr Bennett St (race registration in Youth Centre), straight over Dunkirk Ln (race parking by space rocket on left), over canal and down to farm (start/finish race route) do one loop of race route then canal to Hyde, over roving bridge and exit left on to road, cross bridge then left down canal trail, to end, right then left over grass and through wood to Mill Lane fields, exit bottom left on to Mil Ln, cross over and join river trail, right at junction and through two double gates to emerge on Broomstairs, right towards Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, to top, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


5.7m option exits the canal at Manchester Rd and returns via Clark Wy, Newton St, lodge Ln and Ashton Rd.


Wed 1/4/15 - 8m (5.7m opt) Godley, disused railway, Apethorn, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, left at lights, Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, to end, straight over main road and along short trail, right Almond Wy, left Firethorn Dr, to end, bear left on path, through stile, right on trail, to end, left up Apethorn Rd, to top (former Smith Knight Fay garage) straight over to Stockport Rd, left at Tesco Gee Cross Stockport Rd, James North Clock roundabout, bear left Market St, through Hyde, at B&Q right Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, right Dewsnap Ln, to top, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


5.7m option exits the trail right on to Haughton St, to end, left Market St, right Union St, right Mottram Rd, Morrisons, left Halton St, Commercial Brow, Ashton Rd and straight back.


Mon 30/3/15 - 6m Park Rd, Wharf, Globe, Duki Rd, Lodge Ln

Down Yew Tree, right at lights, Cheetham Hill Rd, straight on at end, Tame St, left Park Rd, straight over junction, Park Rd continues, bear left at one way they straight over, Wharf St, straight over at lights, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St , becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, right at mini-roundabout Lodge Ln, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 25/3/15 - 8m (6m option) Dewsnap, Globe, St Anne's, Hyde, Godley, Newton

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right then left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left at mini-roundabout St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, to end, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, becomes Manchester Rd then Market St, in Hyde town centre go left just before the market and through the pedestrian zone to emerge at the Queens, right, KFC, straight over Mottram Rd,Godley Station, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, to top, left mini-roundabout Talbot Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


6m option returns directly from Mottram Rd/Halton St lights via Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex and Ashton Rd.

6m map

Mon 23/3/15 - 6m Birch Ln, Wharf, Asda Ashton, Police Station, Fire Station, Guide Bridge Train Station, Sun Inn, Globe, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch Ln, Duki Baths, Duki Morrisons, down the hill, left Wharf St, right Cavendish St, Asda, left Park Pde, cross over at one way system, Ashton police Stn, straight on, over M60, left at lights Moss Wy, bear left Gude Bridge theatre, the Boundary, right Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, right Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 18/3/15 - 8.2m (6.5m option) Dewsnap, Sun Inn, Denton, Haughton Green, Mill Ln, Duki Rd, Chapel St

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Ashton Rd, Crown Pt, straight on Stockport Rd, bear left Two Trees Ln, left at 2nd mini-roundabout Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, right Chapel St, to top, right Foundry St, Duki Morrisons, Duki Baths, left Yew Tree, Astley


6.5m option returns directly from Clark Wy via Newton St, Lodge Ln and Ashton Rd

6.5m map

Mon 16/3/15 - 6m Bayley, Wharf, Globe, Bennett

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end,right High St, left Bayley St, to end, left Clarence St, right Park Rd, bear left, straight over Wharf St, straight on at lights, Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, becomes Bennett St, left at lights Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd, right at the lights Yew Tree, Astley


Wed 11/3/15 - 8m Hyde, Mottram, Stalybridge

At the Hattersley roundabout keep to the right to avoid the fast vehicles joining and leaving the M67.

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd cross to the right side of the road and stay on the right all the way to the Hattersley roundabout.

At the roundabout bear right towards McDonalds then cross the road via the cycle path being aware of vehicles leaving the roundabout, head slightly towards Mottram and coss via the cycle path again

After crossing go right towards Mottram crossroads, left at lights Stalybridge Rd, left at mini-roundabout Roe Cross Rd, cross to the right side of the road before the former Roe Cross pub (the pavement on the left runs out, twice), to the top of the hill and down the far side, stay on the right until Stalybridge Celtic then cross to the left, left at the lights Acres Ln, Tesco Stalybridge, becomes High St, left Hollins St, becomes Cheetham Hill Rd, left at the lights Yew Tree, Astley


Mon 9/3/15 - 6m Globe, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, Broomstairs, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap, White Bridge. Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Ashton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, over footbridge, becomes Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, Astley.


Wed 4/3/15 - 9m Boyds, Ashton, Audenshaw, Shepley, Duki Rd, Newton

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch Ln, Duki Baths, left Boyds Wk, right King St, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, at one way cross over to the middle and past Ashton Police Stn, straight on over M60, past Snipe (B&Q, Argos etc.), over canal bridge, sharp left at lights (formerly Lockwood & Greenwood), Audenshaw Rd, over M60, past former Blue Pig, past reservoirs, right at roundabout Stamford Rd, Sun Inn, straight on Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, right Victoria Rd, becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right at 2nd mini-roundabout Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, Astley.


Mon 2/3/15 - 6m Dewsnap, Hyde, Godley

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch Ln, left Dewsnap, White Bridge, left Duki Rd, right Newton St, right Clark Wy, right Manchester Rd, left Gt Norbury St, to top, left Church St, right Henry St, to end, left Dowson Rd, right at lights Market St, at clock roundabout 2nd left Smithy Ln, right then immediate left Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, to end, right Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, becomes Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, Astley.


Wed 25/2/15 - 10m Stalybridge, past Stamford Park, Park Rd Duki, Wharf, Shepley, Sun Inn, Crown Pt, Hyde, Duki Rd, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right High St, becomes Acres Ln, to end, left Stamford St, up the hill and bear left at lights, Stamford St Continues, left at 2nd lights (opp Stamford Pk) Clarence St, right Park Rd, bear left Wharf St, straight over (twice) Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to end, right Astley St, Globe, right Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Aldi, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree Ln, Astley.


Mon 23/2/15 - 6m Hyde, St Anne's, Shepley, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, down Commercial Brow, right Commercial St, to the end of road, straight on to path and keeping left go up the twirly footbridge over M67, down the ramp then fork left to Clark Wy, KFC, straight on Union St, to end, right Market St, through Hyde, B&Q, straight on Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, Dewnsap Ln, to end, right then left Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 18/2/15 - 8m Shepley, Denton, Haughton Gn, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, right Birch Ln, left, Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, Globe, Shepley, Sun Inn, straight on Stamford Rd, left Corporation Rd,becomes Taylor Ln then Seymour St, to end, left Manchester Rd, right Ruby St, to end, left Town Ln, to end, right Stockport Rd, bear left at lights Two Trees Ln, Cock Hotel, at 2nd mini-roundabout left Mill Ln, to end, right Manchester Rd, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, becomes Old Rd, right Bennett St, at lights left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 16/2/15 - 6m Duki, Shepley, St Anne's, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, Right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, to end, left, Duki Morrisons, right Foundary St, becomes Crescent Rd, Old General, left Astley St, straight over Astley St continues, Globe, right Shepley, left Cemetery Rd, becomes Sandbrook Wy, left St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, to end, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, bear right Lodge Ln, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 11/2/15 - 9m (6m option) Ashton, Guide Bridge, Shepley, Hyde

The 6 mile option returns directly from Oldham Rd in Ashton to Astley via Asda roundabout (take extra care due to roadworks in the area, the underpass is now closed) King St, White Bridge, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, Right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, to end left Stamford St, right Beaufort Rd, right Montague Rd, opp college car park left Curzon Rd, straight over main road and straight on at next lights, becomes Ladbroke Rd, cross over Broadoak Rd bearing slightly left on to Cranbourne Rd, straight over Oldham Rd (6m option goes left here) to Knowle Ave to end, left Richmond St, to end, cross one way system via the crossings then right Stockport Rd to Guide Bridge, at lights left to Guide Ln, Sun Inn, left Shepley, Globe, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, to top, straight over Lodge Ln, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 9/2/15 - 6m Duki and Newton

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right Birch ln, Duki Morrisons, right Oxford Rd, becomes High St, right at lights Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, right at lights Bennett St, to mini-roundabout, left Old Rd, left before next mini-roundabout Park Dv, right Park Rd, left Clarendon Rd, Duke of Sussex, straight on Victoria St, left just before war memorial, Cartwright St, to end, left Talbot Rd, right Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 4/2/15 - 8m (5.7m option) Duki, Ashton, Guide Bridge, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, straight over at lights, right Birch ln, left Dewsnap Ln, White Bridge, right King St, Duki Tn Hall, Asda Ashton, left Park Pde, bear left Stockport Rd, Guide Bridge, left Guide Ln, Sun Inn (5.7m option returns directly to Astley via Shepley, Globe, White Bridge & Dewsnap), Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, straight on at lights, Astley.


Mon 2/2/15 - 6m Godley, Hyde, Duki

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, left High St, becomes Sheffield Rd, Godley Station, right Mottram Rd, left Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, to end straight on Smithy Ln, 2nd right at clock roundabout down Market St, all the way down through Hyde and right Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, right Birch Ln, left Yew Tree, straight on at lights, Astley.


Wed 28/1/15 - 8m (6m option) Duki, Stalybridge, Whitelands Rd, Globe, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, right Ashton Rd, Duki Morrisons lights right Oxford Rd, becomes High St then Acres Ln, to end, left Mottram Rd becomes Stamford St, bear left at lights at top of hill Stamford St continues, opp Stamford Park left Clarence St, right Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, up hill to Old General (6m option returns directly to Astley via Birch Ln and Yew Tree), right Astley St, straight over King St at bottom Astley St continues, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Lwr Bennett St, becomes Bennett St, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 26/1/15 - 6.1m

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, through lights, right Lodge Ln, to end, straight over Spring Gdn, becomes Throstlebank St, to end, right Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, Duki Town Hall, right Wharf St, straight over Wharf St continues, becomes, Park Rd, straight on, right Tame St, straight on Hollins St, becomes Cheetham Hill Rd, left Gorse Hall Rd, left Fir Tree Ln, left Fir Tree Cres, up hill, becomes Salisbury Dv, to end, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 21/1/15 - 8m (6.4m option) Half Dewsnap, Astley St, Sun Inn, Broomstairs, Back o Hyde, Duke of Sussex

Down Yew Tree, straight over, right then left Dewsnap, halfway down right Armadale Rd, becomes Town Ln, to end, left, left at Old General, Astley St, straight over at bottom Astley St continues, Globe, right Shepley, Sun Inn, left Ashton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, (6.4m option return directly to Astley via Clark Wy, Newton St, Lodge Ln, Ashton Rd...), straight on up Market St to James North Clock roundabout, 2nd left Smithy Ln, straight over Mansfield Rd, becomes Grange Rd N, left Mottram Rd, right Halton St, becomes Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 19/1/15 - 6m Yew Tree, Park Rd, Wharf St, White Bridge, Lodge Ln

Up Yew Tree a bit, left Water Grove Rd, up path to right, left on Gorse Hall Rd, to end, right Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, straight over Tame St, left Park Rd, straight on until left fork to Wharf St, straight over two main roads on Wharf St, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, to end, left Newton St, right Lodge Ln, to top, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Wed 14/1/15 - 8.2m (6.2m option) Hyde, Gee Cross, St Anne's, Dewsnap

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, straight on, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, become Mansfield Rd, left Lumn Rd, left Stockport Rd, Tesco Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, to end, right Dowson Rd, Shell Garage, 2nd left Higher Henry St, 2nd left Church St, right Gt Norbury St, to end (6m option goes right) left Manchester Rd, Broomstairs, right St Anne's Rd, Penny Farthing, right at mini-roundabout Sandbrook Wy, becomes Cemetery Rd, to end, right Shepley, Globe, Globe Ln, White Bridge, Dewsnap Ln, to end, right Birch Ln then left Yew Tree Ln straight on at lights, Astley.


6.2m option returns from the end of Gt Norbury St via Clark Wy, Newton St, Lodge Ln, Ashton Rd, Cheetham Hill Rd and Yew Tree.

6.2m map

Mon 12/1/15 - 6m Hyde, Godley, Newton

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, left Ashton Rd, through lights then right Lodge Ln, left Park Rd, right Clarendon Rd then left Clark Wy, left down footpath alongside M67 slip road, emerge on to Commercial Rd, right Commercial Brow, becomes Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, Godley Stn, left Sheffield Rd, becomes High St, to end, right Commercial Brow, Duke of Sussex, right Victoria St, to mini-roundabout, left Talbot Rd, to end, right at lights, Ashton Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, Astley.


Wed 7/1/15 - Monthly 10k Time Trial new route

This will be a test run on a new 10k route to see how it goes. I may change the route in the future after getting feedback.

In order to get the 10k distance correct we need to start and finish a short way up the lane from Astley, by the first junction on the right.

Down Yew Tree, right Cheetham Hill Rd, left Lodge Ln, left Meadow Ln, left Birch Ln, Duki Baths, right Dewsnap, White Bridge, right King St, after Duki Town Hall left at lights Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Throstlebank St, to mini-roundabout, left Old Rd, right Bennett St, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln and finish at the first junction past Astley.


Mon 5/1/15 - 6m Dewsnap, Sun Inn, Denton, Hyde, Bennett St

Down Yew Tree, straight on at lights, right Birch Ln, left Dewnsap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, left Shepley, Sun Inn, left Denton Rd, Crown Pt, left Hyde Rd, Broomstairs, Hyde, left Clark Wy, left Newton St, left Duki Rd, right Lwr Bennett St, becomes Bennett St, to lights, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 29/12/14 - 6.1m Park Rd, Charles St, Duki Rd

Down Yew Tree, right at lights, to end, straight on Tame St, to end, right Clarence St, left Whitelands Rd, to end, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, straight on Wharf St continues, becomes Charles St, to top, right Astley St, Globe, left Globe Ln, White Bridge, right Victoria St, becomes Duki Rd, left Throstle Bank St, straight over Lodge Ln, to end, left Ashton Rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree, Astley.


Mon 22/12/14 - 6m it had to be done, the three hills, Merry Xmas!

Down Yew Tree, left at lights, to end, left Ashton Rd, right Bennett St, becomes Lwr Bennett St, to end, right Duki Rd, White Bridge, King St, right Chapel St, to top, left Crescent Rd, right Wharf St, becomes Park Rd, right Sandy Ln, to top, left Oxford Rd, becomes High St, right Quarry Rise, to top, left Fir Tree Cr, becomes Salisbury Dv, to end, right Yew Tree Ln and back down to Astley.


Wed 17/12/14 - 8m (6.4m) Duki, Stalybridge, Duki

Down Yew Tree, straight on at lights, to end, right then left Dewsnap, White Bridge, Globe Ln, Globe, right Astley St, left Charles St, becomes Wharf St, straight over Wharf St, left Crescent Rd, right Whitelands Rd, to end, left Clarence St, right Stamford St, straight on through Stalybridge, cross river and canal, right Acres Ln, becomes High St (6.4m option returns via Cheatham Hill Rd) becomes Oxford Rd, Duki Morrisons, right Foundry St, left Chapel St, left King St, left Dewsnap, to top, right then left Yew Tree Ln, straight on at lights and back to Astley.


Mon 15/12/14 - Meet at new venue Astley Sports Village

6m Hyde, Gee Cross, Hyde

Down Yew Tree, left Cheetham Hill Rd, to end, left Ashton Rd, Duke of Sussex, Commercial Brow, Halton St, to end, left Mottram Rd, right Grange Rd N, becomes Mansfield Rd, left Lumm Rd, left Stockport Rd, to Gee Cross, right Stockport Rd, right Dowson Rd, to end, left Market St, right Union St, becomes Clark Wy, right Clarendon Rd, left Park Rd, right Lodge Ln, left Ashton rd, right Cheetham Hill Rd, right Yew Tree Ln, Astley!
